Monday, March 20, 2017

Updated: City Council encourages Dick's Drive-In to locate here

It was announced the new Dick's Drive-In will be located somewhere in South King County

The Redmond City Council passed a resolution to "wholeheartedly encourage the siting of Dick's Drive-In's 7th restaurant within the city."  

DICK'S DRIVE-IN is deciding where they'll build their next restaurant based on popular vote between the East and South regions of Puget Sound.  **Redmond of course is one of the good guys in the Eastern region. Voting closes this Friday, March 24th


Dick's 6th restaurant is in Edmonds

Dick's is a family owned favorite for 63 years.  Their first location opened in 1954. They are known for their Classic menu including famous Pacific Northwest fries. WATCH THE VIDEO!

There are NO Dick's restaurants on the Eastside!

Dick's is a community asset:  $25,000 scholarships are awarded to their employees.
Their "Change for Charity" program was started in 1998 to collect customer's donated change in support homeless charities.


**Bellevue, Kirkland, Sammamish, Woodinville, Issaquah, Bothell, and Mercer Island are in the Eastern Region so please vote too!!  At this time the South is ahead. Come on you guys!

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