Thursday, January 25, 2018

Become a FAN of Music Arts

It’s a bad idea to take your tuba on the bus.
Consider the obvious problems: shoving it through the folding door, heaving it down the aisle, and jamming it onto a seat. Even if you can manage all that, nobody will fit next to you. Not good for your social interactions or your instrument, which suffers wear-and-tear when traveling.
That’s one reason why our schools purchase instruments for orchestra and band students to use at school. This policy also helps ensure that anyone who wants to play gets to play, regardless of their ability to purchase or rent their own instrument.
But these school-owned instruments are showing their age, and the need is only growing. The Lake Washington School District needs to purchase nearly $300,000 in instruments over the next five years. The state doesn’t provide funding for this, and while booster clubs perform an amazing service, this funding gap is too big for a booster.
So we’re coming to you for help.

Click to learn which instruments are needed in each school and contribute to the school or learning community of your choice.

- Larry Wright, PhD
Executive Director of LW Schools Foundaiton

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