Monday, August 22, 2016

Labor Day 4 Mile Run/Walk and Half Marathon at Redmond Town Center

Walk Run Clip ArtOffering one of the FLATTEST half marathon courses in Western Washington with less than 130 feet of cumulative elevation gain/loss over the 13.1 mile course, runners come from all over to gain their personal best! Participants will enjoy the colorful fall leaves and scenery at the start/finish area within the city of Redmond, Washington and along the courses that wind along the Sammamish River Trail.
6:30am – Day-of-Race Registration and Packet-Pick-up Opens
8:00am – Half Marathon Run/Walk & Redmond Town Center Family 4-Mile
10:00am – Awards Ceremony
11:15am – Kids’ Run Start
Event participants and supporters alike can then celebrate in the BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse Beer Garden and Redmond Town Center Family Zone while enjoying delicious BBQ, live music, awards and other finish line fun!
$10 - $80 (price varies by race and date of registration)

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