Wednesday, January 12, 2022

The First Levy Results Are In - It's Looking VERY Good For The District

Superintendent Holmen announced all Levies are ahead by 54%.  It's a win!

New Levy for Critical Construction Needs:

Total cost for all the projects is $295 million, allowing for construction costs, construction inflation, sales tax, and other fees.  

The Construction Levy will provide classroom space for 2,350 students by: 

  • Adding a new elementary school on underdeveloped land on Redmond Elementary Campus, with up to 24 classrooms = 550 students
  • Additions at Finn Hill, Kirkland and Redmond Middle Schools = 600 students
  • Additional high school capacity for about 1,200 students
  • Acquiring property for future schools.

This Levy authorizes an average of $49.2 million per year over six years. The levy rate is estimated to be an average of $0.42 per $1,000 of assessed value. This rate combined with previously approved construction measures will total $1.32 per thousand assessed value. The tax rate for construction levies will decrease over time as past bonds are paid off and prior construction levies expire.


Renewal Educational Programs & Operations Levy: The average annual amount per year is $92.3 million. The measure replaces an expiring levy and the levy rate is estimated at $1.03 per $1,000 of assessed value.

 Renewal School Technology & Capital Projects Levy: The average annual amount per year is $44.3 million. The measure replaces an expiring levy and the levy rate is estimated at $0.49 per $1,000 of assessed value.

FAQ  (election is February 8th)

Source:  District website

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