Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Redmond Mayor Angela Birney Introduces Preliminary Budget


Mayor Birney / Redmond

Redmond Mayor Angela Birney Introduces Preliminary 2023 – 2024 Budget

REDMOND, WA – On Tuesday, Oct. 4, Redmond Mayor Angela Birney introduced the preliminary 2023-2024 biennial budget at the regular business meeting of the City Council. Over the next several weeks, Council will review and discuss the draft budget ahead of the final budget adoption, which is expected on Dec. 6. 

Redmond uses the Budgeting by Priorities process to form the City’s biennial budget. This process identifies the community’s highest priority services. The 2023-2024 preliminary budget upholds the values of the City’s four priorities confirmed by the community in 2020, including:

  • We value a healthy and sustainable environment that supports an active community.
  • We value a strategic and responsive community that is welcoming, service-oriented, and fiscally responsible.
  • We value a safe and resilient community where all people feel safe.
  • We value a well-planned and supported community that is vibrant and connected and that provides a sense of place.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

King County Executive Proposes Broad Investments to Behavioral Health Infrastructure

King County Executive Dow Constantine

Redmond Reporter, Cameron Sheppard, 9/27/2022

A 9-year property tax levy (14.5 cents/$1K ) submitted to voters in 2023 would generate $1.25 billion to stabilize and strengthen the County's behavioral health crisis care system.

On Sept. 26, King County Executive Dow Constantine and a regional coalition of leaders announced a plan to address behavioral health in the county by creating a countywide network of five crisis care centers, investing in the recruitment and retention of the community behavioral health workforce, and restoring the number of residential treatment beds in the region.

Redmond Council May Approve $203,360 For Maintenance Of Stream Restoration Sites

The Washington Conservation Corps (WCC) maintains stream and habitat restoration sites throughout the City of Redmond. The WCC crew of six is subsidized by AmeriCorps for 2022- 23. The City of Redmond would pay the Washington Department of Ecology $203,360, a very good deal according to the Public Works Director.   

Courtesy of W.C.C.

Maintenance is a crucial activity to the success of restoration and mitigation associated with capital improvement projects. Approximately, 100-acres of restoration and maintenance sites are distributed around the City.  Below, are a few:  

  • Conrad Olsen Park
  • Confluence of Evans and Bear creeks
  • Farrel McWhiterPark planting
  • Mackey creek rehab.
  • Lower Bear Creek
  • Bear Creek at Keller Farm
  • Sammamish River Riparian & Bear Creek.
  • Sammamish River upland
  • Riverwalk
  • Willows Business Center stream daylighting
  • Various Peters Creek work

A detailed mapping of all the maintenance and restoration sites is HERE.  

Maintenance of restoration sites involves control of invasive weeds, litter patrol, replacement planting, and other activities important to overall project success. This regular site maintenance enhances already completed projects, building on the initial investment, as well as improving the aesthetics of sites. 

WCC members are typically college-age students learning restoration techniques and gaining job skills. A crew consists of six staff that work a 40-hour work week, for 41 weeks, primarily managing noxious weeds and installing replacement plantings at City capital improvement projects. 

In addition, the crew helps with volunteer events, native tree planting, habitat assessment, small stream maintenance projects, site monitoring, and de-fishing stream projects. 

-- Posted by Bob Yoder, 10/2/2022

Source:  Public Works Council Committee of the Whole, 10/2/4/2022

Friday, September 30, 2022

The Salmon Seeson is Upon Us!

Redmond resident John Reinke has seen salmon migrating upstream from three Redmond bridge locations:  1) Redmond Way bridge, 2) Connector Trestle bridge, and  3) the Union Hill St. bridge. 9/25/2022 report.  When the October rains come expect migrations in force up the Sammamish River and Bear Creek bridges to Juel Park, the 95th Street bridge, into Woodinville and Cottage Lake to spawn.    

ISSAQUAH SALMON DAY FESTIVAL, October 1-2.  Awesome event!  Don't miss it! 🐟🐟🐟

"Save the Salmon" is an advocacy group to protect Lake Sammamish salmon. Great website.


Thursday, September 29, 2022

EvergreenHealth - "Then and Now"


 EvergreenHealth is a community-owned, publicly funded hospital. 

Two Restaurants Coming To "Porch + Park"

Courtesy of Main Street Property Group

"Two restaurants are coming to a new mixed-use building in downtown Redmond later this year: Seattle restauranter Ethan Stowell Restaurant Group’s Italian restaurant Tavolàta and local bagel shop Rubinstein Bagels

Both will be in the Porch + Park building, 16001 Redmond Way, across from Redmond Downtown Park.

Tavolàta will occupy a 4,500-square-foot ground-floor space and Rubinstein Bagels will take an adjacent 2,680 square feet."

Been keeping an eye out for when the bagel store opens up!

-- Chris Lanterman, 9/29/2022 comment on Redmond Neighbors facebook group.

City of Redmond Rechanneling Bear Creek


Redmond's Bear Creek

Bear Creek has been slowly migrating into the Avondale Road embankment north of Novelty Hill Road causing the embankment to settle and undercut the sidewalk.

This project will restore and enhance a section of Bear Creek by re-channeling it, installing large woody debris, creating a side channel or backwater habitat, and restoring the buffer with native plantings. As part of the restoration, existing riprap boulders and a PSE guidewire will be removed.

The project will also stabilize the embankment and repair existing stormwater outfalls that are damaged.

SEPA information for this project can be found on the Avondale Road Bank Erosion page.

Posted by Bob Yoder, 9/29/2022

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

UPDATED OPINION: Big Possibilities For Redmond's Overlake Urban Center


Redmond is trying to do something like this. Woodinville, above is designing some attractive buildings and open places for pedestrians and bicycles. These buildings are next to City Hall.  Notice the wide sidewalks with lighting and landscaping on either side. The corridor is an alley.  


I'm one of the few in Redmond that actually listen in to the Planning Commission meetings. [I think the city is working them too hard.] The commissioners studied the "Urban Pathway" concept last night.  Elements are 12-foot wide sidewalks with 8-feet of landscaping on either side.  The sidewalks have lighting and are intended for pedestrians (not scooters.)  They will connect to plazas.  Setbacks weren't discussed.  A favorite commissioner, Tara Van Niman was very positive about alleys.  She said they draw people in and are perfect for cafes and pubs.  

Urban Pathways are intended only for the Overlake Urban Center area. The planners missed their calling for the downtown. Very sad.  However, the concept could be applied for the Nelson Legacy Village and Redmond Town Center. 


SHOCKING!  Currently, Overlake is zoned 12 stories.   Now the city is seriously looking at 30-story  heights for Overlake, in the vicinity of Sears, as noted in the 9/7/2022 PC meeting.  

Laugh at me if you will, but could the 30-story rezone be attributed to downtown seismic conditions as described on one of my posts by a blog reader?  

Well put Bob! We discussed this at length during one of the planning meetings for the Redmond 2050 planning process. Most of us felt that due to the aquifer and the risk of earthquakes we need to push more of the development into the Overlake and surrounding areas. However some of the surrounding areas are at risk for landslides. There’s no perfectly safe space, but losing her aquifer because the building collapses into it would be catastrophic for Redmond. Thank you for responding, I am also being more aware of the various buildings going up near downtown. I feel like we don’t get enough of a notice. I think the city should be required to send notices to a wider area for each project. There are projects that are Amir two blocks from me that I have not received information for. Be alert citizenry and reach out

Jeff Churchill, the intelligent Long Range Planning Manager went back and forth with the commissioners on how the three major master planned developers in Overlake would respond well to a 30-story rezone.  (Sears, Limited Edition, and Seratige)  It appears the city is encouraging the three to wait for the 30-story rezone; especially Sears. Is the push to densify Overlake attributed to the seismic conditions of our shallow downtown aquifer?  Council Member Dr. Jeralee Anderson would be a good one to ask.  She has a PhD in Civil Engineering.  

-- Bob Yoder, opinion, 9/28/2022

The Redmond "Heron Rookery"


The Heron rookery, minus birds and trees

My wife and puppy are in the middle-third of this large unforested portion of the Heron Rookery.  There's a lot of dirt behind me that you can't see.  Unfortunately, the trees that once stood there are gone.  No one seems to know why the trees died off. A quandary, since there are no stumps. 


A must see short video on the history of the herons and rookery forest is HERE. 

The 4.6 acre open space site is located on the southwest corner of Bear Creek Parkway and Leary Way in Redmond, Washington. It stands at the entrance to Downtown Redmond and features what's left of an urban forest and a trail that runs through the middle.  The city lists it as a park with use for hiking.  

The infamous Workshop Tavern, long torn down abutted the rookery.  It was an historic establishment serving Redmond's first hamburgers and beer.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Redmond's "Zeeks Canyon"


The "Park and Porch" battleship apartment is steaming (and listing) right along. 
"Zeek canyon" will soon be fully formed. but with setbacks?

Porch & Park apartment is the last piece of the Downtown park puzzle. It's almost complete.  Some residents notice the tall buildings are shading each other and the park.  

Posted/pictures by B.Y.  

Updated: The Redmond Blog


Map of 11 Redmond Neighborhoods
Visit "Friends who like Redmond Neighborhood Blog" for a curated feed of popular stories, opinion and original photos.

Bob Yoder has authored the "Redmond Neighborhood Blog" AKA the Redmond Blog for 16 years.  He's a 42-year resident of Redmond, WA and lives in the wilds of the Education Hill neighborhood.

The Redmond Blog advocates, investigates and reports news and opinion on Greater Redmond, WA. neighborhoods, schools, local governments and organizations so our community can be more informed, responsive and connected with each other.  The goal with our local governments is to encourage them, foster transparency and occasionally catalyze change.

Redmond has 11 neighborhoods and is under the jurisdictions of the City of Redmond, Lake Washington School District, and EvergreenHealth Public Hospital.

Redmond was a 1-stoplight town when I first moved here in 1978. Today it's a suburban city to Seattle and growing astoundingly fast, especially in the last eight years. We are talking dozens of cranes.  The City has far too many jobs for too little housing. Housing affordability is a very big problem. Microsoft, Nintendo, and now Facebook and Amazon are economic engines that never quit.  In two-three years four light rail stations will service Redmond.  

Thank you for reading the blog, commenting, and sharing with your friends and family. 

Stay safe, stay healthy.  

Bob Yoder

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Recap of Recent COVID-19 News and Updates


Thursday, Sept. 22, 2022

Washington State Department of Health

Contact: Public Information Desk

Statewide Response Updates

Newest numbers. The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) reported a total of 1,805,781 confirmed cases as of 11:59 p.m. on Sept. 20. There have been 14,146 COVID-19 deaths in Washington.

For the most recent number of cases by county, demographics, and more, visit the Department of Health's dashboard.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Earthquake Preparedness On The Eastside

Hello Mr. Yoder,


Earthquakes are unquestionably a hazard to the City, but I believe the community would be better served by the multi-hazard approach of a program such as CERT or Map Your Neighborhood, rather than such a specific committee. Our Emergency Manager is working with the CERT leads to offer CERT classes in 2023, and some smaller, targeted preparedness sessions.  Map Your Neighborhood (Be 2 Ready) has all resources available to communities online now. There are many online earthquake resources for the Great Washington Shake-Out taking place on October 20th.  Additionally, our Emergency Management Division was involved in the Washington State Cascadia Rising Exercise Series 2022 earlier this year, which are important multi-jurisdictional drills since an earthquake in the Puget Sound area will affect more than one city in the region.


Thank you for reaching out about this.  I hope you find the linked resources helpful.


Mayor Birney




Angela Birney (she/her/hers)

Mayor, City of Redmond

CC:  EvergreenHealth Medical Center

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Eastside Native American Drum Making Project

"If the legends fall silent, who will teach our children of our ways?"   
Chief Dan George - Coast Salish  

 Cultural classes are held every Monday, 7PM, Lake Washington High School  

Eastside Native American Education Program  Bellevue, Lake Washington, Northshore school districts.
Mary Wilber, Program Director, LWSD, 425-936-1402

Pow Wow, Saturday, October 1, 6PM  Juanita High School.  Dance contest, drums.

Student Recognition video.  Cool pictures of decorated cakes, towards the end.

-posted by B. Yoder, 9/18/2022
photo, ENAEP

Thursday, September 15, 2022

2022 Superintendent Dr. Holmen's Reflection on the First Day of School

September 6th.  So refreshing to learn in-person!

Dr. Jon Holmen serves as Chief Executive Officer. He provides strategic vision, leadership and direction to Lake Washington School District. Dr. Holmen is a skilled education leader with 22 years of experience in public education. On July 1, 2020, he became Lake Washington School District’s 13th superintendent.

Read Dr. Holmen's full bio here.

Student Representatives Selected for Lake Washington School Board


Two students to share student voice in Board conversations

Redmond, Wash. - Starting this year, the Lake Washington School District Board of Directors will include two student representatives. Student representatives were selected through an application and interview process.


Evan Kurtz (Juanita High School, Class of 2023) will serve as the student representative for the west side of the school district for this school year. A new student representative from the west side of the district will be selected for a two-year term starting in 2023-24. Evan was first introduced at the August 22 School Board meeting.







Shivani Sama (Tesla STEM High School, Class of 2024) will serve as a student representative for the east side of the school district. She will serve in this role for the next two school years. Shivani was first introduced at the September 12 School Board meeting.



The goal of adding student representatives to the board is to add the perspective and experiences of students as the Board considers various topics.

Evan was selected to serve for the 2022-23 school year while Shivani will serve through the 2023-24 school year. Annually, the Board will select an incoming junior for a two-year term.



About Lake Washington: Lake Washington School District is a high-performing public school district serving Kirkland, Redmond, and Sammamish, Washington. It is the second largest district in the state of Washington, with over 30,000 students in 57 schools.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Sunday, September 11, 2022

"Lyrical Currents," A Poetic Map of Redmond and the Sammamish River

Redmond's Poet Laureate, Laura Da' created this lyrical nature walk through the downtown natural, cultural and historical places of Redmond.  QR Code will open the map guiding you through five special places.  

Laura Da' is a poet and teacher.  A lifetime resident of the Pacific Northwest, Da' studied creative writing at the University of Washington and this Institute of American Indian Arts.  She is Eastern Shawnee.  Da' lives near Seattle with her husband and son.  

To take the tour, on your phone, click on the small Google square next to the microphone symbol, hover over the QR code and click on it as if taking a picture. 

A map of Redmond landmarks between the Sammamish River, Redmond Way, and Leary Way.

For more on indigenous indians, culture and nature, find links to a fabulous library booklist care of the Snoqualmie tribe and Redmond Historical Society 

-- brought to you by Redmond Parks and Recreation, 9/11/2022.  Library flyer courtesy of John Reinke

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Inslee Announces End of COVID State of Emergency

Governor Inslee, credit NY Times

 Inslee announces end of COVID-19 state of emergency by Oct. 31

Gov. Jay Inslee announced Thursday that all remaining COVID-19 emergency proclamations and the COVID-19 state of emergency will end by Oct. 31.

Though the state’s emergency orders are ending, public health leaders continue to emphasize the importance of vaccines and masks in keeping communities safe. Vaccines and therapeutic treatments are available to prevent hospitalizations and death. However, COVID-19 remains a threat, killing 300 Americans every day and more than 10 people a day in Washington state. In his announcement, the governor reiterated the importance of vaccinations and booster shots.

“We’ve come a long way the past two years in developing the tools that allow us to adapt and live with COVID-19,” Inslee said. “Ending this order does not mean we take it less seriously or will lose focus on how this virus has changed the way we live. We will continue our commitments to the public’s well-being, but simply through different tools that are now more appropriate for the era we’ve entered.”

Washington was the first state in the U.S. with a reported case of COVID-19. Inslee was swift to enact protective measures that have since resulted in one of the lowest per capita death rates in the nation.

“I can’t express enough how grateful I am for all the health care workers, public health teams, and other frontline workers who have helped save thousands of lives during the past two years and will continue to support our communities in staying safe and healthy,” Inslee said.

Washington had the fifth-lowest death rate from COVID-19 in the nation, per CDC data.

Washington had the fifth-lowest death rate from COVID-19 in the nation, per CDC data. A decisive state response to COVID-19 saved thousands of Washingtonian lives.  Posted by Yoder 9/10/2022

Friday, September 9, 2022

The Education Hill Earthquake Event

In 2001, a *6.8-magnitude earthquake rattled Education Hill.

It seems like only yesterday this earthquake shook the homes and schools on Education Hill.  My wife, Pam was in the clothes closet when it happened. I was out of town on business.  Pam was on the "Earthquake Emergency Committee" at Horace Mann where my daughter attended.  By the time she got to Mann the Principal had already moved the children out of the building; the Principal panicked so the gym teacher took over.  The school's "emergency metal container" was opened but unused. Tents, triage materials, food etc. Pam and two other mom's phoned as many parents as they could.  Pam guesses "the ground shook maybe 30 seconds."  She said only a couple of students were panicky.  

Our tri-level is next to the Bike Park.  Apparently, the chandelier swung mildly.  A weight-bearing beam in our 2-story rental on Ed. Hill cracked, shifted and had to be replaced.  

Stephan A. Siebert, P.E. with Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. in Kirkland is an Associate Geotechnical Engineer.  Mr. Siebert wrote in "Rosehill Cottages" Redmond project report:

Earthquakes occur in Puget Lowland with great regularity.  Large, deep earthquakes occur as evidenced by the 1949, 7.2-magnitude event; the 1966, 6.5-magnitude event; and the 2001, *6.8-magnitude event.  The deep 1949 earthquake appears to have been the largest in this area (Redmond) during recorded history.  Evaluation of return rates indicates that an earthquake of a magnitude between 6.0 and 7.0 is likely every 25 to 40 years in the Puget Sound area.

Is it time the school district updates their earthquake preparedness safety manual?

Is it time the City of Redmond updates their earthquake preparedness safety manual?

-- Bob Yoder, 9/9/2022, opinion

Downtown Redmond sits on a three-six foot deep aquifer in places!  video  

San Francisco earthquake liquefication event video.  Redmond's downtown aquifer has similar characteristics. 

Seattle fault zone / 3 earthquake types in the Pacific Northwest.  video

File:   LWSD, COR

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Road To Recovery

Proclamation on National Recovery Month, September, 2022

Joseph R. Biden, Jr.

"This National Recovery Month, we thank peer recovery support professionals, counselors, addiction specialists, first responders, scientists, family members, and everyone who works tirelessly to help our fellow Americans recover from substance use disorder.  We offer strength to our loved ones at every step of their recovery process.  

My Administration is working to ensure that achieving and sustaining recovery is within reach for every American and that everyone has equal access to economic mobility and improved health.  This year, we secured nearly $22 billion from the Congress to support drug prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and recovery support services, with a focus on underserved communities.  With the additional $4 billion investment from our American Rescue Plan, my Administration is expanding recovery community organizations, recovery high schools, collegiate recovery programs, and recovery residences.  These vital support networks allow people to balance healing with their everyday responsibilities.  We are also advocating for recovery-ready workplace policies across the public and private sectors to promote inclusive hiring, enable employers to assist in the recovery process, and help companies retain talent.  And to incentivize new innovations, the Department of Health and Human Services is launching its first-ever behavioral health Recovery Innovation Challenge to award funding to peer-run and community-based programs that advance recovery and can be scaled nationwide.   As I outlined in my State of the Union address this year, a key pillar of my Unity Agenda is beating the opioid epidemic. ...."   JRB

Find a substance abuse treatment center near you.  Find behavioral health care treatment near you.

Find an opioid treatment center in your State 

Posted by Yoder, 9/6/2022

UPDATED OPINION: Projects Over Aquifer Susceptible To Earthquakes

AMLI paper notice box empty.  No defined "comment period."  City will post QR codes
 on all yellow boards in the future. (click to enlarge)

Below, is my formal comment to the city planner managing the AMLI Project which is still under review / no decision

"I'm concerned about a 6.0 or 7.0 earthquake disrupting or destroying all or some of the projects resting over the city's shallow aquifer.  AMLI is one such project. I recommend the following:  

1)  Delay the AMLI Decision until the City develops a solid plan to mitigate earthquake destruction.  In fact, for all projects under review resting over the shallow aquifer please delay the decision until the city updates their mitigation plan.

2) Impose above standard earthquake mitigation at AMLI and other projects under review resting on the shallow aquifer.  By "above standard" I mean mitigate to standards similar to San Francisco and other highly seismically prone cities.  

3) Require earthquake insurance or bonding.

4) Update the safety evacuation plan.

5) Mitigate damage to infrastructure so undamaged buildings and wellheads nearby can still operate.  A city wellhead in Anderson Park is across the street from AMLI.

Again, these comments apply to AMLI and all other projects "under review" resting over the shallow aquifer.

Unfortunately, my comment for AMLI is exceptionally late owing to the comment period not being  posted on the yellow notice board.  But, you can still make comment by emailing

AMLI is one of my favorite projects proposed for the downtown. I hope the project isn't delayed by the City.  

-- Bob Yoder, 9/6/2022

Saturday, September 3, 2022

UPDATED OPINION, 1/12/2023: Calling a Superbubble: Front Row With Jeremy Grantham

Just a reminder my blog is free. I rarely report on topics outside the blog's purview, but in today's environment you will find the Jeremy Grantham story worthy. Finance is a popular and worrisome topic these days; expect a few more reports, but not too many!😉

Happy Labor Day, Bob Yoder

Jan 26, 2022 For almost a half-century, value-investing icon Jeremy Grantham has been calling market bubbles. Now, he says U.S. stocks are in a “superbubble,” only the fourth in history, and poised to collapse. In this interview, Grantham, co-founder of Boston’s GMO, goes further, explaining his bubble analysis and discussing what he sees as multiple threats to the economy and the planet, including persistent inflation and climate change. He spoke exclusively with Erik Schatzker on Bloomberg’s “Front Row.”

Food for thought, or action? "Insider News" 9/4/2022 Interviews with five Bears.

  • economic inequality
  • capital gains tax preferred
  • less fluid economic mobility than other developed countries
  • climate change - need to live within means
  • natural environment is poisoned, failing
  • short Russell 2000, emerging markets are undervalued, positive on hedge funds / venture capital
  • Superbubble: collapse in equities, bonds, and real estate. Four superbubbles (including Japan.)
  • Grantham is a permabear, a value investor, a billionaire.
-- UPDATED OPINION: B. Yoder, 1/11/2023