Thursday, January 31, 2013

Tyler Daniel becomes 100th Eagle Scout in troop's 50 year history

Redmond Scout Earns Eagle Scout Rank
Redmond Boy Scout Troop 550 would like to congratulate Tyler Daniel on becoming the 100th Eagle Scout in the troop’s almost 50 year history.

Tyler Daniel attained the rank of Eagle Scout on January 8th, 2013. Achieving this rank demonstrates a strong commitment to community service, leadership, and scouting values.

Tyler joined Troop 550 in March of 2008. During his time as a Boy Scout, he earned 29 merit badges as part of his requirements to achieve Eagle rank.
Tyler led a landscaping and beautification project at Evergreen Middle School for his Eagle project (completed June 2012).
Troop 550 in Redmond was established in 1964 and is sponsored by the Redmond United Methodist Church. 
For more information about Scouting, please see the Chief Seattle Council website at

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