Monday, February 25, 2013

Lake Washington Insitute of Technology Open House Feb 28

LWIT Open House Feb. 28 Highlights Pathways to Better Lives
Kirkland, Wash.: Did you know achieving higher paying and more rewarding career opportunities can take as little as two academic quarters? Or that students can cut overall four-year college expenses by more than 60% by enrolling in one of several specifically tailored transfer degrees? How about the fact that today two-year degree graduates are finding higher paying work faster than recent four-year degree graduates?
Learn more about changing times and the opportunities available at Lake Washington Institute of Technology (LWIT) during our annual Open House Thursday, Feb. 28, from 4 to 7 p.m.
During the event LWIT will open its cutting edge facilities to the public, giving visitors the unique opportunity to talk with instructors and students, try their hand with actual equipment used in class, see demonstrations of more technical program skills, and experience student work in gaming, culinary arts, massage, nursing, collision repair, funeral services, machining, and many more disciplines.  Read More >>

Friday, February 22, 2013

Senior housing project in downtown Redmond moving forward

The city moved one step closer to approving an 50-70 senior housing unit project on 8550 160th Ave NE across from the Courthouse and Public Safety Building.   Council approved by consent agenda a  "Framework for Request for Proposals" to approve a development team and long term, no cost lease by the Spring of 2013. 

Reported By Bob Yoder

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Lake Washington schools begin bond discussions

February 21, 2013

By Caleb Heeringa
Sammamish Review
New: Feb. 21, 10:16 a.m.

The Lake Washington School Board is sifting through population growth projections and eyeing aging buildings in preparation for a bond measure, likely in February 2014.

While much work needs to be done, Doug Eglington, Sammamish’s representative on the board, said the board is weighing whether to include in the measure a new elementary school in Sammamish or simply remodel and add space to existing schools.

The choices will have an impact on the size of a bond measure that will likely include a major overhaul of the aging Juanita High School as well as additional schools in Redmond. A $234 million bond measure in 2010 failed to garner the 60 percent approval necessary, leading the board to scale back plans and push for a smaller, $65.4 million levy in 2011. Needing only 50 percent approval as a levy, the measure passed easily, 59 to 41, providing funds for the recent expansion of Eastlake High School and the new STEM school just north of city limits.

“Lots of times our eyes are bigger than our stomachs when it comes to the cost (of a bond measure),” Eglington said.

District spokeswoman Kathryn Reith said the district expects Sammamish to have 394 more elementary students than classroom space in 2021, though that projection assumes no use of portable classrooms or other temporary structures. Elizabeth Blackwell Elementary currently has 377 students, Christa McAuliffe Elementary houses 485 and Margaret Mead Elementary has 600.

Reith said Samantha Smith, Mead and Louisa May Alcott elementaries are all due for an update according to the district’s modernization schedule. The district will be examining each and see if it makes more sense to remodel or completely rebuild and whether they can add capacity at the same time.

While the district will need additional elementary space in the coming years, the issue is not as pressing as it could have been. In 2010, the district moved sixth graders from elementary to middle schools and ninth graders from middle schools to high schools to help alleviate crowded elementary schools, where portables, computer labs, art and music rooms were being used as regular classrooms.

Reith said district staff is hoping that space issues at the high school level can be alleviated in the coming years as the STEM school takes on additional grades. It currently only houses ninth and 10th graders, though those classes will be moving up to be juniors and seniors in the coming years and additional ninth and 10th graders will enroll behind them.

The board is due to discuss some of the long-term planning issues and their impact on a bond measure at their annual retreat, March 8 – 10 at 7375 Icicle Road in Leavenworth.

Burglary by forcible entrance in Grasslawn residence: Redmond Police Blotter, 2/21

Burglary, Resid, Forcible Ent
03:48:26 02/21/2013
159xx block of NE 53 ST
Redmond Police responded to a residential burglary.

Theft-From Mtr Vehicle
22:39:50 02/20/2013
148xx block of NE 24 ST
A vehicle prowl occurred at a local business.    Read More >>

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Demonstration against shipping untreated medical waste is planned at Evergeen Health

Demonstration to Demand Safe Disposal of Infectious Medical Waste, Feb. 23

A demonstration against the shipping of untreated medical waste is planned at Evergreen Health on February 23 from 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM. The header image above was found at:

The following is a news release announcing the demonstration:

Citizens have joined together in the Safe Hospitals, Safe Communities campaign to raise awareness about the transportation of medical waste through local communities. Over the past several years there have been many incidents involving accidents and improper disposal of transported medical waste. These incidents threaten the health and safety of our communities.

The group is asking hospitals to stop shipping untreated medical waste through our communities. 85-90% of our nation’s hospitals truck infectious medical waste off-site to be sterilized, which forces hazardous materials to be driven by our homes and neighborhood schools.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Redmondite talks of life in the 1870's: RHS open meeting

History is happening in the Redmond area and we welcome you to our meeting. The Redmond Historical Society will meet on Saturday, March 9, 2013, 10:30 a.m. to noon, at The Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center, 16600 NE 80 Street, Redmond, WA. 

Andy Weiss will share memories of his European immigrant family which came to Salmonberg (Redmond) in about 1872. He will bring to life what it was like living here at that time, the local culture, no electricity or running water, working in the woods, when the timber companies and railroads were king. Don’t miss this meeting. 

To receive the monthly newsletter, contact the Society office at 425-885-2919, or email your request to Books, calendars, note cards, free historic walking tour brochures, and the book, “Redmond Reflections,” are available in our office, which is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and by appointment. Visit our website: 

By Doris Schaible
Community Relations
Retired City of Redmond City Clerk of 25 years 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Adopt A Stream Foundation invites public to Bear Creek Watershed Forum

The Adopt A Stream Foundation (AASF) would like to invite the public to a Bear Creek Watershed Forum on Wednesday March 27th at 7:00 pm at the Redmond Library Meeting Room 2.   At this Forum, AASF and project partners will present their results and observations of streamside restoration projects completed in Bear Creek. We hope you will join us!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Kathy Lambert's roles continue unchanged from last year

Dear District 3 friend,
With the new year comes the annual reorganization of the King County Council. In 2013, most of my roles on the Council will continue unchanged from last year. As chair of the Law, Justice, Health and Human Services Committee, I will be focusing on efficiencies and funding for the criminal justice system, which now accounts for about 75 percent of King County's General Fund costs. Spending policies also are central to my role as vice chair of the Budget and Fiscal Management Committee. In addition, we will continue implementation of technology to streamline and modernize court processes. We are working with the Court of the Future out of Virginia as part of this effort. General membership on other Council committees will be assigned after the District 1 appointment process has been completed.

It is always a pleasure to serve you and all the residents of Council District 3.

Best wishes,
Kathy Lambert

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Letter: Total costs for STEM School, Eastlake, Redmond High additions have far exceeded the 2011 Levy

By Susan Wilkins

According to the school board's last consent agenda, which listed the contract amount for the STEM School, it occurred me that the total costs for the STEM School and the Eastlake and Redmond High School Additions have far exceeded the 2011 levy. The 3 school projects were to cost $65.6 million.  Read More >>

Lake Washington School District Predicts Over 4,000 More Students In Nine Years

Lake Washington School District Predicts Enrollment Growth
Over 4,000 more students in nine years
Redmond, Wash. – At last night’s meeting of the district’s Board of Directors, Dr. Traci Pierce, superintendent, and Janene Fogard, deputy superintendent, presented the district’s latest enrollment projections, predicting an increase of more than 4,000 students in the next nine years. The report showed a need for more classroom space to house those students. While the district is serving 25,408 students as counted in October 2012, that number will grow to 29,696 in the 2021-22 school year.
Dr. Pierce explained that the district is doing preliminary planning for funding measures it may put on the February 2014 ballot. She noted that the district is looking at enrollment projections and other data to help inform initial planning, and will seek community input later in the spring. Her goal is to have a recommendation to the board by late May or June for measures to be considered in February 2014.
A bond measure could include funding to build new schools or additions to current schools to house the current and growing enrollment. Another option to meet enrollment needs could include changing feeder patterns or boundaries to send students to schools where there may be excess capacity. However, there is not enough excess capacity alone to meet the total space needs expected. Read More >>

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Four vehicle prowls downtown and one burglary on Education Hill reported on Blotter 2/11

Theft-From Mtr Vehicle
21:39:50 02/11/2013
166xx block of REDMOND WY
Redmond Police responded to a car prowl near a local business. A laptop and other electronics were taken from inside.

Theft-From Mtr Vehicle
20:49:54 02/11/2013
166xx block of REDMOND WY
RPD took a car prowl report. No suspect info.

Theft-From Mtr Vehicle
20:04:44 02/11/2013
163xx block of CLEVELAND ST
RPD took a car prowl report. No suspect info.

Theft-From Mtr Vehicle
19:55:38 02/11/2013
163xx block of CLEVELAND ST
RPD took a car prowl report. No suspect info.

Burglary, Resident, Unlawf Ent
16:48:07 02/11/2013
92xx block of RED-WOOD RD
Redmond Police investigated a burglary.

Letter about traffic at Redmond Middle School - Updated with new comments


By Susan Wilkins
The Redmond Municipal Code states:
10.52.145 Fire lanes.
(a) Fire Lane Parking Prohibited.
(1) No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle or maintain any obstruction within any fire lane.
The drop-off lanes in the two parking lots in front of Redmond Middle School are designated FIRE LANES so it is illegal for parents to pull into the lanes and drop off their students or to wait for them at the end of school.
The pick-up/drop-off lanes in the RMS parking lots were improperly designed when the school was rebuilt in 2002 but the Redmond Police and Fire Departments never made an issue of the defect or required the school district to fix it. I wrote a letter to the City of Redmond Police Department last fall 2012 asking them to address the Fire Lane violations at the front of Redmond Middle School. Greg Palmer who does Traffic Calming for the City phoned me to discuss the issue. Basically he said that the City wasn’t going to do anything about it because it had been that way for so long. He also said – and this is significant - that nobody had complained about it. I noted that I had just filed a complaint and that was why he was calling me! Apparently, one complaint isn’t enough. So everybody, call or email and COMPLAIN to the City of Redmond. Tell them to fix the traffic mess at Redmond Middle School !!!
SHORT TERM SOLUTION: The school already has a driveway that leads from the south parking lot and wraps around the back of the building where the busses drop off students. Parents could drive around the back and drop off students without obstructing the fire lanes. The school district should also hire certified traffic flaggers to direct traffic in and out of the parking lot driveways and onto the streets (like they do at Rosa Parks Elementary.) 
LONG TERM SOLUTION: The City of Redmond should require the school district to redesign their parking lot and entrance/exit configuration so that parents are not using the fire lanes for pick-up and drop off. The redesign should also accommodate the 400+ cars that pass through the school’s lot every morning so that back-ups don’t cause total obstruction and traffic chaos on 166th Avenue NE and NE 104th Street. Redmond Middle School is located on a 24-acre parcel with the school building squeezed onto the northeast corner of the lot. There is plenty of extra space on the property to relocate entrances/exits, driveways, drop-off zones and parking lots.
Two years ago I posted a video of the typical driving antics that occur at RMS/RJH every morning. You can view it at We wouldn’t tolerate traffic like this from a WalMart, would we?
A more important question to ask is why are so many students being driven to school every morning? Where are all the Lake Washington School District buses? If the school district provided quality, efficient bus service to the outlying neighborhoods along NE 116thStreet to the north, along NE 104th Street to the east and along 166thAvenue NE down the hill to the south, car traffic through the parking lots would be significantly reduced. It used to be that students had to live more than 1 radius-mile from the school to be eligible for school bus transportation, but in September 2011, the Legislature changed the bussing formula and any student who has to walk more than a mile along existing streets became eligible for bus transportation. The LWSD Transportation website still says that students must live outside a 1-mile radius in order to be eligible for bus transportation. The school district needs to wake up and read the RCW (28A.160.160) and start providing bus service to students who are eligible under the new 1-mile walk route guidelines and not under the old 1-mile radius rule!!!
Even if the school district adds more bus transportation to Redmond Middle School and reduces the traffic backups on 166thAvenue and 104th Street, the practice of using the fire lanes as drop-off and pick-up lanes is illegal and needs to stop. Someday there is going to be an emergency at RMS or at a nearby residence and the fire trucks and ambulances will not be able to get through in time.
Please take a moment and contact the City of Redmond and tell them to fix the Redmond Middle School traffic problems. Contacts are listed below.
Mayor John Marchione:
Redmond City Council Members:
Redmond Traffic:
By Susan Wilkins

Sunday, February 10, 2013

A downtown art plan idea

Perhaps the Arts Commission can include this building into their "Downtown Art Plan."   It's located at the gateway of Cleveland St. just as you turn off of Leary.  The flat cinder block wall could be an excellent canvass for a themed mural to tie into the surrounding historic buildings.   What do you think? 

By Bob and Pam Yoder
Photo by Yoder 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Redmond Arts Commission Seeks Two New Members


The City of Redmond is recruiting two new volunteer members of the Arts Commission to begin their service in April 2013. Redmond residents, unincorporated King County residents or people who work in Redmond are eligible to apply. Applications are rolling, but candidates are encouraged to apply by February 19th.
For over 25 years, the Arts Commission has improved the quality life for the Redmond Community by advising the Mayor and City Council on arts and cultural affairs in the city. Past accomplishments include inaugurating the City’s Public Art Program, seeding the Ananda Mela Indian Cultural Festival and funding the Digital Arts Festival.
Now, the mission of the Arts Commission is to be a catalyst for Redmond’s diverse and inventive community. The focus of this work includes cultural planning to make the arts accessible, create a place for the arts and nurture the arts in Redmond. Current activities include developing an Art Plan for Downtown Redmond, investigating the economic impact of the arts in Redmond and the Eastside, and identifying the cultural needs of our changing community.   READ MORE>>

Friday, February 8, 2013

School Board discusses temporary boundary proposal for Rosa Parks and Wilder

School Board Highlights

At its January 28 meeting, the Board of Directors elected its officers for 2013. Jackie Pendergrass was reelected as president, Nancy Bernard was reelected as vice president and Doug Eglington was reelected as Legislative Representative.
In a follow-up to the January 14 board meeting, the board discussed Dr. Pierce's proposal for a temporary boundary change between Rosa Parks and Wilder Elementary Schools. This proposal will reduce the population at Rosa Parks to about 700 for the next three years and will keep it from growing to over 1000 students as projected. Deputy Superintendent Janene Fogard, sitting in for Superintendent Traci Pierce, read a statement prepared by Dr. Pierce. In her statement, Dr. Pierce described the process that had been followed to arrive at the recommendation. She noted that the temporary boundary committee reviewed the possibility of sending all of Redmond Ridge East to Wilder. The committee believes that option is not feasible. It would fill and potentially exceed Wilder's total capacity while only offering one all day kindergarten class. If more students come from the new development than anticipated, the district would have to move additional portable classrooms to Wilder, at a cost of $225,000 to move a portable.
During the board discussion, Board Member Siri Bliesner noted that the board needs to look at guiding principles for what is a reasonable capacity for a school - the enrollment range that makes sense. Board Vice President Nancy Bernard noted that the district has to guard against building too much space and leaving classrooms empty. Since populations fluctuate, the district ends up using portables to provide flexibility. Board member Bliesner thanked the community for their input in the process and noted that it is setting the stage for a bigger policy discussion in the future. The board voted unanimously to pass the proposal.
Source:  "Connections"  LWSD Community Newsletter

Brighten A Student's Day By Being a Lunch Buddy!

The Lake Washington School District LINKS Program has 20 unmet requests for Lunch Buddies. The program matches a caring adult with a student in an elementary school. The volunteer and student meet weekly during the child’s lunch period for about an hour. Buddies play games, share stories and do other fun activities together. It’s a great way to make a child’s school experience more positive and it just may be the best day of your week!
The Lunch Buddy program is a way for work associates and church groups to participate in. Schools throughout Kirkland, Redmond and Sammamish have students waiting for a Buddy. Will you help make a students experience at school a positive one?
Contact Nanci Wehr at or 425-936-1410 to learn more!
Nanci Wehr
LINKS Program Coordinator

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Police Seeking Assistance Locating Missing Redmond Man

Redmond, WA – The Redmond Police Department asks for the public’s assistance in locating a missing Redmond Man.
Ira Thomas Clodfelter was last heard from by a friend this past Sunday afternoon. Clodfelter failed to show up for work this week which led his employer to call the police. Clodfelter’s vehicle was located by park rangers last night in the trailhead parking lot of Rattlesnake Mountain in North Bend.

Clodfelter is a white male, 28 years old, 5’4”, 125 pounds, with brown hair and brown eyes. He is last known to be wearing a blue zip-up hooded sweatshirt, blue jean pants, and hiking boots. Redmond Police investigators have learned that Clodfelter suffers from Cystic Fibrosis but is high functioning. There is also a concern that he suffers from depression. It is unknown whether he has any of his medications with him. 
King County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue personnel searched all day today for Clodfelter from where his vehicle was located at Rattlesnake Mountain. The search effort has ended for today and is set to resume tomorrow at 8:00 AM.

If you have information regarding Ira Clodfelter’s disappearance please contact the Redmond Police Department at (425) 556-2500.

Evergreen Health hosts ADHD seminar


Please join us on Tuesday evening, FEBRUARY 19, 2013 as we welcome Dr. Harlan Gephart, a well-known expert on ADHD. Dr. Gephart is an ADHD Consultant at Pediatric Associates in Redmond, Washington. He developed and directed the Center for Attention Deficit Disorders at Group Health in 1990 and for 12 years served as its Medical Director. He has been actively involved in medical education for medical students and physicians, and is a Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Washington. He is currently on the national faculty of the REACH Institute,; an educational institute in New York which provides educational courses for physicians in Pediatric Psychopharmacology, along with other courses for health care professionals.

Dr. Gephart will provide us with an overview of current knowledge of ADHD and its evidence-based treatment.

We hope you can join us at Evergreen Health (formerly Evergreen Hospital), 12303 NE 130th Lane in Kirkland in Suite Tan 100 which is downstairs in the Education Center. This FREE program begins at 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm.   For more information contact the NAMI Eastside office at (425) 885-6264 or You can also check out our website at

By Barbara Thompsen
NAMI-Eastside Executive Director

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Councilmembers Margeson and Allen and Mayor Marchione appointed to committees of influence

Councilmembers Hank Margeson and Kimberly Allen have been working diligently on regional committees to bring transit to Overlake and downtown Redmond.   Both attend the Sound Cities Association (SCA) to this end.  Allen recently announced she chairs the SCA for the Regional Transit Committee where they focus on developing the Metro Strategic Plans.    Margeson is newly appointed Caucus Chair for the SCA Growth Management Policy Board working closely with staff on growth issues. 

Mayor Marchione announced at last night's business meeting he was appointed to the US Conference of Mayors' Infrastructure Committee along with the Mayor from Philadelphia and Mayor from Chicago who chairs the the committee.  Marchione said "This is a real plum."   He quipped "My daughter had nothing to do with it. She was out of the country."  

"Redmond is by far the smallest city but what got us attention is we are a tech city," said Marchione, "Philadelphia has a school system of the future.  We're the government of the future so there's a Microsoft connection there..."

Reported by Bob Yoder

Overlake residence burglarized while owners were out of state: Police blotter report

[Unknown Description]
00:07:56 02/05/2013
74xx block of 159 PL NE
Redmond Police arrested a Woodinville male for Domestic Violence assault.

Burglary, Non-res, Att Forc En
21:07:50 02/04/2013
21xx block of 152 AVE NE
Redmond Pd investigated an attempted burglary at a local hotel.

Fraud-Credit Card ATM Fraud
15:52:33 02/04/2013
100xx block of 168 PL NE
Redmond Police responded to a report of fraudulent credit cards opened up in her name. No suspect information is known at this time.   
Burglary, Resid, Forcible Ent
13:11:33 02/04/2013
28xx block of W LK SAMMAMISH PKWY
While out-of-state for a lengthy period residence was burglarized.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

City moves forward with Evans Creek relocation plan

At tonight's regular business meeting, city council approved by consent agenda a $910,868 "Evans Creek Relocation Consultation Agreement."  The funds will pay for a preliminary design and to secure permits to relocate 3500 feet of Evans Creek channel out of SE Redmond Industrial area into adjacent open space to the north and east.

Evans Creek is a Class One salmon bearing stream but is impacted by adjacent industrial development with untreated run-off and untreed, paved buffers less than 50 feet wide in some places.  Class One stream buffers are supposed to be 200 feet wide but 50 foot buffers have been grandfathered in SE Industrial Redmond.   Evans Creek  Relocation is listed as a priority in the WRIA 8 Chinook Conservation Plan owing to the wealth of habitat in the upper reaches of Evans Creek.  With the relocation Chinook and Coho will be able to swim from the confluence of Bear-Evans Creeks to the upper reaches of the watershed. 

Redevelopment of some aspects of SE Redmond Industrial will be more economically feasible with removal of the stream and buffer from it's present location.  In addition, passive recreation along the Bear-Evans Creek trail to Perrigo Park will be enhanced since the new channel will share the same open space with the trail.

Total cost for the relocation is $7.6 Million and is funded by City of Redmond Capital Improvement Projects fund.   The preliminary design will be completed before 2014; the first phase of construction is planned to start by summer, 2015. 

Reported By Bob Yoder   

Elizabeth Yoder Makes the President's List at Gonzaga University

February 05, 2013 
Elizabeth Yoder, a resident of Redmond has earned placement on the Gonzaga University President's List for fall semester 2012. Students must earn a 3.7 to 4.0 grade-point average to be listed.   Elizabeth in double majoring in Biology and Environmental Policy. 

Gonzaga University is a humanistic, private Catholic University providing a Jesuit education to more than 7,500 students. Situated along the Spokane River near downtown Spokane, Wash., Gonzaga is routinely recognized among the West's best comprehensive regional universities. Gonzaga offers 75 fields of study, 25 master's degrees, a doctorate in leadership studies, and a Juris Doctor degree through its School of Law.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Letter: A solution to the backup traffic at Redmond Junior High

Andy Raffman said...
With regard to the traffic backup at RJH, at least some of the traffic issues in the morning could be alleviated by appropriate signage in the Northern dropoff. There are two lanes: a pull through lane on the left, and a drop off lane on the right. Everyday I see cars sitting in the dropoff lane (after they've dropped off their kids) waiting to exit the school. This creates a backup all the way back to the entrance and onto the street. If people would just drop off their kids and then pull into the pull-through lane to exit, there would be plenty of space and no backup.

Friday, February 1, 2013

New partner AEG Live will be bringing you Marymoor Park Concerts

New partner AEG Live will be bringing you Marymoor Park Concerts

Marymoor Park Concerts

King County has selected nationally recognized AEG Live to manage the talent booking and operations of the Marymoor Park Concert Series beginning with the 2013 season.

“Forming this partnership with one of the largest concert promoters in the world will bring some of the best talent in the world to local audiences, while generating revenue that helps support public access to King County Parks,” said King County Executive Dow Constantine.

To read more click here.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Man runs down street with knife on Education Hill: Police Blotter for 1/30

Weapons Offense
19:42:22 01/30/2013
86xx block of 164 AVE NE
Redmond Police responded to a report of a man running down the street with a knife. There was no injuries upon contacting the man. He had run away from his family's apartment.


Theft-From Mtr Vehicle
22:38:21 01/30/2013
78xx block of LEARY WY
Redmond Police took a car prowl report. No suspect info.

Theft-From Mtr Vehicle
22:24:06 01/30/2013
78xx block of LEARY WY
Redmond Police took a car prowl report. No suspect info.

Theft-From Mtr Vehicle
20:32:48 01/30/2013
Redmond Police responded to a report of a vehicle prowl. The suspect stole a large felt hat but left everything else in the vehicle. No suspect information.


Tyler Daniel becomes 100th Eagle Scout in troop's 50 year history

Redmond Scout Earns Eagle Scout Rank
Redmond Boy Scout Troop 550 would like to congratulate Tyler Daniel on becoming the 100th Eagle Scout in the troop’s almost 50 year history.

Tyler Daniel attained the rank of Eagle Scout on January 8th, 2013. Achieving this rank demonstrates a strong commitment to community service, leadership, and scouting values.

Tyler joined Troop 550 in March of 2008. During his time as a Boy Scout, he earned 29 merit badges as part of his requirements to achieve Eagle rank.
Tyler led a landscaping and beautification project at Evergreen Middle School for his Eagle project (completed June 2012).
Troop 550 in Redmond was established in 1964 and is sponsored by the Redmond United Methodist Church. 
For more information about Scouting, please see the Chief Seattle Council website at

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

City of Redmond hosts blood drive in Public Safety Building

Hi Everyone!
We are looking forward to returning to City of Redmond on February 11th. We hope that you can all stop by and donate. The Puget Sound is currently experiencing a shortage of blood we are hoping you can help us fix the problem by following up your sleeves on the 11th
Your single donation will help three patients in need. Will you donate?
Monday, February 11th
City of Redmond Blood Drive in Public Safety Building
9:00am to 3:00pm(closed 11:00 to 12:00)
Reserve a time please contact Maggie Lovell at 425 556 2383 or
If you donated at the last drive or prior to December 14th, you will be eligible to donate at this drive .
For questions about donating and eligibility, please contact PSBC at 800-398-7888
Thank you for your support!
Emily Hubbard
Donor Recruitment Representative

Monday, January 28, 2013

Lake Washington School District institutes new variance process

Historically, students in Lake Washington School district have been able to choose which high school they attend. The district provided this opportunity through a high school open enrollment policy that accepted all high school in-district variances, which allow students to attend a school other than their neighborhood school. However, the addition of ninth grade students to high schools increased the number of students in those schools. That reduced the space available for students on variances.

As a result, the district has developed a new process for awarding available variances where the school’s space available is less than the anticipated demand. Each year, the district will review each high school’s capacity and the projected enrollment without additional variances to determine how many in-district variances the school can accommodate. If more applications are submitted than space available, the new process, developed with input from a parent survey, will be followed.  Read more >>

Friday, January 25, 2013

NAMI Eastside sponsors "Youth in Crisis" conference

NAMI Eastside and its sponsors are pleased to announce our Youth in Crisis conference to be held on Saturday, March 9th at the Northshore Baptist Church located at 10301 NE 145th St. in Kirkland from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.

The heartbreaking tragedies that occurred in recent weeks both in Connecticut and Oregon, highlight the serious mental health issues facing our local communities and the nation. NAMI’s conference goals are to educate families, mental health providers and educators; to help them identify the early warning signs of mental illness, especially as it relates to lethal violence and suicide in our youth; give hope to those facing a mental health crisis and to help reduce the stigma associated with mental illness.

The conference will start with a Keynote Speech presented by Dan Reidenberg, PsyD , Director of SAVE (Suicide Awareness Voices of Education).  Read more >>

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Police Blotter on January 24: Grasslawn residence burglarized from rear sliding glass door.

RPD Public Info for 24 Hours preceding 05:54:01 on Thursday, January 24 2013

[Unknown Description]
23:43:50 01/23/2013
81xx block of 161 AVE NE
Redmond Police responded to a male in the female restroom, who was subsequently arrested for drug paraphernalia.

Redmond Stolen Veh Recovery
22:09:47 01/23/2013
[Unknown District]
175xx block of NE 156 ST
Redmond Police recovered a stolen vehicle out of Redmond.

20:32:08 01/23/2013
21xx block of 148 AVE NE
Redmond Police investigating a shoplifting at a local business.

Burglary, Resident, Unlawf Ent
18:48:24 01/23/2013
84xx block of 139 AVE NE
Redmond residence was broken into sometime during the day. Entry was made through the unlocked rear sliding glass door.   Read More >>