Tuesday, May 17, 2022

UPDATED: Human Services: 1) Redmond Community Court 2) Nonprofit Funding With Construction Taxes

Council discussed human services programs at their Committee of the Whole  meeting on May 17, 2022

Brook Buckingham, Manager of Human Services, said "it's difficult to receive one-time money to fund nonprofits because you don't want to scale up gaping and in operations, then be back in two years needing more funding."  Brook said she didn't want to invalidate the funding but it was a challenge.  Planning Director Carol Helland, agreed saying it was difficult to use the $2.5 million and suggested greater stability through budgeting.  One-time money is collected from taxes on construction.


Community court participants must not have any violent felony convictions in the last five years; any pending violent felony charges; or a sex offender history.

A community court is an alternative problem-solving court. It differs from traditional court in that it seeks to identify and address the underlying challenges of court participants that may contribute to further criminal activity. Its goal is to build stronger and safer neighborhoods and reduce recidivism.

Having court hearings in a safe, neutral and community-centered location (such as the Redmond library encourages the participants to stay engaged and removes the stigma associated with the courthouse. 

A community resource center is an integral component of community court. The specific services available at each community resource center vary by city. Examples of services available to court participants and all other community members, include:

  • Substance Use Disorder Assessment/Support
  • Mental Health Assessment/Support
  • Public Assistance Support
  • Housing Assistance
  • Employment Assistance
  • GED/Education/Training Programs
  • Food Banks/Food Assistance Programs
  • Civil Legal Aid
  • Dispute Resolution & Mediation Services
The Court meets every Wednesday, 2-4 p.m. at the Redmond library.  The resource center is in an adjoining room.  I volunteer as a "navigator" to escort participants from the courtroom to the resource center.  The public is welcome to visit exhibitors at the resource center when court is in session. 

Councilmember Malissa Stewart wanted to know more about the services and if there were gaps such as home care.  

--Bob Yoder, 5/17/22

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