Sunday, October 14, 2012

Frequently Asked Questions about voting in the General Election - Ballots mailed this week

Ballot Drop Box at Redmond City Hall closes at 8PM November 6
Frequently Asked Questions about voting in the November 6, 2012 Election. 
Ballots will be mailed out 20 days prior to the November 6 Election by King County. 
(Your ballot should be delivered to your home mailbox by this Wednesday or Thursday.)

It's an all Mail Election; no voter booths.

Don't forget to sign your ballot.

QFC at Bella Bottega has two US Post mail-drops:  one just outside of their store and one in the parking lot. 

A "Ballot Drop Box" is located at Redmond City Hall.  You don't need a stamp and can drive through and drop it off from your car, rain or shine.  The Drop Box closes at 8PM on Election Day. 

Photo and report by Bob Yoder

Saturday, October 13, 2012

LETTER: Let the new apartment tax money pay for the improvements downtown

LETTER:  I feel that there are two Redmonds. There is the downtown Redmond with lots of new apartments, stores and transportation options that the city is showering with funds and amenities. And then there is the up-the-hill-neighborhood Redmond where the rest of us live. Up here, our infrastructure has been in place for years. And yet we're supposed to help pay for all the new parks and street development downtown. I doubt that I will use the "new" downtown very much so I really don't want to pay for it. With all the new apartment and commercial buildings downtown, the city will collect a lot more in property tax revenue each year. Let that new tax money pay for the improvements downtown. They shouldn't be taxing all of us to pay for the downtown Disneyland that they're building.

By Sue
Education Hill

Letter in response to "Mayor John Marchione presents his 2013-1014 Budget to Council"

Friday, October 12, 2012

Mayor John Marchione Presents his 2013-2014 Budget to Council

Mayor Marchione Presents his 2013-2014 Budget to City Council and the "Viewing Public"

UPDATED:  The Mayor gave a brief overview of his budget at Tuesday's Study Session with Council.  "Remember, this is a two-year budget but we're working towards a 20-year plan," said Marchione. 

Mayor Marchione stated "2012-2012 Revenue was just below budget, and expenses were 5% below."  The mayor commended staff  "for managing towards the bottom line" which created a net $9.8 million addition to the operating fund balance.

Marchione is proposing to re-invest this $9.8 million surplus into three areas:
  • capital improvements
  • technology
  • an "innovation fund" 
At the same time, Marchione is proposing the following budget actions:
  • a 1% property tax increase ($442,362)
  • 2%/4% water/wastewater utility increases
  • reduction of one employee (out of 620)
  • a 5% transfer from the general fund to the capital fund
  • focus on capital improvements in the urban centers
Marchione said "the good news is the city budget is growing slower than personal income of residents" and attributed this to "a way of being accountable to stakeholders (taxpayers)". 

Councilmember John Stilin encouraged citizens to come out to the two public Hearings on the budget, saying budget approval is the most important responsibility of their office and he sometimes "feels like the May Tag Man."   The Hearings are scheduled at City Hall on October 16 and November 20 at 7:30PM.  You can also send your comments to  

According to the Preliminary Operating Budget 2013-2014, "Total revenues over the biennium equal $581 million, including beginning fund balances and transfers; this is an approximate 7% increase [includes 1% property tax increase] over the 2011-2012 biennium."

Salaries and benefits account for the largest category of general fund expenditures (26%).   Property taxes contribute 8% to operating fund revenues with "Charges for Services" being the largest revene category at 21%.

The 2013-2014 budget is composed of an Operating General Fund and Capital Improvement Project  Fund.  Transportation (roads) constitutes the bulk of all Capital Improvements (67%) for the biennium.  Of Capital Improvement Projects 9% are "enhancements."  The remaining are either "maintenance" (28%) or "resolving deficiencies and service support" (47%). 

Only 66% of the biennium Budget for 2013-1014 goes to Infrastructure (42%) and Safety (24%).   The remainder goes to various programs as directed by a priority process: "Business Community (3%),  "Community Building" (5%), "Clean and Green" (9%), and "Responsible Government" (17%). 

By Bob Yoder

LETTER: Allowing charter schools would expand access to a good public education

Allowing charter schools would expand access to a good public education
By Paul Guppy
Vice President for Research
Washington Policy Center

The school bell rings, and rows of eager young faces turn expectantly to the front of the class as the teacher begins the day’s lesson. These students look forward to graduation day, when they hope to embark on a future made brighter by a good public education. Sadly, for nearly half the students at some public schools, that day will never come. They will drop out instead.

Why would loving parents tolerate a school that fails to educate their children? Often it is because they have no choice. District officials make school assignments and most families can’t afford private school tuition.
Initiative 1240 would help level the playing field and promote fairness by creating a modest charter school program within public education. The initiative would allow up to 40 public charter schools over five years within the state system of 2,345 schools, with up to eight new schools allowed each year. Priority would be given to charter schools that serve at-risk children or those attending low-performing schools.

Charter schools have existed for over 20 years, and today 41 states and the District of Columbia have charters, serving about two million children attending nearly 5,600 schools. A further 600,000 students are on waiting lists.

Charter schools are community based, tuition-free and open to all students. They must meet academic standards and provide the same equal treatment and public safety protections as other public schools.
Charter schools allow the principal flexibility in areas such as scheduling, teacher hiring, budgeting, curriculum and community relations. A charter school can offer longer instructional hours and be open to students on evenings and weekends, regardless of central district rules.

Charter school enrollment would be voluntary. If more families apply than spaces available, students would be chosen by lottery. Charter schools could not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, disability or other protected category. Like other public schools, charters could offer specialized programs for at-risk youth, foster children or students with special needs.

Several large-scale studies show charter schools perform better in educating hard-to-teach students than conventional public schools. For example, a Massachusetts study found that, “Charter Schools in Boston are making real progress in breaking the persistent connection between poverty and poor [academic] results.” Researchers found that in New York City, charter school students scored 31 points higher in math and 23 points higher in English than similar students in nearby schools.

Researchers at RAND found that charter middle school students who went on to a charter high school were seven to 15 percentage points more likely to graduate than those who attended a conventional high school. And students from a charter high school were eight to 10 percentage points more likely to go on to college.
Charter schools in other states are not controversial, but defenders of the status quo vigorously oppose allowing them here. Here are responses to the most common claims made by charter school opponents.

Claim: Charter schools drain money from public schools.
Response: Charter schools are public schools; they do not take money away from public education.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Tulley's at Bella Bottega closed this Sunday at 5PM

A work group huddles with computers around a table as loyal
Tulley's customers buy their last cup of mo-jo.

Tulley's at Bella Bottega to close this Sunday at 5pm

The doors of one of Redmond's most popular neighborhood gathering places will close this Sunday, October 14th at 5PM.  Four Bellevue stores, the Mercer Island store and Kirkland's franchise store will remain open on the Eastside for Tully's Coffee lovers.   
Jen Walsh, the Redmond store manager of two years and past Woodinville manager said, "It's just sad."  Walsh said today was the busiest day since the announcement with about 35 clients crowding the store at 2:30pm.   Profitable Tulley's stores will remain open and those unprofitable will close under Chapter 11.  Jen will be commuting from Woodinville to Tulley's Westlake store.  Lindsay, a co-worker will transfer to Westlake, as well.   
Tulley's at Bella opened it's doors 10 years ago, in advance of the Starbucks store across the street.  There are no known plans for the building at this time.   Tulley's stores at Redmond Town Center (closed Oct 7), Woodinville, Bothell, and Kenmore are closing.   
For FAQ about the closures go to Tulley's corporate website page here.
By Bob Yoder

Editorial: The Times recommends Ross Hunter and Cyrus Habib for 48th Legislative District | Editorials | The Seattle Times

Editorial: The Times recommends Ross Hunter and Cyrus Habib for 48th Legislative District | Editorials | The Seattle Times"

"In the 48th Legislative District, voters should re-elect state Rep. Ross Hunter and elect Cyrus Habib for a team of smart progressives"

-Seattle Times Editorial Board

Read editorial here


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

"ONE REDMOND" Economic Development Organization still in formative stages

Economic Development was a topic of discussion at last night's joint Redmond City Council - Kirkland City Council meeting in Redmond City Hall.  Mayor Marchione described his plans to consolidate the Redmond Chamber, Redmond Economic Development Association (REDA), and Realize Redmond Foundation into one entity, called ONE REDMOND.

BACKGROUND:  The genesis for ONE REDMOND was May 19, 2009 when Council approved $105,500 taxpayer funding of "Angezo Economics" consultant's stragtegic plan for community development.  Soon thereafter the Council approved $200,000 to fund a public-private partnership with newly formed REDA.  $50,000 of these funds were used to fund an Executive Director for Realize Redmond (John Marchione's mayoral campaign manager, Jeni Craswell).  Another $50,000 were spent to fund REDA's Executive Director, Larry Williams.  And another $50,000 were spent on a "feasibility study" to test market "five key elements of the ONE REDMOND plan."  In that study 60 businesses and 20 community members were surveyed in depth.   Currently none of these entities have an Executive Director. (See my July 12, 2011 story "Redmond's Evolving Economic Development Plan")

In the joint Council meeting with Kirkland, Mayor Marchione listed the five key elements of ONE REDMOND as: 1) Capacity to expand in Redmond which is difficult because of land mostly, 2) retaining companies, 3) recruiting employers from Boston, Austin, Silicon Valley and North Carolina - the competition, 4) transportation, affordable housing and other quality of life and community development isssues, and 5) an educated work force - especially a need for machinists and computer programmers. 

The mayor said it's been a difficult process of forming ONE REDMOND and getting people to sign off on the dotted line.  (Below see a list of interim Board members).  "I'm not ready to declare a victory yet but remain optimistic" said Marchione.  

Marchione said he expects "by the 1st quarter of next year ONE REDMOND will be it's own entity and that the Redmond Chamber, REDA and Realize Redmond will have folded into that and no longer exist as their own organizations." 

Councilmember John Stilin said: "ONE REDMOND brings organizations with different interests in one room where they all have to agree on something that's in their mutual interest of all parties involved.  It's no longer 'you-guys', it's 'us-guys.'"

Mayor Marchione said the technology companies on Willows Road had no reason to go to Chamber meetings since they didn't see themselves as retail businesses.  ONE REDMOND gets them more engaged in our economic development. 

According to Council President Pat Vache', the implementing Board of Directors include three members from the Boards of each of the originating organizations (REDA, Realize Redmond, The Greater Redmond Chamber Of Commerce) and three from The City of Redmond :  Read More / See list >>

Lake Washington Institute of Technology Machining Program receives $400,000 in new machines

Students huddle around HAAS lathe
LWIT Machining Technology Program Receives $400,000
In New Machines, has Enrollment Waiting List for Hot Job Market
Kirkland, Wash.: This week Lake Washington Institute of Technology’s Machining Technology program received nine new machines totaling around $400,000, which helps the popular program further increase student skills in the hot manufacturing market. The three Protrack lathe machines, three Protrack milling machines, two high-tech HAAS milling machines, and the cutting edge HAAS lathe with live tooling capability are the latest technology in the manufacturing industry, giving LWIT students a distinct edge when it comes to hands-on experience at graduation.
The new machines are a direct reflection of the booming manufacturing market and demand for skilled machinists. Currently LWIT’s Machining Technology program has 72 enrolled students, including the program’s largest percentage of females in the program’s history, and a waiting list of interested students. The students encompass a vast array of backgrounds from around the region, from a handful of displaced Kimberly Clark workers to those choosing to change careers to recent high school graduates.  Read More >>

Salmon are swimming under the Leary Way Bridge

The Chinook (Kings) have grey-green backs and are usually larger than the red-backed Sockeye
Hi All,
I took this photo of salmon in the Sammamish River October 7 while standing on the narrow pedestrian bridge that parallels the Leary Way Bridge here in Redmond.
I was looking north up the Sammamish River and was surprised to see a large number of red sockeye plus a few chinook schooling down below me. I counted more than 50 sockeye, plus the chinooks. I've never seen them gather like that in years past. I don't know if their behavior might have something to do with the extended dry weather we've been having. 
By John Reinke
Redmond, WA.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

UPDATED: Downtown Construction Build-Out Achieves 50% of 2030 Downtown Density Goal

UPDATED, October 9, 3:28 PM:  According to Mayor John Marchione's density plans at the September 26 "Downtown Construction projects" town meeting, the city has already achieved 50% of their Downtown density goals set for 2030.  This includes 711 dwelling units currently under construction (see table below) and existing newer residential apartments like RED 160, Cleveland, and Veloce. 

According to data listed in the Urban Center Element of the Comprehensive Plan link, the 2030  target  for dwelling units in the downtown is 6,170.  2300 units are on record as built as of 2010.  So 2300 + 711 units = 3011 in 2012 for at least a 50% density.

In the town meeting, Mayor Marchione confused some members of the viewing public saying  "We're planning to be an urban community that's going to be over 2200 units."  He went onto say "There will be $330 million in private investments in building out this vision including 200+ affordable housing units" to achieve a variety of incomes and choices.

With Overlake residential redevelopment getting off to a slow start - and "One Redmond" in hibernation -  it's possible the private sector will build more aggressively downtown.  In fact, an Evergreen Health Hospital official said their parcel west of Redmond Medical Center is slated for apartments rather than another clinic.

One of the drawbacks in building downtown is coping with the high water table when installing underground parking.  The downtown is built over the city aquifer and wellhead protection zone and according to City Planner Gary Lee constrains underground parking.   Lee says the city requires 1.25 parking places for every residential unit which puts a pinch on parking for the downtown.

Despite emerging traffic, parking and pedestrian crosswalk issues from Redmond's rapid downtown residential growth, the Mayor was happy with downtown progress, saying "to have any cranes now in this economic environment is remarkable; to have two cranes and a third one here in 30 days show people want to come here and want to live here and the demand is high.."   According to statistics presented by Steve Bailey, Dir. of Finance in an earlier meeting there are three jobs in Redmond for every living unit. 

Councilmember Emeritus President Richard Cole said before his retirement he felt the City over-committed to taking additional density.  The Mayor said plans and decisions to grow to 4-6 stories downtown were made in l997-1999, long before his time as Mayor. 

Below is a list of current residential downtown construction projects with their number of units totalling 713.   These projects don't include existing projects already built like Veloce (300 units), RED 160 (250 units), and the Cleveland Building, etc. 

85th Street Apartments
85th St. NE and 158th Ave. NE
includes 3,000 square feet of retail
under construction
16345 Cleveland St.
6 stories; 212,556 square feet (includes retail)
under construction
16175 Cleveland St.
6 stories; 205,390 square feet (includes retail)
under construction
7977 170th Ave. NE
2 4-story buildings with a parking garage below
under construction
15815 Bear Creek Parkway
plans call for mixed-use space
approved but on hold due to economy
8525 163rd Court NE
8 units with 96 single-room occupants; 37,168 square feet
under construction

At the current pace of downtown construction it appears the city could significantly over-shoot their 2030 density target of 6170 dwelling units.

Opinion By Bob Yoder

Monday, October 8, 2012

Fundraising Walk for Mental Health Support and Awareness Set for Oct 27

 By on October 5, 2012,  'Kirkland Views"

Redmond City Council team challenged the Kirkland City Council team at the NAMI Walk 2011.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) in Washington will hold its eighth annual public awareness and fundraising walk at Marina Park on Saturday morning, October 27, 2012, in the Seattle suburb of Kirkland.

The national nonprofit’s mission is to help individuals with serious mental illness and their family members by offering information, education, referral services, support and advocacy. As the sole fundraising event for NAMI’s operations across the state, the NAMI Walk of Washington is crucial for the 34-year-old organization.

“We’ve had 45 sponsors from around the state step up, offering a record amount of sponsorship dollars, which cover the cost of the event,” said Walk Manager Annie Koch. “We’re very grateful because this is such a critical fundraiser for us.”

Organizers expect as many as 1,500 participants. The walk will start at 9:30 a.m., with check-in beginning at 8 a.m. The three-mile course (5 kilometers) extends from Marina Park in Kirkland to Carillon Point and back. A shorter course is also planned.  Read More >>

Superintendent Pierce's Fall message to the PTSA

Superintendent's message
Traci Pierce
Dr. Traci Pierce, Superintendent
The summer of 2012 may very well have been the busiest summer ever for Lake Washington School District. All the final work on preparing schools for a new grade configuration had to be completed. That meant everything from finishing additions at Eastlake and Redmond High Schools, moving Northstar and Renaissance Middle Schools to new quarters, and working on the new STEM School, to moving 1936 boxes of textbooks and library books, to helping schools get ready to welcome new students and new teachers. We also had three new elementary school buildings opening through our modernization program, and we made preparations to get laptop computers in the hands of all our secondary students by the end of December.
Despite all these changes, we had a very smooth start to the school year. During the month of September, as in every year, there were issues to be resolved here and there. However, we actually had fewer calls to the superintendent's office than in a "normal" year. I believe the smooth start was a direct result of all the hard work that so many people did to get ready for this extraordinary year.
Now that students are back and school is underway, it is a good time to review my goals for the school district. As the new superintendent, I think it's important for parents to know where we are going and why. In this column, beginning now and continuing in the coming months, I plan to highlight these goals and describe how you as parents can be involved.

As superintendent, my commitment to the school board and to the community is to develop a five-year strategic plan that highlights district direction, performance and innovation. I want to start by making explicit my five strategic goals for our district, which directly connect to our mission and vision.
Strategic Goals:
  1. Academic success for every student
  2. Safe and innovative learning environments
  3. Highly effective personnel
  4. Community engagement and satisfaction
  5. Effective use of resources and fiscal responsibility
In today's column, I want to delve into the first goal area above. As a school district, our first goal must be academic success for every student. Our mission is to ensure our students graduate, and our goal of academic success for every student is key to fulfilling our vision of Every Student Future Ready. Continue Reading >> 
Source:  "Currents,"  Council PTSA Newsletter, Fall 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Seattle Times editorial board reiterates its support of Rob McKenna for governor of Washington

Rob McKenna
The Seattle Times editorial board reiterates its support of Rob McKenna for governor of Washington.

Seattle Times Editorial

Rob McKenna is the best candidate to replace Chris Gregoire as governor of Washington.

For eight years McKenna has been the state attorney general, the same job Gregoire had before becoming governor. Unlike a legislative post, it is a management job, and provides much better preparation for the top job in Olympia than being a congressman in Washington, D.C.

The difference shows. Since this page endorsed him three months ago, the Republican McKenna has shown a greater grasp of detail than his Democratic opponent, former U.S. Rep. Jay Inslee, on a wide range of issues.  Read More >>

Saturday, October 6, 2012

County Councilmember Kathy Lambert convenes first "Youth Advisory Council" for District 3

Youth Advisory Council convened for District 3
Initial meeting raises issues of concern to teens
Last Saturday, King County Councilmember Kathy Lambert convened the first Youth Advisory Council for Council District 3 and welcomed the first half-dozen teens who want to become more informed and involved with public issues and government.
The middle school and high school-age youth met at the Fall City Library and reviewed the roles and operation of government at all levels, followed by discussion of how to engage other youth on issues such as safety, homelessness, substance abuse and education. The initial gathering included students from Redmond High School, Skyline High School, Beaver Lake Middle School, Issaquah High School and Sammamish High School.   Read More >>

Friday, October 5, 2012

Superintendent, parents discuss Rosa Parks Elementary School overcrowding

Superintendent, parents discuss Rosa Parks Elementary School overcrowding

Redmond Reporter Editor
October 5, 2012 · Updated 1:01 PM

Dr. Traci Pierce had barely put the microphone down and stepped off the stage when a group of parents surrounded the new Lake Washington School District superintendent to discuss overcrowding at Rosa Parks Elementary School.
It was feedback time at last Thursday night’s community meeting that drew about 150 people to Rosa Parks, and it was as if Pierce was a coach and the parents were players asking the superintendent about her game plan.
Presently, the Redmond Ridge school is 11 percent over capacity at 793 students, the highest number in the district. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss a long-range plan for Rosa Parks and seek feedback on some potential short-term solutions that could be implemented beginning in the 2013-14 school year.  Read More >>

The Times recommends Republican John Koster in Washington’s 1st Congressional District | Editorials | The Seattle Times

John Koster
The Times recommends Republican John Koster in Washington’s 1st Congressional District | Editorials | The Seattle Times

Republican John Koster is endorsed for the new 1st Congressional District that runs from Redmond to the Canadian border.

Republican John Koster’s small-business roots and practical understanding of the need for a transparent financial system give him an edge in the race to represent the new 1st Congressional District.

Koster’s views about examining tax laws and loopholes and strengthening financial oversight are arguments that need to be heard inside the Republican House caucus on Capitol Hill.

His views are well known and consistently applied over decades in elective office and public service. Koster is in his third term on the Snohomish County Council from Arlington.

He served three terms in the state House of Representatives before his election to the County Council.
Over the course of the campaign season, Koster reiterated that the federal debt, deficit and congressional help for small business are priorities.  Read More >>

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sockeye salmon find easier path through Woodinville video clip and story

Updated Tuesday, Oct 2 at 6:20 PM
Video clip and story

WOODINVILLE, Wash. -- Here they come. The bright red backs of sockeye salmon can be seen struggling their way up Woodinville’s urban streams.

The struggle will be a little easier this year in Woodinville's Little Bear Creek. The Adopt-A-Stream Foundation has done what many thought couldn't be done. They convinced government and private property owners to go along with a plan to remove an old road resting on collapsing concrete culverts.

The rarely used road and crumbling pipes blocked the path of migrating salmon, especially during low water periods. The foundation used a grant to help fund the project, which they hope will help set the table for many more removals.

On Tuesday on the banks of the Little Bear, group members were filled with pride as they watched salmon spawning in a section of the creek that would be impossible for salmon to reach this time of year.

Sockeye salmon photo source:  Google images

City to hold public hearings on the Budget

The City will hold will hold several study sessions beginning in October and running through November to discuss the budget. The public is welcome to offer its comments during two public budget hearings scheduled for October 16th and November 20  at 7:30pm in Council Chambers located at 15670 NE 85th Street, Redmond, 98073.
At the recent town meeting in city hall on downtown projects, Councilman John Stilin when asked indicated a need for the 1% property tax increase owing to "our roads."  Stilin is Chair of the Public Administration and Finance Committee. 
For more information after October 9th and to learn more about the Budget Sessions or to view a copy of the Mayor’s budget visits:
To ask for your own copy of the 2012 Draft City budget, contact Mike Bailey, Finance Director at 425-556-2160 ( or Malisa Files, Deputy Finance Director at 425-556-2166 (

Campaign Update from Ross Hunter

Campaign Update – October 1, 2012
I’ve been relatively quiet this campaign season for a variety of reasons, but thought I’d send out an update on where we are today and what both the campaign season is likely to bring as well as the work I’m doing to prepare for the legislative session.

The Primary
The primary in a race like mine (with only 2 candidates) is largely a beauty contest, and you’re never sure who is voting. I was pleased to get almost 70% of the vote, which means that a chunk of the Republican base supported me, as well as most of the Democrats, or that Democrats voted much more heavily than Republicans. Who knows? Thank you all for your support – I will continue to do the best I can to manage the state in a rational way. It’s hard to make predictions from primary results when the races are close, but this is probably a pretty good predictor.

I’m pleased to have a long list of endorsements in this race from prominent individuals, organizations, businesses and the press. As always, I’m thankful for their temporary lack of judgment. The Seattle Times wrote a glowing piece endorsing me last week.

In House, Position 1, Democratic state Rep. Ross Hunter’s footwork helping push government reforms earns him another term in office — although that work is far from over. Within a sometimes uncooperative caucus, he helped secure key reforms to state pensions, public employee health care and K-12 education.
Hunter was first elected to the House in 2002 and has been a champion of public schools. As chair of the House Ways and Means Committee last session, Hunter played a key role producing a budget that held the line on spending and, especially important, did not cut the K-12 system or higher education.
Hunter’s work trying to ensure that businesses could create jobs is why he is one of only four House Democrats endorsed by the Association of Washington Business.
I don’t have all the endorsements – being a budget chair in down times means you have to say no to some of your friends and that resulted in some groups being less than happy with me. I did the best I could in trying circumstances, and would make the same decisions again given the same fact scenario.

Education Funding 

Redmond Fall Recycling and Collection Event this Saturday

The City is hosting its Fall Recycling & Collection Event this Saturday, October 6th. As part of this, you can dispose of many prescription drugs, over the counter medications, and vitamins. Visit the 2012 Fall Recycling & Collection Event site for more information, times, location, and to see the specifics of what you can/can’t bring. Outside of this event, you can always dispose of most medications at the Group Health Medical Center Pharmacy (15809 Bear Creek Parkway in Redmond)- you do NOT need to be a member of Group Health to take advantage of this great service. Learn more You can find other drop locations in the state by visiting:, however, always read instructions of what can/can’t be disposed of before going.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Join Redmond Mayor John Marchione for the Luke McRedmond Centennial Walk

Redmond, WA – Join Redmond Mayor John Marchione for the Luke McRedmond Centennial Walk to explore the history of Redmond on Saturday, October 13th. The City of Redmond has partnered with Feet First, a non-profit group dedicated to promoting the rights and interests of pedestrians and finding ways to encourage walking. Registration begins at 2pm on the great lawn at Redmond City Hall. The event is FREE!

Select between 6.5 or 3.3 mile trail walks. The longer route will explore the Sammamish River Trail, Redmond/ Puget Sound Energy Trail, Ashford Trail, Bear Creek Trail and a few hidden gems in the neighborhoods. The shorter walk will be concentrated in Downtown and is accessible. Walkers on both routes will have the opportunity to participate in a narrative tour of the downtown historical district led by the Redmond Historical Society. The walks will end back at City Hall with lawn games and music from “Proud Wonderful Me” and “the Foghorns”. Enjoy something delicious to eat after the walk from savory and sweet food trucks.

The walk is family and dog friendly and all ages and abilities are welcome. Mayor Marchione will open the event with a few remarks and lead the start of the walk. For extra fun along the way, stop at five stations along the way and receive playing cards with historical or significant people and places in Redmond. At the end of the walk, use your cards to play in the poker tournament. The best poker hands have a chance to win fantastic prizes!

Come celebrate Redmond’s centennial while enjoying a healthy afternoon of fun and exploration. For more information call Feet First at 206-652-2310 ext.2 or by emailing

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

"Avondale Crest" subdivision on hilly 104th gets another life

As you drive down to the bottom of NE 104th Street near Avondale Road, just past Abbott and Laura's neighborhood garden you may notice that the Avondale Crest short plat land use project is up for review once again!   Nine single family homes are planned (2700 - 4000 sf) on lots ranging from 4000 to 9000 sf.  
According to Redmond resident, Susan Wilkins, "the original 2005 Avondale Crest project expired in March 2012 so Prime Pacific Bank appealed to the City Hearing Examiner in August to reinstate the project."   
Ms. Wilkins appealed the original project a few years back owing to dangerous egress and ingress at the curved, hilly NE 104th entrance to the project.  She is warning the city now that, "104th is routinely closed by snow so residents will be stuck for days if they don't have direct access to Avondale."    
The plat, once called Avondale Villas, was earlier approved for only eight single family homes; it's been upped to nine under the new proposal.  The project road off of 104th rests on a steep slope and second geologic hazard report is required; as is a noise study.  A new traffic study isn't required. 
The original land use was revised to require a speed-feedback radar sign  to slow traffic coming down windy, hilly 104th.  According to a city traffic manager, the developer had to pay a portion of the installation cost.  The radar sign was installed earlier this year - proactively?   
It's too late to formally comment on the new project but the City Planner Thara Johnson welcomes comments or questions on the appeal process.  Her email is:  Phone:  425-556-2470.   
Reported By Bob Yoder

Friday, September 28, 2012

Aerojet manager to discuss Mars exploration at October Redmond Historical Society Meeting

History is happening in the Redmond area and we welcome you to our meeting.  The Redmond Historical Society will meet on Saturday, October 13, 2012, 10:30 to noon at the Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center, 16600 NE 80 Street, Redmond, WA.  

Redmond is home to a rocket manufacturer. Originally known as Rocket Research Company, Aerojet-Redmond is located on the hill above the Sixty Acre soccer fields, just off Willows Road. Rocket Research Company designed and manufactured the Viking Lander engines that originally landed two spacecraft on the Martian surface in 1976. More recently, Aerojet redesigned and manufactured the Mars Science Laboratory Lander engines that delivered the rover Curiosity to the Martian surface on August 5, 2012. 

Ms. Olwen Morgan, Associate Development Engineer for Rocket Research Company, and now Business Development Manager for Aerojet, will discuss the history of Rocket Research Company and its contribution to the space industry, especially Mars exploration.  READ MORE >>

Microsoft offering millions to hire more foreign workers

Microsoft offering millions to hire more foreign workers

Microsoft Corp. said it will offer millions of dollars so it can hire more foreign workers using H-1B temporary visas.

The Seattle Times reports Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) has thousands of high-tech job openings that it can't fill, and by expanding the H-1B program and by greatly increasing the fees charged for those visas, the country could use that money to train Americans to eventually fill those jobs.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Updated: Council Studies Plan To Rejuvenate Old Town District

Pho Restaurant, 2011 - an historic hotel/ photo Yoder

2013: The need for higher and better purposes for the Old Town Downtown neighborhood were discussed at a September city council/mayoral study session.

Leary Way is at the heart of Old Town which is delineated by Cleveland Street, Redmond Way to Gilman and 164th Avenue. Sixteen landmark buildings, 40 years and older, occupy this historic district.     David Scott Meade, Chair of Redmond's Design Review Board, commented on Leary Way at the Council meeting, as follows:
"We are working on new guidelines and standards. I'd like to wrap my arms around the historic district and create an envelope of landscaping, hanging pots, street furniture, paving scapes, and opportunities to promote the businesses and structures that exist here now. I'd like to see a higher and better purposes so we can enjoy them for the next 100 years."  
Miguel Llanos, Landmarks Commissioner said  "There's a Master Plan for the Downtown Park but not for Old Town. Old Town is a vibrant district that uses it's history to make it different from the rest of Redmond and other parts of the Eastside." Miguel ran down a list of Old Town signature historic buildings contributing energy to the downtown core: The Matador, Redmond Sports Bar, Half Price Books, Brown's Garage Liquor Store.

Miguel suggested a guided tour of the vacant second floor of the Pho Restaurant  on Leary- once an historic hotel. "We need to reach out to Old Town tenants and landowners, like the Nelsons", said Miguel, to help rehabilitate the core.  Graffiti is tagged on the metal siding.  The Pho Restaurant building has a new owner and he may be more amenable to removing the metal siding (10/8/13 Council Meeting).   

David Scott Meade agreed that something is needed to be done with the metal siding on the Pho Restaurant and to save, improve, and enhance the Old Town structures, in general. He recommended applying transfer development rights as bargaining chips to trade for improvements. "Incentives are needed now before things change," said Meade, "Leary is the heart of what Redmond is and, as Miguel notes, and we need to be more proactive."

"A Master Plan is needed before Old Town gets overwhelmed," said Llanos.

-- Bob Yoder, 9/2011, Updated 9/2013

Without a Master Plan Old Town rapidly deteriorated.  Leary Way is now the home of a crime-ridden "pot shop," a vape store and crazy utility box art. Two other pot shops are located in Old Town.  Panhandlers hang out.  And an 8-story residential building will wall off the north-end of Leary and plug the historic district. However, Palmers and the RBG offer flowered curbside dining and deck out the holidays with colorful lights. Development of the gas station is still up in the air and providing scarce parking space. 

Redmond Landmarks Commission asks Council to recognize LWSD "History Day" winners

The Redmond Landmarks Commission met with City Council for their first time in a September 11 Work Session, for the most part, to discuss initiating a master plan for the "Old Town."  

At the meeting Tom Hitzroth, Chair of the Landmarks Committee, reminded Council of "National History Day" Competitions.  He announced that half of the entrants to North Puget Sound National History Day came from Lake Washington School District.  Twelve of the LWSD entrants went onto the State finals in May and three went onto the June, 2012 National finals held in Maryland to win awards.

Students work all year submitting papers, exhibits, documentaries, and even performances which are judged in March the N. Puget Sound History Day Competition.   Hitzroth sits on the judge's panel. 

Owing to the wide enthusiasm for history in LWSD, Hitzroth suggested a "Redmond Category" be  created to foster a competition between West and East LWSD students.  He felt LWSD students should be recognized in some way- perhaps by Council - at the regional, state, and national level. 

Council President Pat Vache' agreed and suggested recognition for the national winners was certainly appropriate in Redmond's Centennial Year.  Councilman Hank Margeson concurred adding that more emphasis should be placed on Redmond's native American history.  Will LWSD and the School Board take a leadership roll to extend the competition intra-district? 

Tom Hitzroth noted that Leary Way is three feet higher than it used to be and during redevelopment of Old Town, care should be taken by workers to recover any artifacts.

Reported by Bob Yoder

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

UPDATED: Baccalaureate Co-Chair previews RHS PTSA Meeting

BREAKING NEWS:  I'm still waiting to hear more official results of the meeting, but I can report that a large majority vote was taken to keep the RHS-PTSA as the sponsor for Baccalaureate and to name it "Baccalaureate."  The RHS-PTSA board is yet to announce the location for Baccalaureate 2013.  Over 100 parents attended, including two State PTSA officials to help out with the voting process.  Conversations lasted for about an hour and a half before the votes were taken.  BY  9-27

Dear friends of Redmond High,

You may have heard by now that on Wednesday, September 26 at 7 pm in the RHS
PAC, the RHS PTSA is holding a special General Membership meeting to
determine the fate of Baccalaureate 2013.

As one of the co-chairs of Baccalaureate 2013, I wanted to give you a brief
preview of the issues at hand. A vocal portion of the PTSA Board of
Directors believes that Baccalaureate should be changed as follows:   READ MORE >>

Redmond Police Crack Down on Drivers Who Don't Stop for Pedestrians: KING 5

What do you think looks out of order with this cross-walk?   Good video clip. BY

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Lake Washington School District Board endorses two Kirkland levy Propositions

UPDATED:  As we all know, Redmond has great parks and great funding to support them.  Just look at the most recent $278,200 plus funding approval to re-turf the Hartman Park Babe Ruth baseball field used for Redmond High home games and practices.

Kirkland is not so fortunate.  According to a Parks Board/PTSA  member speaking at a recent School Board Hearing, Kirkland has had to reduce funding for parks maintenance by 20% and reduce capital park improvement by 38% between 2008-2011.   In the meantime, Kirkland has annexed three  neighborhoods including 5 new parks   Kirkland has a "YES to Parks" Proposition 2 levy campaign underway to raise $2.35 million/year to fund parks capital improvements and maintenance, including $1 million to upgrade school play fields. 

Kirkland Parks Levy Proposition 2, if approved, would increase property tax for an average assessed house ($346,000) in Kirkland by $55.36 annually.   The Board voted to endorse the City of Kirkland's Park Proposition 2 unanimously (4-0, Bernard absent).  The proposed tax is scheduled for 2013.  

The City of Kirkland funding gap doesn't stop with parks.  Kirkland, lead by Councilmember Dave Asher asked the School Board to endorse a $3 million/year Proposition One restoration, maintenance, and enhancement levy for their streets and sidewalks:   $2.7 million would fund arteriole preservation, $150,000 for city safe walk routes to schools, and $150,000 for neighborhood traffic, bike, and pedestrian safety measures.  The proposed tax is scheduled for 2013. 

Under the Streets Levy:  50 crosswalks would be upgraded with electronic warning devices.  500 new ADA wheelchair ramps installed. 230 crosswalks re striped. 

Kirkland Streets and Pedestrian Safety Levy Proposition I, if approved, would increase property tax for an averaged assessed house ($346,000 value) in Kirkland by $70.58 annually.  Redmond School Board member Siri Bliesner was "very supportive" of both measures.  Kirkland Councilmember Chris Carlson is a soccer coach and said "they'd be playing in the weeds" without Kirkland's support.  Carlson also noted how the bumps on yellow ADA ramps at intersections provide the blind with tactile feedback for safety.   The Board voted to endorse Proposition One unanimously (4-0, Bernard absent). 

Reported By Bob Yoder 

Where Did the Rain Go?

"Where Did the Rain Go?"

By Guy Baltzelle
Woodinville, WA.

Of course, the Puget Sound area is famous for our “marine layer” rain and overcast. We typically get measureable rain 150 days a year and it is cloudy or partly cloudy 294 days a year. As we are all well aware, we get the least amount of annual sunlight  major cities in the lower-48 states.

However, what is less well known is that, in the summer, we experience a serious draught. A typical
July delivers .8 inches of rain to this area and August delivers 1 inch. This is much drier than almost
anywhere else in the country because most places receive rain from thunderstorms in the summer. Se-
attle is the least likely city in the country to receive thunderstorms.

Which brings us to this August. Here in the Bear Creek valley, we had exactly 0 inches of rain this August. Zero. Zip. Nada. In the seven years I have been measuring rainfall here, I have never seen a month with no rainfall. The closest we had was in July 2007 when we only had .07 inches.

So, if your lawn is looking a little dry right now, you have a good reason. So, next time your relatives back east tease you about all the rainfall out here in the Pacific Northwest, ask them “Oh yeah? How much rainfall did you have in August? Because we didn’t have ANY!”

Guy's piece is published in the Fall/Winter issue of the Water Tenders  newsletter