Tuesday, March 18, 2025

City Counci Meeting Agendas Distributed By Email


Redmond City Council Agendas

for the Weeks of March 17 and 24, 2025

Starting March 16, 2025  agendas will be distributed twice a month and will include two weeks of agendas.

To sign up for email delivery of Council agendas click this link:  

Study Sessions and Business Meetings are held every week in City Hall.  Click on the links and find useful and very interesting information related to Council/Mayor decisions. Staff always gives presentations at these meetings.  They and the Mayor run the government.  

"Committee of the Whole" is loaded with excellent information and topic discussion  e.g. 
Automated Speed Safety Cameras, Amended City Ordinance, and Camera Vendor Service Agreement
Attachments:1. Agenda Memo, 2. Attachment A: Amended Redmond Ordinance 10.25, 3. Attachment B: Speed Camera Program Analysis and Recommendations, 4. Attachment C: Service Agreement Between City of Redmond and NovoaGlobal, 5. Attachment D: NovoaGlobal Sole Source Justification

-- Yoder, 3/18/25

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