Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Environmentally Sensitive Light Rail Construction Underway


Construction of the Downtown Redmond Light Rail Extension will impact a swath of trees and riparian habitat along Bear Creek in the vicinity of the Overlake Urgent Care Center west to Creekside Crossing and Redmond Center Open Space.  Clearing and grading permits are required to remove 144 trees to accommodate the rail, Bear Creek "restoration," and construction access. Most of the trees will be planted off site because they won't survive in the wetland areas. For each significant tree removed, 6 saplings will be planted; for each landmark tree removed 18 saplings will be planted. A section of Bear Creek will have to be dredged to create a "back channel" for flood control and wetland habitat. Back channels are also valuable for salmon rearing.

Overall, approximately 500 linear feet of Bear Creek will be "restored or enhanced" when all is said and done.  The Design Builder is encouraged to reuse previously removed trees for onsite habitat features. In addition, Sound Transit plans to purchase off-site wetland mitigation credits at the Keller Farm site further upstream along Bear Creek for any restoration that cannot be accommodated on-site.

All the work near Bear Creek described above is subject to review as part of the City’s shoreline and clearing and grading permits, the Army Corps and the tribes.  Construction is over 3 years out.  

  -- City Council Study Session, 5/28
      Meeting memo (map)

* In 2020 I took a tour of the site with City staff.  They said the light rail will run five feet over Bear Creek.  B.Y.  

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