Friday, March 31, 2017

New Members Join the Redmond Kiwanis Club


Six new members recently joined the Redmond Kiwanis Club.  The new members are shown in the photo above from left to right: Bob Yoder, Roy Captain, Mark Stuart, Gary Schimek, and Don Horton.   New member Tommy Smith is missing from the photograph.

Kiwanis is a global organization dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.  The Redmond Kiwanis Club serves the Redmond community with an emphasis on youth-oriented projects.  The Club meets weekly at the Family Pancake House in Redmond.  Meetings start at 7:00 a.m. and end at 8:00 a.m.  If you would like to attend a Club meeting and learn more about Kiwanis, contact President Pat Vache' (425- 883-2314)'


The Kiwanis Club in Redmond improves the lives of youth and families of Redmond and the surrounding communities through increasing hours of service, dollars of support, and positive role models for the youth and future leaders of the community.

Friday, March 24, 2017

EvergreenHealth Medical Center will take your unwanted medications

Drug collection and disposal kiosk at EvergreenHealth Pharmacy is open
Monday through Friday9 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Saturday9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Kirkland, Wash. – EvergreenHealth Medical Center now offers a secure kiosk in the EvergreenHealth Professional Center Pharmacy on its Kirkland campus to allow staff and community members to drop-off unwanted household medications for collection and disposal.

The new program is part of King County’s Secure Medicine Return regulations aimed at reducing preventable deaths from drug overdoses and to protect public health by keeping waste medicines out of waterways and water supplies.

Eastside event raises $650,000+ for families in crisis

Youth Speakers /Credit YES
BELLEVUE, WASH. — Yesterday’s Invest in Youth Breakfast benefiting Youth Eastside Services (YES) drew 1,000+ attendees and raised more than $650,000 to help Eastside families in need heal from devastating issues such as depression, substance abuse, trauma and more.

“We can’t thank our community enough for standing up for families,” YES Executive Director Patti Skelton-McGougan said. “Our children are our future, and it’s only through our collective efforts that they’ll succeed.”

The funds raised will support low/no-cost mental health care and substance abuse treatment for families in need — as well as education and prevention services.

Featured speakers included renowned early childhood researcher Dr. Patricia Kuhl, retired KING 5 TV news anchor Dennis Bounds, Warm 106.9 radio personality and mental health advocate Shellie Hart, local restaurateurs and community advocates John and Debbie Howie, plus youth speakers from YES.

Docent Naturalists Wanted at the Northwest Stream Center

Do you have a passion for forests, wetlands, streams, fish and wildlife? Enjoy communicating with small groups of people?  Would you like to wander a few times a month through a very beautiful 20-acre natural area where views of flora and fauna change every day?  Then the Adopt A Stream Foundation’s Northwest Stream Center may the place for you.  

The Adopt A Stream Foundation is recruiting volunteers to become Docent Naturalists (Nature Trainers) to conduct interpretive tours at the Northwest Stream Center in Snohomish County’s Mc Collum Park (600 –128th Street SE, Everett WA, 98208;

Initial Docent Naturalist orientation dates are March through April.  

Thursday, March 23, 2017

UPDATE: Protective measures in place to protect city aquifer, drinking water wells and stormwater conveyance system

Oil truck parked next to Station House Loft construction site
UPDATED:  A Council Study Session meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 25, 7:30pm at City Hall during which staff will give a status update on the development of the City’s groundwater model, stakeholder engagement associated with the on-going review and assessment of the wellhead zone boundaries, and future policy discussion items. 

The meeting is open to the public or you can watch it on Comcast Channel  21, Frontier Channel 34, and streamed. Details HERE.

The following protective measures are in place to protect our aquifer, drinking water wells and stormwater conveyance system from potential impacts associated with temporary construction dewatering. 

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Redmond Participating in Puget Sound Regional Council Travel Study

Image result for city traffic images
Ain't this purdy? 
Redmond, WA – The Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) is conducting a regional travel study to better understand the transportation needs and preferences of the region's residents. 

Between March 2017 and June 2017, Redmond residents will receive invitations to participate in this important transportation study led by PSRC.

“This survey will provide us with a current overview of how Redmond residents get around and guide our transportation investments in the future,” said Hank Margeson, Redmond City Council President and PSRC’s Vice Chair of the Growth Management Policy Board.

Demand for travel in the Puget Sound region is expected to increase by 25% between now and the year 2040.

Water Tenders is resurrected

Key Club members help to restore a Bear Creek tributary
My daughter Lexie is far left; she recruited the Key Club
Water Tenders is a group of people who care about the wetlands and streams in the Bear Creek area and King county.

The torch of Water Tenders (WT) leadership was passed from President Eric Soshea to Susan Wilkins at the WT Annual Meeting last week.  Many of the of the original tenders were present, including a relative of the founder. Leader Terry Lavender and past president Dick Schaetzel were out of town. Gary Smith was present. Debbie Aftebro from Novelty Hill had never attended a WT meeting yet she collects and measures rainwater for Guy Baltzelle's program. She wanted to meet Guy but unfortunately he wasn't at the meeting.  Shirley Doolittle-Egerdahl was up front with Susan and Eric. Shirley was once President and is now the Treasurer, replacing John Reinke,who replaced Dick S.  One of the new board members, Heather Poe was president and secretary for WT in the Early 2000 - 2005 era (before Susan became a member.) Shirley Doolittle-Egerdahl was also once a president along with five others. 

In her presentation, (video) Susan held up a map of the entire Bear Creek watershed. She was re-directing and expanding our attention to the entire Bear Creek watershed.  She states:

Monday, March 20, 2017

UPDATED: A Brief History of Redmond's Rapid Growth

Rob Odle, Redmond's Director of Planning  and
Community Development
Rob Odle, Redmond's director of planning and community development is the guest speaker in the Redmond Historical Society's Saturday,April 8th Speaker's Series  He explains how growth really took off in the early 1990s with the adoption of Washington state's Growth Management Act.  

What a difference 50 years makes – at least when it comes to Redmond. In 1966, it literally was a small town: 4,800 residents who had just gotten their first traffic light. Today, more than 60,000 people call it home and the population doubles weekdays due to battalions of workers at Microsoft, Genie and dozens of smaller companies.

Redmond did grow a bit in the 1970s and '80s, but it really took off in the early 1990s, with the adoption of Washington state's Growth Management Act. Rob Odle, Redmond's director of planning and community development, will explain that history and process at the Redmond Historical Society’s Saturday Speaker Series meeting on April 8.

      "Under the GMA," he says, "the key decisions were to: focus future growth in our urban centers and not disburse growth evenly throughout the community; advocate for a clear and close-in growth boundary; support Sound Transit and light rail to Redmond and the Eastside; plan to create a walkable and connected downtown; and work to ensure that in Redmond  residents have choices such as in housing, transportation  and employment."  

Updated: City Council encourages Dick's Drive-In to locate here

It was announced the new Dick's Drive-In will be located somewhere in South King County

The Redmond City Council passed a resolution to "wholeheartedly encourage the siting of Dick's Drive-In's 7th restaurant within the city."  

DICK'S DRIVE-IN is deciding where they'll build their next restaurant based on popular vote between the East and South regions of Puget Sound.  **Redmond of course is one of the good guys in the Eastern region. Voting closes this Friday, March 24th


Dick's 6th restaurant is in Edmonds

Dick's is a family owned favorite for 63 years.  Their first location opened in 1954. They are known for their Classic menu including famous Pacific Northwest fries. WATCH THE VIDEO!

There are NO Dick's restaurants on the Eastside!

Dick's is a community asset:  $25,000 scholarships are awarded to their employees.
Their "Change for Charity" program was started in 1998 to collect customer's donated change in support homeless charities.


**Bellevue, Kirkland, Sammamish, Woodinville, Issaquah, Bothell, and Mercer Island are in the Eastern Region so please vote too!!  At this time the South is ahead. Come on you guys!

NOTICE: Important joint Art and Parks Commission meeting

On Thursday, March 30th the Parks & Trails Commission will hold a joint meeting with the Arts & Culture Commission from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Council Conference Room, Redmond City Hall.  The topics of discussion are "Community Centers" and/or the PARCC Plan.  

Friday, March 17, 2017

Homelessness in Redmond

Image result for homelessness in redmond images

Many of the homeless in Redmond are invisible and the statistics are startling:  

According to a city web page:  

1.  357 homeless kids in the Lake Washington School District are homeless.

2.  There's a 39% increase in homelessness for every $100 increase in rent.

3.  Homeless families wait 6 months on average for housing in King County.  

Bob Yoder
internet photo

Metro and Sound Transit meeting at Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center, March 20th

Metro and Sound Transit are reaching out to transit riders and communities like Redmond to get input on transit service in the State Route 520 corridor. They and the City of Redmond would like to know how we are using today’s service and what we think about it. This input will help Metro, Sound Transit and the city to develop ideas for improvements. 

A meeting will be held on March 20th, 6-8PM at the Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center to get input on transit service in the SR 520 Corridor.  That may include the Overlake and Marymoor stations.  If you can't make the meeting, here are other ways to "have a say." 

Bob Yoder

Thursday, March 16, 2017

"2017 Invest in Youth Breakfast" to support Youth Eastside Services mental health programs

A lifeline for kids and familiesWHO: 1,100+ community members and business leaders from across the Puget Sound region

WHAT: The Eastside’s premier fundraiser benefiting youth and families in need who are struggling with trauma, depression, grief, substance abuse and more. Donations support Youth Eastside Services’ mental health, substance abuse treatment, psychiatric, and education and prevention services for children, teens and families.

WHENWednesday, March 22, 7:30–8:45 a.m.

WHERE: Meydenbauer Center, 11100 NE 6th St., Bellevue, WA 98004

·         Dennis Bounds, emcee
·         Dr. Patricia Kuhl, renowned early childhood development researcher and keynote speaker
·         John and Debbie Howie, restaurateurs and community co-chairs
·         Shellie Hart, Warm 106.9 radio personality
·         Mason Bernardo, youth speaker
·         Irie McCaughran, youth speaker
·         Patti Skelton-McGougan, YES executive director

YES provides mental health counseling, substance abuse treatment, psychiatric support, and education and prevention services for children, teens and families at more than 70 locations across East King County. Since 1968, YES has helped thousands of families struggling with depression, grief, trauma, substance abuse, anxiety, gender- or cultural-identity issues, and so much more. YES accepts most major insurance providers, and no family is turned away because they can’t pay for services. Learn more

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

"Festival of Color" event has been changed to Sunday, March 19th owing to weather

Northwest’s largest free color festival (holi) will be on Sunday March 19th,12PM-5PM at the Redmond City Hall. It's the only NW color event with free admission and is attended by around 7,000 to 8,000 color enthusiasts. The festival of color is organized by Vedic Cultural Center, Sammamish in partnership with City of Redmond. The festival of color is City's official Spring event.

The ancient festival of Holi (Festival of Color) is celebrated every year in India and now it has come to Northwest. The Festival of Color frees all of inhibitions so they can relate others with pure joy. It brings people together and creates a community of happy people. You won't believe the amazing fun of coloring while dancing and jumping blissfully with your friends and newcomers. Enjoy 5 hours of colors, music, dance, fun and tasty Indian food. The best and most joyful event for complete family on the very first day of spring.

Watch this fun video!

Invite your all friends. !!! Free admission !!! Need to buy colors only!! 

Image may contain: 1 person, dancing, crowd and outdoor

Redmond's "Space Needle" Entrance Sign

By Jerry Torell

Jerry Torell in front of our current sign/Yoder
The Redmond Bike Derby Road Races including the "Bike Derby Parade" from the first year, have always been a major part of the city's civic events with riders coming from around the country and Canada to compete in the annual race.  In the mid 1970’s while I served on the Redmond Chamber of Commerce Board as Vice President, I was also Publicity Chairman for the chamber. Over the years several of my dry cleaning customers commented that the city needed an entrance sign on the west end of Redmond.

I started thinking about it and with the history of the bicycle in Redmond I knew the bike had to be a key part of the sign, so I proposed the idea to my Chamber committee along with a plan to build it. Getting the chamber's approval of the plan, I contacted our City Mayor “Bud” Young to get his thoughts…He LOVED the bicycle sign idea!!   He offered the city staff to lay out some sketches. 

From an earlier Jaycee project I had met Chuck Johns who was the metal’s instructor at Redmond High School.  I called Chuck and explained our city entrance sign plan, asking him if his class could help build an old fashioned bicycle with the “big front wheel and the small back wheel” not knowing then, it was known as the “Penny Farthing.” 

(l-r)  Bud Young, Fred Habenicht, Kim Murrey, Jerry Torell
Credit/ Sammamish Valley News
A key committee member, Fred Habenicht, owner of Frederick’s Appliances, volunteered to contact John Gunderson of Gundy’s Signs to carve and provide a wooden face for the sign.  I then re-contacted the Mayor to confirm the city's help installing and keeping it in good order plus maintaining the grounds around the sign.  The Mayor agreed! and “Gundy” worked out the slogan, “Redmond Bicycle Capital of the Northwest.” The sign was completed and dedicated in July of 1976. 


The Bicycle Entrance Sign has become the “Space Needle of Redmond," has Redmond’s symbol, and is copied by most everyone as a logo on literature and replicas mounted on sides of buildings around town. I was originally concerned that the sign would be damaged by vandals but to my knowledge this has never happened and the sign has become a key symbol of Redmond pride. 

The sign is now reconstructed of cement end posts and a redesigned wooden face and lit up with white lights at night and encircled with shrubs and flowers the year around bidding..."WELCOME TO ALL!"

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

St. Patrick Irish Music Event Fills ORSCC

I'm learning the Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center (ORSCC) auditorium is used for more than occasional Redmond Historical Society meetings.

The auditorium was filled this Saturday evening by a very special St. Patrick Irish Musical event.  My wife and I really enjoyed the performance and especially the dancers.  I was surprised to see so many children and teens running around the halls and coloring books in the backside of the auditorium. There must have been close to twenty.

On March 22, the ORSCC auditorium will probably be packed again with the "Community Immigration Forum.  The event is free and open to the public.  Here's the agenda: 

Join in a Neighborhood Conversation with your Elected Officials

On March 30, 2017, City Council will host the first Neighborhood Conversation of 2017 at Rockwell Elementary, located at 11125 162nd Ave. NE, Redmond, from 6:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. These forums are a casual and convenient way for residents to interact with their elected leaders. Each meeting is held in a different part of the city, and they are open for residents to direct the topics—whether it’s a neighborhood issue or the vision for Redmond. 

Seeking part-time work

As many of you know I'm very passionate about Redmond.  Everyday I report on something going on in our community always seeking stories not usually found in the newspaper.  Most of my days are spent researching, investigating, photographing, collaborating.and writing stories.  I'm a community advocate and every once in a while I activate worthy outcomes.

I'm currently seeking part-time work to get busier and make a few bucks.  If you have any leads on a good job please let me know!  Thank you.

Bob Yoder

I can be reached at 425-802-2523 or by emailing

EvergreenHealth Opens New Progressive Care Unit

The new inpatient wing adds 31 single-patient rooms to its Kirkland campus

EvergreenHealth Medical Center Silver tower
Credit:  Evergreen  
Kirkland, Wash. – Recently, EvergreenHealth opened a new Progressive Care Unit (PCU) on the health system’s Kirkland campus as part of the first phase of a 10-year master facility plan to grow to meet the community’s evolving health care needs. The new PCU, located on the fourth floor of the hospital’s Silver tower, adds 31 inpatient rooms equipped with advanced patient-care technology and innovative design. 
The opening of the fourth-floor PCU will be followed later this spring by the addition of a 31-bed cardiovascular and neurovascular unit on the Silver tower’s fifth floor, as well.
“The opening of these floors comes as our community’s need for additional inpatient capacity is growing. We are eager to meet this demand with new patient-focused state-of-the-art technology, design and construction,” said EvergreenHealth CEO Bob Malte. “These new floors were made possible by the foresight of our Board more than 10 years ago, and are the product of thoughtful and innovative design based on valuable feedback from patients, frontline staff and our medical and nursing leadership.”

Monday, March 13, 2017

Updated: Redmond Downtown Park

Bird's-eye view of the Downtown Park pond

During the last City Council meeting CM Angela Birney, Chair of Parks and Human Services, mentioned noticeable work on the Downtown Park will be underway


LWSD News Updates

Redmond High student art
Advanced Placement (AP) Exam registration period begins soon

Advanced Placement (AP) Exam registration started on March 6, and runs through Friday, March 17. Students will receive registration materials in their AP classes. If your student is enrolled in an AP class, please remind him/her to sign up by the end of the last lunch on March 17 to be able to take the exam. AP Examination Dates are May 1-19

For specific testing information, visit the College Board AP Central website. 

4 more updates

Explore Redmond's Unique History

Join the Historical Society for a Walking Tour!

"Hotel Redmond"  Credit/ Miguel Llanos
REDMOND, WA - The Redmond Historical Society is excited to announce the date of its next walking tour on Sunday, April 9 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.

These tours are a fun opportunity to learn about the people and places that helped make Redmond what it is today. Join our guide Tom Hitzroth as he takes a look at Redmond from the Settlement Period to the mid- 1920s and highlights the sites of early business buildings that defined Redmond’s core, paving the way for the present commercial district.

A $10 donation is suggested for each person. You may pre-register for the event by calling 425-885-2919 or by sending a check to the Redmond Historical Society at 16600 NE 80th Street, Room 106, Redmond, WA 98052.

The tour begins across the street from the Hotel Redmond (Jensen/Fey Architects) at 7730 NE 76th St.  There is a significant amount of walking and standing included in the tour, with limited opportunity for resting. We recommend comfortable shoes and weather appropriate clothing. If you have any further questions, please contact Halee Turner at 425-885-2919 or

Other tour dates include:
Sunday, May 21, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Sunday, June 11, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Sunday, Sept 10, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Construction update for the new schools

​Project​Concept Design*​Schematic Design​Design Development​Project Progress Updates
​New Elementary in Redmond Ridge East​*​April 19, 2016​Sept. 30, 2016​Sept. 30, 2016
​New Elementary in North Redmond​*​April 19, 2016​Sept. 30, 2016​Sept. 30, 2016
​New Middle School in Redmond Ridge​*​May 9, 2016​Sept. 30, 2016​Sept. 30, 2016
​Juanita High School Rebuild & Enlarge​June 6, 2016
June 27, 2016
​Sept. 30, 2016​Planned for January 2017
Mead Elementary Rebuild & Enlarge​Planned for January 2017
​Kirk Elementary Rebuild & Enlarge​Planned for January 2017
  * - Completed prior to committee being established

Construction has not yet begun on any of these projects. We have been going through the permitting processes for the two new elementary schools and the new middle school. The two new elementary schools are scheduled to open in the fall of 2018. The new middle school will open in the fall of 2019.

Juanita High School is still in the design process. It was originally scheduled to be completed in fall 2021 but the planned opening is now fall 2020. There is more information on that change in the opening date and in the plans for the school, based on community feedback, on the Juanita High School project page:

  --Kathryn Reith, Director of Communications, LWSD

Friday, March 10, 2017

UPDATED, 4/16/18: The challenge and need for "dewatering" downtown construction sites

Station House Lofts -- This "deep-dig" sits over and in our aquifer 
Completion of the above "Station House Lofts" is expected in early 2018.  According to the project Superintendent, it will be a 6-stories with 197 apartments and two levels of underground parking.  The construction site is across the street from the Redmond United Methodist Church on 16533 NE 80th St. will be "box-like" with no visual transition into the neighborhood.  The tall grey building in the background is the Old Redmond Firehouse Teen Center.  

To help scale the size of the dig, look for the workers...those orange and yellow specks. (Click on the photo to see the influence of the camera angle on size.)  

The city aquifer is a few yards from the surface so the site has to be "dewatered" and sealed off.  Notice the white water pump pipe in the foreground.  Six inch diameter water pipes also surround the site but can't be seen in this picture. 

Owing to extreme rains this winter there's copious aquifer water that must be pumped out.  The pumping is actually lowers the water table of our city wells. Construction aquifer water is tested every two weeks for oil and lubricants before it's dumped into the stormwater system. Many downtown developments need dewatering.

Public Works is concerned about the disruption aquifer water flow from parking lot digs. andd wrote a new ordinance to protect the aquifer during development; and to bill those developers who excessively drain the aquifer and our wells.

In a few places around the city, the aquifer can be as close as 3 feet from the surface. According to the Superintendent it's my understanding they had to dig 2-3 feet into the alluvial aquifer in places. 

B. Yoder
Photo, Yoder

Since publishing this post and alerting the City Ombuds. a new policy was instituted requiring some future developers to build their parking above grade, rather than subterranean.  Building height could increase up to 2 levels as a result.    

This is an excellent article explaining  the process and challenges of dewatering construction sites.

This is an archive of all my aquifer and groundwater posts over the years.   .

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Council Appoints Tanika Padhye To Fill Vacancy

New Councilmember Tanika Padhye
Tanika Padhye is appointed to Redmond City Council  Credit/COR
Redmond City Council appointed Tanika Padhye yesterday to fill the vacancy in Council Position 4. She was sworn in immediately and was seated as a City Councilmember,
Padhye has lived in Redmond for 13 years and has served on both the City of Redmond’s Planning and Parks and Trails Commission. She has been a member of the Community Centers Stakeholder group and contributed to updates on the PARCC Plan and projects including Redmond Central Connector (Phase II) and the Downtown Park. She is a licensed attorney in the State of Washington, with legal expertise ranging from work as a Civil Rights Investigator to cases dealing with employment and housing discrimination.
“I feel strongly about connecting with Redmond residents because it creates a healthier government that is a reflection of the people it represents,” said Padhye.
“I have complete confidence in Councilmember Padhye’s ability to serve the people of Redmond, and I look forward to working with her as a new Council colleague. Her years as a resident of Redmond and experiences as a Commissioner on the Planning and most recently the Parks and Trails Commissions have prepared her for this role,” stated Council President Hank Margeson.

School district graduation rate gaps

"Our overall graduation rate for the class of 2016 is 91.3%. This is one of the highest rates in Washington State. We are proud of our overall rate. However, when we dig deeper into our results, we find that the rate for our Latino students is 85%. The rate for our Black/African American students is 81.5%. The rate for our low-income students is 79.2%. The rate for our [special education] students with IEPs is 76.3%. The rate for our English Language Learners is 70.8%. These rates represent actual students with hope and dreams for the future. We need to improve these rates. Lake Washington is committed to closing achievement and opportunity gaps for students where they exist."

   -- Dr. Traci Pierce
      March, 2017