Thursday, January 2, 2020

UPDATED OPINION: Redmond Could Be A Regional Leader In Mental Health Care

Image result for opinion imagesMayor Birney's Vision Statement was just released: "A connected community that enhances livability and sustains the environment, and that places Redmond as a leader locally, regionally, and nationally." 

 I really like it.  

During the city official swearing in ceremony Minerva Butler of the EvergreenHealth Board of Commissioners addressed the council and mayor encouraging the in-coming councilmembers and mayor and lauding the out-going city officials. The City appears tightly connected with EvergreenHealth and Redmond should have every reason to work with this public hospital toward their goals for improved community health.
One health service seriously lacking at EvergreenHealth is mental health care -- though I commend the hospital for recently taking a small step to hire a part-time psychiatrist for treatment of their Parkinson's patients.  EvergreenHealth's service area is over 1 million residents. Their families  deserve much better mental health care than a part-time doctor and restricted in-home care.

It's a known fact that one in five Americans have a mental health condition in a given year.  This translates into well over 13,000 Redmond residents/year (for our population of 65,000) struggling in some way with their mental health. This need deserves action from our public hospital.

Currently, EvergreenHealth's commissioners are considering a "Behavioral Health Urgent Care" clinic to treat suicidal, depressed and anxious residents.  Redmond officials should use their connections to help make this happen.  EvergreenHealth serves Kirkland, Woodinville, Kenmore, and Bothell, as well.  Redmond has the opportunity to be a local and regional leader for mental health care; our mayor should not pass this by.   

- Bob Yoder

Introduction Of Mayor Angela Birney

Mayor Angela Birney
Email Angela Birney
Phone: 425-556-2133

Mayor's Vision

A connected community that enhances livability and sustains the environment, and that places Redmond as a leader locally, regionally, and nationally.

Mayor's Biography

Term: 2020-2023
Elected as Mayor in 2019, Angela Birney is now in her first term as mayor of Redmond. The community of over 65,000 is home to a variety of several large industries such as aerospace, high tech, video game production, and biotech, as well as thousands of small businesses where over 85,000 people are employed.
As Mayor, she is the executive leader, with oversight of eight departments and over 600 employees. The Mayor collaborates with Council to set the strategy, vision, and policies for the City of Redmond.
Redmond has a strong Mayor/Council, non-partisan form of government. Seven council members and the Mayor, all representing the community at large, are each elected directly by the people for staggered four-year teams.
Mayor Birney was elected to City Council in 2015 and served as Council President from 2018 to 2019. Prior to her Council service, she was the chair of the Redmond Parks and Trails Commission and volunteered her time at several different organizations throughout the Redmond community. She currently represents Redmond on the King County Regional Policy Committee, Puget Sound Regional Council Executive Committee, Sound Cities Association Board and Public Issues Committee, Cascade Water Alliance Board, Eastrail Regional Advisory Committee, and the Hopelink Board. She is a 2017 Leadership Eastside graduate.
Angela is a Washington native and grew up in Eastern Washington. She moved to Redmond in 1998. Formerly a middle school science teacher, she earned a Master of Education from Heritage University and a Bachelor of Arts in Biology Education from Eastern Washington University. She lives on Education Hill with her husband and daughters.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

EvergreenHealth Property Taxes Approved

The "Silver Tower" of EvergreenHealth Med. Ctr. 
During the EvergreenHealth Public Hearing of November 15th, 2019 the seven commissioners voted unanimously to approve a 2020 Regular Tax Levy of $19,311,562 (Resolution No. 907-19.) 

An Excess Proper Tax Levy authorized for 2019 for repayment of UTGO bonds is $8,292,000 for calendar year 2020 was approved (Resolution No. 907-19.)  These bonds are the residual of a bond measure passed by 60% years ago to pay for the Silver Tower and new Emergency Department. 

-- Source:  Public Record Request

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

NW Lake Sammamish Sewer Upgrade Project

An example of open-cut trenching we can expect
The King County Lake Hills/NW Sammamish Sewer Upgrade Project will seriously impact western Redmond with construction starting in 2021. It will take three years to complete.

"The sewer pipe is located underground directly beneath the Sammamish River Trail surface between N.E. 85th Street and N.E. 51st Street. To replace the pipe, crews will need to remove the trail surface.  It will encroach upon Marymoor Park.and private property. 

"Many trees have grown up round the the sewer pipe since it was installed 50 years ago.  Crews will need an area approximately 30-45 feet wide along the entire pipe route to safely install the new pipe. Plants and trees will be removed in these working limits.  Over the length of the 4.5 mile-long sewer route we expect to remove several hundred trees. 

"When work is complete, we will replant at least one tree for every mature tree that is removed.  For trees that are removed and are 30-inches-wide or larger, three new trees will be planted.  These guidelines are set by the City of Redmond."

 -- King County planner

I highly recommend you participate in the online open house to learn more about the project and give feedback. I've taken it and found it very useful. It is very well done.  

The following meeting is planned to review the project and gather additional feedback:
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
5:30 – 7 p.m. Redmond City Hall, Council Chambers
15670 N.E. 85th St., Redmond, WA 98052
On another note, during 2019 Derby Days the City Parks & Trails Manager said the Sammamish River Trail is planned to be widened. The Trail is on King County property and I wouldn't be surprised if the widening takes place during the sewer project.
- Reported by John Reinke and Bob Yoder

Monday, December 30, 2019

Booster Seats For School Children

Under a new State law, booster seats will be required for students up to age 13 if under 4'9."  Will this be another reason to tease or bully? 

LWSD 2019 Year In Review

New LWSD Mission Statement

The District's Vision is:  "Every Student Future Ready."

Superintendent Jane Stavem's Mission is: "to help every student graduate prepared to lead a rewarding and responsible life as a contributing member of our community and greater society."

"We accomplish that goal when we all come together through our unique roles to care for our students and love them as they make their way to adulthood – an academic journey, a social journey, and a personal journey."  - Stavem

Connections newsletter, 12/19

City Of Redmond Swearing In Ceremony

Swearing in 2019
l-r Angela Birney, David Carson, Varisha Kahn, Jessica Forsythe, Vanessa Kritzer
In a ceremony during Redmond City Council's December 17th meeting, newly elected Redmond residents Angela Birney (Mayor), Varisha Khan (Council Position No. 1), Jessica Forsythe (Council Position No. 3), Vanessa Kritzer (Council Position No. 5), and David Carson (Council Position No. 7) were officially sworn in. Their terms are effective January 2020 through December 2023.

Thirteen different council/mayoral candidate signs were staked.  Amazingly, most were removed within a day following the election. (click to enlarge)
Mayor-elect Birney was elected to City Council in 2015 and served as Council President from 2018 to 2019. She currently represents Redmond on several regional boards and committees and previously served on the Parks and Trails Commission. Angela grew up in Eastern Washington and moved to Redmond in 1998. Formerly a middle school science teacher, she earned a Master of Education from Heritage University and a Bachelor of Arts in Biology Education from Eastern Washington University. She lives on Education Hill with her husband and daughters.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

'Merry Christmas from the Yoders!'


UPDATED: Dr. David Morton, Redmond's Most Prolific Speaker

Dr. Morton posing at the Youth Climate Strike
In my 13 years of observing and reporting on city government I can say Dr. David Morton, a citizen of greater Redmond with a PhD in Chemistry, is unarguably the most prolific public speaker in the City of Redmond, and perhaps it's history.  For six years David's been speaking during  "Items From The Audience" at the beginning of  each and every  Regular meeting held by Council. Since David's first speech on Sept. 17, 2013 he's delivered 124 prepared  four minute talks.  Besides public speaking, David participates in Redmond's "Green Redmond" program, planting trees and restoring urban forests.

David is a gentle spirit, obsessed with anything having to do with pollution in our city. An activist by nature,  environmental sustainability and pollution in Redmond are his top priorities. He works exceptionally hard with extreme persistence to raise awareness. Very rarely the city takes action but he's had a couple wins along the way.

Dr. Morton's first and longest sequence of speeches (rants) was about the pollution and smell emanating from Watson Asphalt.  He doesn't live far from Watson and was concerned and fearful that plumes of carcinogenic air were blowing into the neighborhoods.  Citing scientific and case studies, he stubbornly recommended  newer scrubbing technology but Council didn't act, though Watson quietly stopped using "cutback asphalt." So David picked another topic to harp on -- leaf blower air and noise pollution.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Redmond Tree Canopy

Image result for Redmond tree canopy pictures
Evans Creek Trail / Bob Yoder
Tree Canopy in Redmond is very important to our government officials and it's residents. In fact, every year for the past many years our Council and mayor have had multiple Study Sessions on our trees.  

Why is tree canopy so important?  Redmond’s character and main attraction for many community members is its trees, wooded areas, and urban forests. The benefits of trees and urban forests include reduced stormwater runoff, improved water and air quality, attractive communities, increased property values, greenhouse gas reduction, habitat for native wildlife,and improved quality of life, including finding serenity while hiking through Redmond's many wooded trails. 

Currently there are 4,062 acres of tree canopy within Redmond. I'm not sure if this includes our street trees and the Redmond Preserve. (Comments?) Overall, tree canopy coverage is declining at a rate of 12 to 13 acres per year as vacant and underutilized parcels continue to develop or redevelop. During the 2019 Redmond Lights festival I ran into Gary Smith, a parks and trails commissioner. He said a large development in North Redmond involved removing a significant number of trees; he thinks and hopes the trees will be replaced in the Keller Farm Mitigation Bank

The City of Redmond is currently at 38.1% tree canopy (as of 2017); the City is working hard to see this grow and has adopted a goal of 40% tree canopy by 2050.  The 2050 goal represents a 200-acre increase in canopy from where we are today. The City currently restores and plants approximately two acres of trees and shrubs annually and is planting four acres of trees in 2019 . Green Redmond recruits citizen volunteers to plant many of these trees.

John Reinke, a Redmond photojournalist, has taken many pictures of birds and wildlife in our woodland habitat. I sent him an outstanding article WITH great pictures titled "Super Trees."  It's a must see.  (For more on John's tree experiences "Read More"

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Youth Climate Strike

Kirkland Mayor Penny Sweet responding to youth protesters.
The four student leaders are shown above.

At Kirkland's Marina Park on Friday, December 6th, 1:30 p.m. Four Eastside students led a peaceful "Youth Climate Strike" -- one that was taking place across the country on the same day.  (The march was on not on December 7th.) Student leaders from Lake Washington High, Bellevue High (2) and Overlake High organized the strike. After speeches to mostly adults they led the strikers carrying signs to Kirkland City Hall chanting: "hey hey! ho ho! climate change has got to go!"  Many marched It's estimated the turn-out was 30-40, Kirkland mayor Penny Sweet thanked them for bringing attention to the climate crisis and explained the city's progress towards lowering CO-2 emissions.

One of the students said another strike is planned for April or May at another location. The strike by local youth at Seattle city hall was much larger.  KOMO reported on it, including a good video of the event.

Reported by Bob Yoder

Monday, December 9, 2019

Redmond High School Lacrosse Program Looking Up

*16th annual lacrosse Space Needle Shootout

Coach Rob Edison's Redmond High School Lacrosse Club entered the 16th annual Space Needle Shootout early December.  The Stangs defeated Juanita High 6-2 and Madlax (Portland All-Stars.) 9-0.  They lost to a mixed bag of Bainbridge-Shoreline players 4-12 and Seattle Prep 3-7.

Coach Edison recounted: "We played Seattle Prep but had several starters out with injuries and actually had two more go down during the game, leaving us with only one sub. We hung in there though and considering Prep will be likely playing Odea for the State Championship for the Private School league this year, it was a nice morale victory considering our circumstances. I think the final was 3-7, or something like that.

Our season kicks off in March and between now and then, it will be all preseason conditioning and captains led practices and such. Our HS program should have around 40 guys this year. A vast improvement from years past. Feel very good about this upcoming season. I have built a very competitive schedule. We should have one of the strongest RPIs in the State with rarely a night off. It will be a major test and we will take our lumps here and there, but I have faith that if everyone stays healthy and we continue what we have been doing, we have an opportunity to do something very special at Redmond. While State Championships seem far off, it is not unreasonable to think about us making a run at it if everything comes together and we should certainly be in discussion as one of the top 10-15 teams in the State this year. I hope – depends now on the kids and the work they put in, but they are a great group of kids and are very resilient."

-- Coach Edison, 12/8

*I plan more reporting and promise improving my interview skills. - Yoder

The 16th annual Space Needle Shootout is the oldest and largest boys lacrosse tournament in the Northwest. The Shootout provides the chance for high school teams, town teams, regional teams, select teams and all-star teams to compete from around the Northwest.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Myers - Kahn Race

History is happening. Women now have a total of 6 seats on the Dias, including the mayor. Varisha Kahn secured 6666 votes winning by 66 votes.

Image result for Kahn hank myers photo
Credit/ Redmond Reporter


Voters' Pamphlet:

Education:  Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Communication journalism, University of Washington.
Occupation:  Community Organizer; Former Political Action Committee Director, OneAmerica Votes.
Statement:  As a proud Redmond resident, I running to make Redmond a leader in solving issues we share across the region.  If elected, I will prioritize environmental sustainability solutions to reduce our carbon pollution an the face of climate change, and advocate for better, accessible transportation options so residents can get around with less traffic.  I pledge to make Redmond a more affordable place to live, work, and play and will up uplift our diverse vibrant communities through meaningful collaboration and inclusion. We need new leaders with the courage to put people's needs first,and that's why I'm the only candidate this race rejecting money from developers,  Proudly endorsed by: National Women's Political Caucus; King County 45 and 48 LD, KC Young Democrats; Planned Parenthood; State Senators Patty Kuderer and Mona Das; State Representative Vandana Slatter; City Councilmember Tanika Padye.  I would be honored to earn your vote.  Thank you!


Voters' Pamphlet:

Education:  Bachelor of Arts, English, California State University.
Occupation:  Transportation consultant.  Past clients include Microsoft's Award-Winning commute program.
Statement:  Hank Myers brings together the best of Redmond and is an energetic voice for compassion and fiscal responsibility. He is Redmond's advocate for salmon recovery and clean water in our region.  A leader in reducing the cost of government, he fights to keep property taxes affordable.  As former board chair for the Together Center, Hank served those in our community who need help.  From volunteer days in Redmond's parks events to events supporting our police officers, Hank is out with the public, listening to concerns and solving our problems.   Call him at 425-830-4265 and see for yourself. That approach earned him the support of police officers, environmental activists, small business owners, seniors, education advocates, and leaders in our diverse communities.  Redmond is changing and facing new challenges. Hank will represent what is best about our community today and for the future.

The Myers-Kahn race was possibly the closest recorded in Redmond history. Ms. Kahn is only 24 years old which could be a record as well. So what contributed to this loss?  For one, probably the rapid change in our demographics.   

Myers conceded November 25, 2019:  "With only 52 votes in doubt against a 64-vote lead, it is time to concede. My 15 years as a King County poll judge made that decision easy."  

31,140 registered voters.  46.92% ballots counted.     
Of Note:               
Angela Birney vs. Steve Fields. Birney won the mayoral position with 60.04% of the votes.
Vanessa Kritzer defeated Eugene Zakhareyev for the open seat with 70.98% of the votes.
Jessica Forsythe challenged Hank Margeson for Position 3 and won with 54.67% of votes.
Varisha Khan challenged Hank Myers for Position 1 and won with 50.15% of the votes.
Incumbent David Carson defeated Carlos Jimenez for Position 7 with 53.02% of the votes.
Steve Fields, Tanika Padhye, and Jeralee Anderson remain on Council.

-- Reported by Bob Yoder, December 6, 2019

Sources:  King County Official Local Voters' Pamphlet, November 5, 2019
               Public Disclosure Commission (PDC)  
               Candidate websites

Friday, December 6, 2019

Women Rule In Redmond Politics

Image may contain: 1 person, standing and outdoor
Angela Birney / Facebook / November, 2019
Well, the votes are certified with Angela Birney winning the coveted mayoral position. Four women won Council positions this election, add in two sitting women councilmembers (Tanika Padhye and Jeralee Anderson); in total, six women officials will represent the citizens of Redmond. Steve Fields and David Carson remain.

Angela Birney vs. Steve Fields. Birney won the mayoral position with 60.04% of the votes.
Vanessa Kritzer defeated Eugene Zakhareyev for the open seat with 70.98% of the votes.
Jessica Forsythe challenged Dayle "Hank" Margeson for Position 3 and won with 54.67% of votes.
*Varisha Khan challenged Hank Myers for Position 1 and won with 50.15% of the votes.

Ms. Kahn secured 6666 votes vs. Mr. Myers' 6600 after a machine recount.  Mr. Myers lost by 66 votes...the closest Redmond race in memory. The final count was officially certified by King County Elections on December 6th. 27 write-ins. The Seattle Times wrote an excellent article on Varisha, December 6th. I encourage you to read it!

Councilmember Tanika Padhye's Seat #4 will expire on 12/31/21. Councilmember Jeralee Anderson's Seat #6 will expire then as well.

Reported by Bob Yoder

2019 Candidate Contributions

Image result for hank myers images
Hank Myers
"Campaign Funds For Community," Hank Myers  Redmond Reporter, 11/14/2019

"Thanks to all the Redmond voters that made this election energetic and the best reflection of public values in 12 years. I sent the following message to all 10 candidates for city offices and hope they will join me.
As we close down our campaign accounts, perhaps you have some money left over. There are several things you can do with the money. I am hoping you will join me by donating any money left to nonprofit operations that benefit Redmond and its residents.
My first give is to the Green Redmond program. One-gallon Douglas fir and Sitka spruce trees cost the city $3.50 each. I am hoping to donate $350 to plant 100 trees. If all 10 candidates do that, we can reforest a couple of acres at least.
My second choice is The Sophia Way women’s shelter. They have had a rocky time recently with organization and management. Additional money should help stabilize them and help them hire a permanent executive director.
Third on my list is the Landing, the young adult shelter operated by Friends of Youth at the Together Center in Redmond.
If I have any money left over, it will go to Union Gospel Mission, which is ramping up its Eastside efforts. You may know Jason Dick, a Redmond resident who is their development director. By next Tuesday, I should know how much I have left, and will again encourage candidates to put any leftover funds into community good."
Hank Myers
Redmond city council candidate

Candidate Contributions:
Hank B. Myers $19,575.00   Varisha M. Khan $38,175.98
David M. Carson $9,730.00   Carlos S. Jimenez $4,595.00
Vanessa E. Kritzer $30,804.51   Eugene Zakharaeyev $1,839.95
Jessica G. Forsythe $13,530.98  Dayle "Hank" Margeson $16,460.58
Angela E. Birney $105,636.00   Steven J. Fields $22,524.40

Reported by Bob Yoder

Thursday, December 5, 2019

2020 City Pay Plans Approved

The following Pay Plans were approved by Council on their 12/3/19 Consent Agenda.

Image result for government pay images2020 Redmond City Hall Employees Association (RCHEA) Bargaining Unit Pay Plan Approved By Council:

Midpoint, some RCHEA examples:

Planner $84,708; Senior Planner $96,420 [Highpoint $110,772];  Principal Planner $106,524; Cultural Arts Administrator $89,232; Environmental Scientist $102,373; Engineer SR $115,128; Transportation Strategic Advisor $118,608; Programmer Analyst SR $113,436; Communications & Marketing Administrator $88,704; Building Inspector $80,625; Senior Accountant $80,976


Meter Reader $58,440; Maintenance Aid $50,388


Non-Represented Employees(Midpoint) Some examples:

Administrative Assistant $57,996  [$66,636 Highpoint]
Parks, Planning & Cultural Arts Manager $113,268
Police Captain $154,608
Deputy Fire Chief $153,048
Deputy Director Public Works Director/City Engineer $147,695
Deputy Finance Director $133,416
Deputy Parks Director $127,884
Recreation Division Manager $112,344
Security Compliance Manager $139,992
Communications and Marketing Manager $118,360
Emergency Preparedness Manager $118,152
IS Manager $136,272
City Clerk $136,908

Directors are paid significantly more...with bonuses.  

Updated: Building X Project On Willows Road Under Review

Making way for Facebook?  This project is still under review.  E-mail : to comment. I have grave concerns about traffic congestion though they will have a shuttle, stop light and 140 bike racks.
Demolish existing 307,408 sf office building. Construct an approximately 350,000 sf building, up to five stories. New building is designed to accommodate research & development, office, meeting space and associated parking.  The site is in the Business Park (BP) Zone on Willows Road, and across the street from the Willows Run Golf Complex.
Project Number:  LAND-2019-00136
Project Type:  Type II - Site Plan Entitlement
For more information on on this project view the Notice of Application Project Details (PDF)

NE 95th Bridge Bear Creek Enhancement

One of Redmond's biggest assets is our natural environment.  Federally protected Chinook and several other species of salmon run through Bear Creak and the Sammamish River. This enhancement project will protect their stream and riparian habitat.

Council approved construction of the "Bear Creek at 95th Street Stream Enhancement Project," with Olson Brothers Excavating, Inc. of Puyallup, Washington, and Approval of Final Contract in the Amount of $410,686.41. 

The project will enhance about 680 feet of Bear Creek habitat downstream from the 95th Street bridge.  Large woody debris will be installed in the stream banks and channel.  The stream banks will be graded to create alcoves and gentler slopes.  Trees and shrubs will be planted.

Project Map  (excellent map)

-- Bob Yoder, 2019