Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Where Did the Rain Go?

"Where Did the Rain Go?"

By Guy Baltzelle
Woodinville, WA.

Of course, the Puget Sound area is famous for our “marine layer” rain and overcast. We typically get measureable rain 150 days a year and it is cloudy or partly cloudy 294 days a year. As we are all well aware, we get the least amount of annual sunlight  major cities in the lower-48 states.

However, what is less well known is that, in the summer, we experience a serious draught. A typical
July delivers .8 inches of rain to this area and August delivers 1 inch. This is much drier than almost
anywhere else in the country because most places receive rain from thunderstorms in the summer. Se-
attle is the least likely city in the country to receive thunderstorms.

Which brings us to this August. Here in the Bear Creek valley, we had exactly 0 inches of rain this August. Zero. Zip. Nada. In the seven years I have been measuring rainfall here, I have never seen a month with no rainfall. The closest we had was in July 2007 when we only had .07 inches.

So, if your lawn is looking a little dry right now, you have a good reason. So, next time your relatives back east tease you about all the rainfall out here in the Pacific Northwest, ask them “Oh yeah? How much rainfall did you have in August? Because we didn’t have ANY!”

Guy's piece is published in the Fall/Winter issue of the Water Tenders  newsletter

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