Friday, September 2, 2016

"Redmond's Poultry Past" -- Program presented by the Redmond Historical Society, September 10th

 Lechner Family Collection – Redmond Historical Society.
Saturday, September 10th
Redmond’s Poultry Past: From Family Farms to Global Tables
Timothy M. Wright

Beginning in the 1910s, Redmond participated in Washington State’s once-booming poultry industry. Long wooden chicken houses were a familiar sight around the Redmond area as poultry ranches produced eggs and fryers destined for nearby markets. Properties that are now part of the Microsoft campus not only included two chicken farms, but were also the site of leading-edge scientific poultry breeding as well as a commercial hatchery.   Thousands of chicks were hatched and shipped out of Redmond each week.
Historian Tim Wright will examine Redmond’s mid-century poultry history, connecting the larger historical perspective with the stories of people who grew up on or around local farms—as well as those who worked for Heisdorf and Nelson, the poultry breeding company that called Redmond home for 30 years. This program is funded by a grant from 4Culture with volunteer support from the Redmond Historical Society.

Relax over a cup of coffee at the Redmond Historical Society Saturday Speaker Series, a program that features six speakers addressing topics of local, state and Pacific Northwest historical interest. The series is held 10:30am – noon at the Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center, 16600 NE 80th St., Redmond, WA.   Doors open at 10:00 am.  $5 suggested donation for non-members. Speakers subject to change. For details:

GOING BACK IN TIME: "2011, Council approves Chicken Code"

This is an interesting 2011 report about the process the city went through in passing the "Backyard Chicken" ordinance. The current, approved Chicken ordinance is detailed here.  

Redmond City Council approves backyard chicken code

NOVEMBER 9, 2011:  Council approves Animal Husbandry (backyard chicken) code 6-2 (Carson and Cole voting NO).  A noted requirement is covenants will be honored and supersede the animal husbandry code.

Redmond City Council held a final study session November 7 on "Small Animal Husbandry" - commonly known as "Backyard chickens."  Their normal Tuesday meeting was cancelled for the Election.  Council plans to adopt  "Backyard chicken policy and code" on December 6, without any further study sessions.

After thorough discussion, Council consented to Chicken regulations.  The ordinance is expected to include the following code:
  • Mandatory registration.  (Permits, subject to land use requirements, are not required.
  • Maximum allowable chickens decided by Residential zoning only.  Lot size is irrelevant.
  • One Acre (R-1) and 1/2 acre (R-2) lots are allowed a maximum of 10 chickens (hens only).
  • R-4 and R-5 lots are the most common SFH lots in Redmond.  (4-5 lots/acre).  R-4 lots allowed a  maximum of 4 hens, R-5 allowed a maximum of 3 hens.  R-6 maximum 3 hen
  • In R-8 lots chickens won't be allowed.
  • Setbacks:  15' setbacks for adjacent property required with exceptions.
  • Slaughter:  May slaughter 1 chicken per day on site.  More than 1 chicken must be slaughtered off-property in a slaughterhouse, farm, non-residential area. 
  • Predators:  sturdy coop required
  • City Small Animal Husbandry Code will not supersede Homeowners Associations (HOA). 
  • No roosters
Councilmember Kim Allen was the proponent.  She ran the meeting and drove consensus.  Councilmember Hank Margeson had experience in Tacoma with backyard hens in his youth and was considered a council 'expert.'  Hank suggested "no more than a handful of chickens," except for 1/2 acre lots.  He said "chickens should only supplement food, not feed a family of four year-round."  Councilmember Carson has two dogs and his wife was in real estate; he was against backyard chickens.  Councilmember Hank Myers suggested keeping the rules simple saying too many regulations will keep people from participating.  Margeson owns a horse and raised 3 hens as a kid living in Tacoma.  Mayor Marchione was present and quiet throughout the discussion.

Cole, Stilin, and Vache were openly concerned about chicken owners who mistreat or miss-manage their poultry.  Code enforcement was their big issue.  Apparently, the history of chicken neglect and nuisance in other cities is very low.  Cole ended the discussion stating he won't endorse backyard chickens on the basis of:  smell, noise, real estate, disease, predators, potential for harm to the animals.  His property is governed by HOA rules.
Margeson referred to Sustainable Redmond for their help in getting the word out and educating Redmond citizenry.

Reported By Bob Yoder

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Audubon elementary students are terrific artists

Audubon elementary students helped to create this beautiful floral art exhibit for the city.  It was displayed on the grass in the Linear Park for the last So. Bazaar event.  I wonder if it was made exclusively of local flowers?

My wife and I loved it, especially when we learned elementary students were involved in creating it.          

Lake Washington Schools don't have art teachers so parents step-up to hold classes for K- 5th grade students.  Do you want to volunteer? 

The Audubon PTSA sponsors an artist-in-residence once a month.  It's quite obvious they're very good students! 

Bob Yoder

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Bellevue and Redmond PD Searching for Package Thief

Bellevue Police are asking for the public's help to identify a prolific package thief who is also targeting homes in Redmond. On July 12th, the victim’s security camera captured the suspect stealing a package off the front door step of his residence located on NE 117th Street in Redmond. He was driving an older model black Volvo 4 door sedan.

The suspect was described as a white male about 30 years old, closely cropped hair style and facial stubble. He was wearing a yellow shirt, dark pants, and tan construction style boots and was carrying a clipboard. This suspect and vehicle match the suspect in a 3 packages thefts in Bellevue since the beginning of the year. In each incident, he was carrying the same clipboard and appears to be wearing the same shirt in one of the incidents.

If you know his name, Crime stoppers will pay you a cash reward of up to $1,000. Call the hot line anonymously at 1-800-222-TIPS or submit your tip online at Crime Stoppers of Puget Sound Washington's Most Wanted.
Becky Range, Redmond PD Public Information Officer 

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Restoring Tosh Creek improves fish habitat and mitigates flooding in the Overlake neighborhood

City Planner Roger Dane (l) and Project Manager Steve Hitch book-end Tosh Creek

Susan, Bob, and Steve
Credit John Reinke
A few weeks ago Steve Hitch and Roger Dane of the City went out of their way to give Water Tenders’ Susan Wilkins, John Reinke, and myself a short tour of the Tosh Creek Restoration Project.   Do you see the creek running between Roger and Steve?  

Salmon fry and lamprey were found right at this spot in May.  Can you believe it? You've got to watch the City’s fascinating underwater video!    (removed.)

Tosh Creek is an important tributary to the Sammamish River. Its headwaters are actually in the Overlake neighborhood up the hill from West Lake Sammamish Parkway.  In 2013, the culvert running under the parkway was improved and the stream was re-aligned away from the road to be more "fish friendly," and to reduce sediment build-up near the culvert.  Willows and other native plants were planted to shade the creek and keep it cool. The $1.9M project was managed by Roger Dane and Mike Haley and funded primarily from city stormwater utility funds.

The Sammamish River's federally protected Chinook salmon and endangered Kokanee salmon need the cool water Tosh Creek provides to thrive and reproduce. Coho salmon and trout live in Tosh Creek. As small as Tosh Creek is, its flow is significant in the Fall when salmon are spawning and need cool water.  

But, the restoration of Tosh Creek does much more than improve fish habitat.  Serious erosion and flooding from stormwater run-off upstream is damaging the creek and threatening adjacent properties.  Thus, the city is installing an expensive stormwater detention system (vault) near 159th Avenue NE. and facilities in 4 other locations.  The cost for the vault is over $8M but the city was able to secure a  $5M grant and $1.6M low interest loan from the Washington State Department of Ecology. 

This is a bit more than a fish story!  At the end of our tour we saw a doe and two fawns wandering south from the creek. Hmmm.... I wonder what they were doing? 
 If you want to participate in the planning process of the vault and treatment facilities, Steve is hosting two September meetings.  For details, GO HERE. 
Bob Yoder

Monday, August 29, 2016

Grand Opening Celebration Slated for the New Redmond Loop Shuttle Service

REDMOND, WA — The City of Redmond is partnering with King County Metro to pilot the “Redmond LOOP,” a new shuttle service available to everyone in the community. The Loop Grand Opening celebration will be held at 4:00 pm on Friday, September 9, 2016, in front of City Hall located at 15670 NE 85th Street. The Redmond LOOP is part of Metro’s Alternative Service program—which aims to forge partnerships with local communities and bring mobility services to parts of King County where traditional fixed-route bus service may not be a good fit.

“Creating travel choices and improving local transit options are priorities for the City. The Redmond LOOP adds a new type of transit service, and helps us meet a wider variety of local travel needs,” stated Mayor John Marchione.
The Redmond LOOP arrives every 45 minutes on weekdays between the hours of 9:00 am and 3:00 pm to meet the mid-day travel needs of Redmond residents, visitors and employees in the LOOP service area. The LOOP will travel from the Redmond Transit Center through Education Hill, along Avondale to Bear Creek Park & Ride and then along Redmond Way with a stop by Redmond Town Center before heading back to the Transit Center. During the summer months, riders throughout Redmond have been able to ride the LOOP for free and become familiar with its route. Starting Monday, September 12, 2016, a standard Metro one-zone fare will be charged per ride.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Valderrama is an exceptional candidate

Updated:  Ramiro Valderrama is an exceptionally strong advocate for the people and I urge you to support him in his run against Roger Goodman for the 45th Legislative District.  Valderrama's powerful advocacy for the mentally ill, environment, education and property rights are probably key reasons the non-partisan Municipal League rated him  “Outstanding!” 
As Deputy Mayor of the City of Sammamish, Valderrama was two years ahead of his peers on council in fighting King County’s removal of trees during construction of the Sammamish Trail.  Early on, Ramiro had to take on the council majority to save the trees and protect property rights along the Trail.  He won his second election by 83%.
Valderrama is a strong advocate for the mentally ill.  He participated this year in the “National Alliance for the Mentally Ill” awareness campaign held in Kirkland.  He's been selected by a mental health organization that supports candidates who are committed to improving access to ethical mental health treatment.  The organization is supported by seven mental health groups and about 2500 clinicians.
And he isn't too excited about ST3.  The $54B sound transit package would raise taxes by over $1000 on a $700k house when including sales tax, car tabs and existing ST1 and ST2 taxes.  ST3 also reduces bus service, and Eastside residents would pay a proportionally heavier cost.  He calls the measure "taxation without transportation." 
Ramiro’s four children attended Lake Washington School District and he’s presently a STEM school advisor for the district. To fully fund education we need 4.5 Billion.  And, some lawmakers want to spend 54B on light rails?
Bob Yoder

Sound Transit confesses to illegally giving 173 email addresses to a political campaign

This opinion was written and published by Rob Butcher, Editor of the "Kirkland Views."  

As if foreign nationals hacking into our Federal government's computer systems was not enough bad news, locally, we find that Sound Transit just gave away the email addresses of 173,000 ORCA customers to the pro-transit campaign, Mass Transit NOW!
Kirkland Views has been a vocal critic of Sound Transit for many reasons but this time, we would hope everyone would condemn Sound Transit, the sacred cow of pork barrel spending.

“To date, our critique of Sound Transit has been how ST3 prioritizes political payback over moving people.”
Where is the outrage? Will we see it in the public, in the media? Many thought influencers, politicians and media organizations rely too heavily on Sound Transit, its political power and massive advertising budget to be major critics. Kudos to The Seattle Times for such good work. Let's see if Sound Transit sends their marketing hush money elsewhere moving forward.
"Sound Transit acknowledged the potentially illegal email release after The Seattle Times raised questions. An ORCA cardholder had contacted the newspaper about an ST3 campaign email he received through an email address he said he only uses for his ORCA account."
-- The Seattle Times

“There is something untoward about Sound Transit lobbying the electorate to vote for more money to fund Sound Transit. Another reason to vote no on ST3.”
To date, our critique of Sound Transit has been how ST3 prioritizes political payback over moving people. Case in point: Rail to Issaquah is an ST3 top priority. The only real justification for such a low ridership, billion dollar, long distance rail line is cronyism. Issaquah's mayor just happens to sit on the Sound Transit Board. The planned Issaquah light rail line is unjustifiable as a top priority and will move scarce few in 2040 when it is planned to open. Meanwhile, today commuters wallow in traffic congestion as their tax dollars go to build trains they will never ride. 
There is something untoward about Sound Transit lobbying the electorate to vote for more money to fund Sound Transit. Another reason to vote no on ST3.
Read the entire article at The Seattle Times.

By Rob Butcher, 8/23/2016, Kirkland Views
(photo omitted)

Redmond Town Center's Block Party

Attend Redmond Town Center's Block Party, Saturday, September 10, Noon - 5PM 

This year, Redmond Town Center and Spirit 105.3 explore the wild west with country fair fun.
Activities are FREE, except where pricing is noted below.
  • Arrive in your country western duds!
  • Look all pretty with professionally face painting, western style by Merry Makers
  • Watch balloon artists recreate the wild west by Merry Makers
  • Nosh on the most finger lickin' county fair food while you relax on bales of hay from Raven Rock Ranch
  • Meander in The Root Beer Store Saloon
  • Boot scootin' to country music on the main stage
  • Climb over hills and valleys on a bouncy obstacle course and Western bounce house by Merry Makers
  • Care for the farm animals in the country petting zoo by Josie Rooz
  • Pose in the haystack photo booth by A A'more Events
  • Decorate mini bandanas, sheriff badges, cowboy boots, and make your own mini-lasso
  • Take part in county fair games with ring and horseshoe toss, and a country selfie board
  • Mine for gold with geode cracking at Utopia's booth ($8, $10, $15 - depends on geode chosen)
  • Paint Away! ($4 handprint or $5 tote) more information
  • Meet everyday sheriffs, cowboys and cowgirls from Redmond Police and Fire Departments
  • Reach for the stars with Springfree Trampoline
  • Sample the finest milk from Smith Brothers Farms
  • Leave the event line dancing with Recess Monkey, performing at 4 p.m.
  • And more...

Popular with the younger set, Recess Monkey performs on the main stage at 4 p.m.!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Kindergarten changes to help students, families to a successful year

Full-Day Kindergarten for all students starts this year

Redmond, Wash. – New for the upcoming school year, Lake Washington School District (LWSD) will be able to provide full-day kindergarten, funded by the state of Washington. The new kindergarten program will help students and families to a successful start to their education.
In past years, the district offered state-funded half day kindergarten. Parents had the option to pay for the second half of the school day. That meant some students attended half-day kindergarten while others attended for the full day. This year, all elementary schools in LWSD will provide full-day kindergarten.
The first day of school and classes for kindergarten will be September 9. Grades 1-12 begin school on September 6.
Kindergarten families will meet with their student’s teacher in a Family Connection meeting on September 6, 7 or 8. During these meetings, teachers will get to know the family and learn about the child. They can address any concerns or questions about the transition into kindergarten. Families get a chance to meet the teacher. They can share their child’s interests, strengths, fears and other characteristics. Parents will be contacted by their school to schedule a Family Connection meeting time.  >> Read More>>

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Letter: Landmark tree bordering Idylwood Park threatened

Idylwood Park
(subject tree is on the left)
 I and my wife are trying to alert everyone in Redmond, plus those who use Idylwood Park, that an absolutely magnificent tree in is danger of being taken down for ... a patio! This huge, beautiful red cedar tree, estimated to be over 80 years old and 100 feet tall, is one that will be familiar to many people. It is located just inside the fence line of the Fairweather Condominium complex next to the park.

It is the official policy of the City of Redmond to protect our urban trees. There can be little doubt this tree qualifies for protection as a "significant tree" under the City of Redmond tree policy. Our unofficial yet very conservative calculation indicates that, under the City's formula, the size of the tree's diameter far surpasses the threshold for being deemed a significant tree. 
In addition, the tree meets at least one of six criteria for protection under another part of the City's tree policy, namely, "being adjacent to public parks and open space." The threatened tree is the companion of two other beautiful red cedars located on the other side of the fence line in Idylwood Park. (I have attached pictures of the trees to this message. The tree in question is the one on the left in the photo taken from the park side.) These trees were wisely preserved for future generations by the Buckans, the family construction firm that built the Fairweather in the late 1970s. 
We also recently learned that the tree may be protected under federal law. The Redmond office of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service advises us that a tree where a migratory bird nest has been built is protected from destruction if the nest has eggs or young in it. A tree with an eagle's nest is protected regardless of whether the nest is active or inactive. We know that many birds, including bald eagles, frequent the tree. We are soliciting help from bird watchers to gather evidence that may show the tree is protected under federal law.
The tree is not diseased, nor is it decaying such as to pose a threat to anyone from falling branches. Thus it does not fall under the key exceptions of the city policy that would allow a tree to be destroyed..
We believe this tree meets several criteria for protection. But we are concerned, and fighting hard, because so many trees have been taken down in Redmond, regardless of what the laws say. And we are up against residents and a condominium association board whose members show little interest in preserving the natural beauty of our area

William "Bud" Wurtz, PhD

Monday, August 22, 2016

Register for Redmond Lacrosse Fall Ball

Redmond Lacrosse Club, Lacrosse, Goal, Field

Our Program Director has managed to work it so all new 3rd – 6th grade players to Redmond Lacrosse can borrow--for free--loaner equipment for Fall lacrosse. That's right: pads, helmet, gloves, stick, and a ball to use for the Fall season. They must register with us to take advantage of this offer. Feel free to pass along this message to anyone you think would be interested.
We purposely schedule all Fall Ball games and practices for all levels to take place on Sunday Mornings. This minimizes conflicts with other Fall Sports (football, soccer, etc.) allows our players to participate in multiple sporting activities.
We have secured Perrigo Park (10:30a-12:30p) as our home turf for all levels of our youth program.

Labor Day 4 Mile Run/Walk and Half Marathon at Redmond Town Center

Walk Run Clip ArtOffering one of the FLATTEST half marathon courses in Western Washington with less than 130 feet of cumulative elevation gain/loss over the 13.1 mile course, runners come from all over to gain their personal best! Participants will enjoy the colorful fall leaves and scenery at the start/finish area within the city of Redmond, Washington and along the courses that wind along the Sammamish River Trail.
6:30am – Day-of-Race Registration and Packet-Pick-up Opens
8:00am – Half Marathon Run/Walk & Redmond Town Center Family 4-Mile
10:00am – Awards Ceremony
11:15am – Kids’ Run Start
Event participants and supporters alike can then celebrate in the BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse Beer Garden and Redmond Town Center Family Zone while enjoying delicious BBQ, live music, awards and other finish line fun!
$10 - $80 (price varies by race and date of registration)

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Review: Long Wait-Times at EvergreenHealth Public Hospital

REVIEW:  Hospitals love to publish regional PR awards; self-image is priority #1. Here's the latest one from EvergreenHealth, public hospital about their service: Scroll  

"For the fourth consecutive year, U.S. News & World Report recognized EvergreenHealth as one of the top health care organizations in the region for its outstanding clinical care and service."

It's obvious this magazine reporter never visited EvergreenHealth's emergency department or looked at the Yelp reviews.

Four months ago my wife and I waited 5.5 hours to have her headache and an eye twitch evaluated. Well, I guess they didn't consider it an emergency.   We complained to "Patient Relations."  It took them 3 months to acknowledge us as a customer and apologize.  

We were billed at Level 4:  A $1,896.69 charge (not counting doctor and lab fees) AFTER our insurance company paid them $2,242.31.   We didn't hear back on the doctor's diagnosis until 3 months after our visit....after multiple requests.  The following is a YELP review:
"This review is solely for the ER. Horrible! 3 hour wait time on a weekday to be told that they forgot I was still waiting to be seen. Seriously? Incompetent and rude staff. Will not come back to this clinic for any treatments or emergencies."
One of my friends had a similar experience.  She's now goes to Swedish Emergency Department, Urgent Care, and Primary Care Clinic on Union Hill in Redmond and is very happy with them.  As much as I like to call EvergreenHealth my "friendly neighborhood hospital" we'll certainly keep our distance from them at both ER's and the Bella Bottega Urgent Care

Brightmont Academy School moves to Redmond Town Center

Brightmont Academy, a private school specializing in one-to-one instruction for students in grades 6-12, celebrates its one year anniversary in Redmond Town Center. The one-to-one instruction model enables all aspects of a student's education program to be customized. Brightmont Academy offers a flexible schedule and engaging learning environment. In addition to students who attend Brightmont Academy as their private school and intend to earn a diploma through Brightmont, students may take individual courses to earn credit toward a diploma issued by their local high school, or receive a wide range of support services, including tutoring for grades 3-12, test prep, and career planning advising. 

By moving to Redmond Town Center, Brightmont expanded its facility to offer 17 individual learning rooms designed specifically for one-to-one instruction, a student gathering area, and a lunch room with a full kitchen that provides students with a comfortable space and encourages socializing during break times. In addition, the Redmond campus added a science lab and a new, quiet homework studio area for independent work. “With this additional space, we have had increased availability for students who can benefit from one-to- one instruction,” said Campus Director Sheila Harrison. 

Brightmont Academy was established in 1999, and celebrates its 17 year organization anniversary in addition to celebrating one year in the Redmond Town Center location. Currently there are 3 campuses in Washington State - Seattle Northgate, Redmond, and Sammamish with a 4th planned soon in Woodinville - as well as campuses in Arizona, Michigan, and Minnesota. 

On Thursday, September 15 Brightmont Academy is hosting an all-day open house and anniversary celebration. Please feel free to stop in any time between 9AM and 5PM to meet our experienced staff, enjoy refreshments, and tour the Redmond campus. For more information, please or call 1-888-521-0887.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

UPDATED: Mayor Marchione and Council go out of their way to participate with us

John Stilin
John Stilin
(grabbed off the internet)
UPDATED 8/23  Our council members work hard and long to represent us with little recognition from the general public. They value and almost crave citizen input to get the pulse of the community, often reading our Facebook sites, blogs and other social media discussions. 

Unfortunately, input from commission volunteers, city meetings, Items from the Audience, Letters to the Editor and social gatherings barely scrape the surface for the community participation they and staff need to make good decisions.   Ironically and unfortunately lack of participation from us makes them less accountable. 

A few council members (and now the Mayor) have recognized the problem and are going out of their way to engage with us.  The Mayor is holding "Neighborhood Conversations"  outside of City Hall and in our neighborhoods.  Council members Hank Myers and John Stilin host "coffee times."  I've followed the council for over ten years and find Hank Myers the city's #1 advocate for citizen participation. Hank values and respects any input from us, even if we drone on about one issue after the other.  

Stilin is the most powerful, ambitious and intense member of council that I know. He's the Council alpha  To the common man he appears above the people and demanding of respect, but he tries hard to engage. For a long time John held his coffee-time at Soulfood.  Despite the nasty two-year couplet construction he moved it to Midori Bakery on Redmond Way because he likes the pastries and service. I've been to two of his coffees. He has a wealth of information about the city and will share it with you if you give him something in return.  Despite his demeanor and stature by all means don't be afraid to engage!

Stilin holds coffee-time between 3:00 and 4:00 every Tuesday for his constituents. In days past he frequently posted his coffee hours on the Ed. Hill Facebook site.  Now, he advertises on the city tourism site "Experience Redmond Blog."  John will happily schedule an appointment if you have a work conflict. I'm sorry I don't have an email for you.  He uses a different email format than the other council members and I can never remember it. 

Hank Myers hosts his coffee-time the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month, 2:30 to 4:30, conveniently located at Down Pour Coffee Bar in west Redmond. I've been to one of Hank's coffees. He is friendly, approachable and a real treat to visit.  Hank is very busy and to be assured of seeing him I suggest an email --  

We need to participate more with council so they and staff can make better decisions!  The Mayor, Mr. Stilin and Mr. Myers are giving us great opportunities.  Let's use them!  

Bob Yoder

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Art Installation at So Bazaar, 8/25

So Bazarre rangoli installation for event 8/25/16 in Redmond

Art Installation at So Bazaar

REDMOND, WA – So Bazaar Night Market features artists, performances, artisan market, food and drink along the Redmond Central Connector located between 161st Ave NE and Leary Way. The last of three events will take place on Thursday, August 25 from 5-10 pm.
"The residents and visitors feel moved by So Bazaar,” said Mayor John Marchione. “The performance and participatory art productions create a sense of joy and community,” he added. “Join us on Thursday for the final evening of the year.”
On the last night of So Bazaar, the Redmond Central Connector will be further transformed by a large-scale public art installation of rangoli. Rangoli is one of the oldest Indian art formsfar predating sculpture and painting, and uses materials such as colored rice, sand, four, or petals to create temporary designs on the ground.
The large-scale rangoli installation at So Bazaar will also feature a central mandala of fresh flowers snaking its way through John Fleming’s “Sky Painting” in the Redmond Central Connector parking lot, which currently holds the title of being the largest painted surface in the state of Washington.
It will be created in collaboration between curator Latha Sambamurti, artists Sudha Rajasekaran (rangoli) and Annie Penta (mandala) and the Art Docents of Audubon Elementary, leading a group of Redmond school children and any volunteers that want to participate.
For more information and a complete listing of So Bazaar market elements, please visit: If you have questions, please contact Jessica Rubenacker atjarubenacker@redmond.govThis press release is available on

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Summer driving tips and news

With all the traffic and congestion in our area I thought these driving tips would be interesting or helpful:

I-90 sees increase in fatal crashes
The stretch of I-90 between Snoqualmie Pass and Ellensburg has seen a major rise in the number of deadly accidents this year.  To read why there have been more fatalities in 2016 than the last three years combined, and what you can do to stay safe on all Northwest roads read this.  

Can your car’s remote keyless entry system be hacked?
Whoa! This is scary, especially because it appears the answer to that question is yes. Find out how computer hackers are doing it, and steps you can take to keep your car safe.  Click the link.  Read More>>

Saturday, August 13, 2016

New Redmond trail will be constructed with sustainable development features

Trestle on Sammamish River being retrofitted
The Trestle Bridge is under construction

REDMOND, WA – You have probably noticed that construction is well underway for the second phase of the Redmond Central Connector Trail (RCC II), the City’s rails to trails project.  The RCC II has several sustainably designed features and elements that celebrate Redmond’s rich natural history. The trail will connect with the existing trail at the junction of the Sammamish River trail, across the Sammamish River, and along Willows Road to the Overlake Christian Church.
Sustainable development strategies are being implemented that are in line with Redmond’s commitment to being “Clean and Green” as stated in the City’s Budgeting by Priorities process.
  • An old culvert on Willows Creek will be replaced with a fish-passable crossing. The new crossing will be one step toward improving the health of the creek.
  • Also, the old railroad trestle over the Sammamish River is being retrofitted. Several wood timbers are being replaced to extend the life of the existing structure then the trail and railings will be integrated into the trestle. Some work in and over these waterways is required to make repairs to the trestle, and many Best Management Practices are in place to prevent impacts to water quality. This work is being conducted during the “fish-window” regulated by Washington State, a period when impacts to aquatic life are significantly reduced.
  • Nearly half a mile of the trail will use a Low Impact Development technique, permeable asphalt paving, which allows rain to infiltrate into the ground instead of running off.
  • The project will include 250 new trees and 1,000 new shrubs and plants that are native or acclimated to our region and will not require significant maintenance to survive. These new plants will improve habitat, air quality, and aesthetics along the corridor. 
Nice job City of Redmond!