Showing posts with label Stavem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stavem. Show all posts

Thursday, January 16, 2020

School District's Strategic Plan - "Elevate"

Dr. Jane Stavem LWSD Superintendent
Superintendent Jane Stavem
The calendar has turned over to the new year, and I found it just a bit disconcerting to actually write down the number 2020. I can remember when that date seemed very far away and almost had a science fiction type ring to it. 
On the day before a break ends, I often think of children and adults and the range of emotions that can be part of returning to school and work. I see families making final trips to the store for lunch bag items and supplies for the week and I notice kids outside playing, using up some energy so everyone sleeps well that night. Undoubtedly, there is a mixture of excitement and anxiety about going to back to the regular schedule after being away from the routine. 
Our District Strategic Plan – Elevate includes initiatives that are specifically designed to support people and even create some excitement about returning to school after a break!

Monday, December 30, 2019

LWSD 2019 Year In Review

New LWSD Mission Statement

The District's Vision is:  "Every Student Future Ready."

Superintendent Jane Stavem's Mission is: "to help every student graduate prepared to lead a rewarding and responsible life as a contributing member of our community and greater society."

"We accomplish that goal when we all come together through our unique roles to care for our students and love them as they make their way to adulthood – an academic journey, a social journey, and a personal journey."  - Stavem

Connections newsletter, 12/19