Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Mayor and City Council to visit neighborhoods 4-6 times/year

UPDATED:  An exciting, uplifting presentation on the goals and progress of city communications was given by the city's Communications Manager Lisa Rhodes at last night's City Council Meeting.  Council President Hank Margeson was the acting Mayor in the absence of John Marchione.

The good news!  Two-way communication between the city and neighborhoods is improving by leaps and bounds.  Besides a recent update of the city website (check it out!) Rhodes reported the following communication improvements:

1) The city "is in the process of searching for a new Community Outreach Member to function as an ambassador with the community and hopefully enhance our 2-way communication."  This Member's responsibility will be to provide "PR and community outreach and engagement."

2) The Communications Department is in the planning stages for putting on a Community Outreach Roadshow!  Rhodes said "Four to six community meetings per year, focused on one or more key messages, are being planned so yourselves (council) and Mayor to communicate directly, face-to-face on a consistent basis with the community."  Council members Kim Allen and Hank Myers have been pushing for this for some time, and the Mayor has delivered.

Take a quick look at the city website and you'll notice important neighborhood information is now at your fingertips!  One of my favorites is "Issues and Questions" where you can get answers to your traffic concerns, drinking water issues, and more. (When in doubt don't by shy about contacting our city Ombudsman about anything that bothers you or things you're seeing in the city you like.)

Council Member David Carson had some very good questions about the city website during the meeting.  He asked Rhodes to include the email addresses of all city council members and key staff on the Staff Directory page. His concerns were about citizens wanting to "communicate something after hours."  Rhodes said she'd update it. Carson reported the website's Search Engine "is kinda awful."  Rhodes agreed and said they are working on it with a "revamp" hopefully by the summer.

Redmond's newest Council Member, Angela Birney suggested a more interactive webpage for our parks -- perhaps a place for maps, tennis court reservations, park area reservations, and the like.

Council Member Vice President Kim Allen touched on one of Education Hill neighborhood's key issues surrounding the city's rapid growth. Allen said "we're halfway there on my pet peeve for the website -- which is under the development tab.  How do people find out about land use actions?"  Rhodes said she'd fix the "development tab" right away.  Allen thanked Rhodes for her hard work saying, "One of the key focuses of the Council Retreat is going to be developing our own communication strategies."

Council Member John Stilin (can't remember his email address) was concerned about "civility" on social media sites.  Rhodes said her department is planning innovative online face-to-face webinars which is expected to help.

REGARDING TWO-WAY COMMUNICATION:  I'm excited to announce the new "Redmond Hill Neighborhood Association" (EdHNA),  It is in the forming stages and now holds monthly meetings at the Baptist Church on 166th Avenue.  You don't have to be a "member" to attend.  EdNHA is the brainstorm of activist Paige Norman.  Many, many thanks to Paige!  (She runs a good, fun meeting, too.)   Hank Myers, David Carson, Planning Commissioner Scott Biethan, Arts Commissioner Rob Levitt and Steve Fields participated in the first meeting along with about 25 other residents  All are welcome to the meetings.  Please RSVP here so we can set up enough chairs. EdHNA's new email address is:

Bob Yoder

Friday, January 15, 2016

LETTER: Water main break on Redmond Way

LETTER:  With the news this morning (or late last night to be accurate) of the water main break at the west end of town on Redmond Way, and with the other water main break that occurred in November on Old Redmond Road between 140th and 148th, I'm wondering if this warrants a post or an inquiry to the city as to what they found to be causing these breaks.

Do we have a situation where our municipal water piping is nearing the end of its service life?  Corrosive water?  Iron-gnawing burrowing rodents?

Last night's water main break:

Last month's water main break:

By J.P Panesko

Thursday, January 14, 2016

LW School District meets with Redmond Council on portables, traffic issues and bond uses

Last Tuesday the City Council scheduled a joint Study Session with LWSD to discuss overcrowding in our schools and how to fund for new schools. 

In the meeting, Superintendent Traci Pierce reported that the $398,000,000 April 26, 2016 Bond measure will fund:  1) a remodel or replacement and enlargement (RR) of Juanita HS, 2) a RR of Kirkland El, 3) a RR of Mead El, 4) a new middle school on Redmond Ridge, 5) a new elementary school in north Redmond on 172nd, 6) refurbishment of the Old Redmond School House for preschool space, 7) a modular replacement of Explorer school. 8) Rockwell El will not be remodeled or replaced on any Bond. Pierce said the Capital Funds Levy would cover maintenance.  The "ask" includes $21K from potential State construction funding and $10K from impact fees.

According to Assist Sup.Janine Forgard, the bonding schedule is intended to reduce and eliminate portables.  Councilmember (CM) John Stilin asked Traci Pierce "Do you own the portables and how are you going to re-purpose them? Could we relocate them in a park to be used as community centers?  Could they be retrofitted as housing? Could an organization like Hopelink pick it up?"  Pierce answered "We didn't really talk about this" but that the District does own the portables and "green portables" could be relocated if needed, though it's expensive.  She said they would "get rid" of the old portables. School Director Siri Bliesner mentioned one green portable is at Redmond MS and four are at Redmond El.  They are presently building a permanent six classroom wing at Redmond El and CM David Carson wanted to know what they were going to do with the green portables there.  The answer was vague.

Traffic:  CM Stilin asked for a study on how many hundred trips could be moved off of 166th once the new "Pope" elementary school on 172nd in north Redmond is built.  He thought the voters would be very interested in this.  School Director Bliesner said "the middle school on Redmond Ridge would help reduce traffic on the Avondale corridor".

Pierce said the proposed 2018 Bond ($288M) would fund:  1) an addition to Lake Washington HS, 2) a new elementary school in the Lake Washington Learning Community, 3) a remodel or replacement (RR) at Kamiakin MS, 4) Eastlake/Redmond Learning community Choice School, 5) a RR at Alcott El, 6) land, 7) Special Ed learning spaces.

The proposed 2022 Bond ($278M) would fund: 1) a Lake Washington Community Learning Center (LWCL) Choice school, 2) a new LWCL Elementary school, 3)  a new Redmond Learning Center elementary school, 4) a RR of Evergreen Middle School, 5) a preschool on the westside, 6) Special Ed learning space, 7) land.

The proposed 2026 Bond ($207M) would fund:  1) a Finn Hill middle school addition, 2) a RR at Smith Elementary school, 3) Special Ed learning space, 4) land.

Superintendent Pierce emphasized the present 2015 tax rates will not increase during the 2016-2026 bond funding period.

Bob Yoder

Note:  I updated an earlier opinion post on the District's bond schedule.  The proposed Bond in 2018 is $288M,  The total 2016-2026 Bond amount is $1171M.  Capital Project Levys are planned for 2018, 2022, and 2026.  

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Local rescuers and cardiac arrest survivor awarded medal

Redmond, WA –The Redmond Fire Department will award the CPR Gold Lifesaving Medal to Brian Funk and Teresa Kingsbury for saving the life of Jason Kingsbury, (45 YOA)  when he suffered a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) at an indoor recreation facility on September 7, 2015. 

Mr. Kingsbury was playing soccer at the Arena Sports Complex in Redmond when he collapsed and began to turn blue. Referee Jeff Bochner and soccer player Shannon Funk were next to Mr. Kingsbury when he fell to the ground unresponsive and immediately began calling for help. While waiting for help to arrive, Jason’s wife Teresa and teammate Brian Funk applied an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) that was available at the sports facility and began CPR. Mr Kingsbury was successfully defibrillated with one shock and was breathing on his own before Fire and Paramedic crews arrived. He was further stabilized by Paramedics and transported to Evergreen Hospital and Medical Center where he was released days later.  Read More >>>

UPDATED: Superintendent Traci Pierce quotes funding schedule for building more schools -- my opinion

Superintendent Traci Pierce laid out the funding schedule for building, more schools at last night's city council study session.

$398,000,000 Bond measure will be put on the ballot on April 26, 2016.  
$288,000,000 proposed Bond measure in 2018
$278,000,000 proposed Bond measure in 2022.
$207,000,000 proposed Bond measure in 2026. 
EP&O (Educational Program and Operations) Levy/Capital Project Levy measure on 2018. 
EP&O Levy/Capital Project Levy on 2022.
EP&O Levy/Capital Project Levy on 2026.

It's obviously going to take a lot of community backing to"catch up" from the previous bond failures. The good news is all the above bond measures will maintain the present 2015 tax rate. Board Director Chris Carlson said the tax rate can be maintained because "the l998 bond will be ending and the 2016 bond will replace it."  Pierce went on to say that "growth" and "assessed valuations" will maintain the present tax rate over time. Councilmembers Carson and Myers had good follow-up questions on the matter.

In my opinion, these Bonds are needed or the serious over-crowding that exists today will be severe tomorrow and our children with suffer. Accordin/g to Pierce, the District has grown an average of 625 students/yr for the past five years -- that's equivalent of one elementary school per year.  In five years the District anticipates it will move up from the 4th largest District in the State to the 2nd largest.  The District grew 1,114 students last year -- equivalent to 34 classrooms.  By the beginning of next year 168 portables will have been installed -- the equivalent of 7 elementary schools.  This year and next the State will be funding "all day kindergarten" putting even more pressure on space. (Presently 70% of the students go to kindergarten all day)
According to Pierce, six schools are scheduled to be "remodeled OR replaced and enlarged" between 2016 and 2026.  (Juanita HS, Kirkland El, Mead El, Kamiakin MS, Evergreen MS, Alcott El). Pierce didn't identify which of them would be remodeled and which would be replaced and enlarged. Why didn't she?  Of note, Pierce never once used the term "modernization" which in the past had been a confusing catch phrase for "tearing down, replacing and enlarging." Transparency is slowly improving.

Pierce said her Task Force made "recommendations around well built, cost effective building designs that don't compromise quality."  What are these cost effective, practical and functional designs?  She gave no details and in my opinion many voters want to know before opening their wallets.

Bob Yoder


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Developer plans to build two, 9-Story Towers on the old Post Office site

I found out on social media today that two, 9-Story Towers are planned for the old Post Office site on 16135 NE 85th Street. You can contact city planner Gary Lee for the specifics of this project at and to make comment about parking, traffic, the aquifer, etc.

According to the Public Lane-Use Notice:  The applicant, "Redmond Projects" plans to construct 250 dwelling units, 25,000 sq ft of retail space and 83,000 sq ft of office space on a 2.29 acre site.  No Public Hearing is required but you can Comment to the Administration by calling Gary Lee (425-556-2418) or emailing him.  The City is only accepting Comments until January 27th.

Gary Lee writes:  "Construction is anticipated to begin between the 4th quarter of 2016 and the 1st quarter of 2017.  If things go as planned the first tower will be completed in the Spring of 2018."

As for parking, Gary Lee writes:  "There should be sufficient parking (with 362 stalls). Because the office use and residential uses have opposite peak hours, they can realistically share a lot of the parking stalls (and it's close to the transit center.)"

Personally, I was blind-sided to learn the City zones for 9-Story High Rises in the Downtown. I had earlier been informed only 6-story buildings were allowed.  When was the zoning changed?  Why wasn't the public notified of this change?  Will the boutique hotel planned for Redmond Town Center be higher than 6 stories?

What part, if any, does One Redmond play in this?  Why can't they give the community timely development updates?

Bob Yoder

This project (and others) are buried in the City Web Site "Design Review Board Agenda".  There is presently an opening on the Design Review Board for a "Redmond resident".

One Redmond Facebook page

Monday, January 11, 2016

"Much Ado About Nothing" plays at Bear Creek School

The Bear Creek School’s Fine and Performing Arts Department Presents

“Much Ado About Nothing”

Directed by Dr. Ron Lynch
(Redmond, WA) – William Shakespeare’s beloved comedy Much Ado About Nothing will be performed by The Bear Creek School’s Upper School students on January 14 and 16. You are sure to enjoy this lively romp through the Italian city of Messina!

The story is one of love, hate, deception, and redemption, and the main plot revolves around the relationship between Benedict and Beatrice, two caustic individuals, who spend most of their days trying to outwit each other with barbed remarks and unflattering nuances. A smaller but very important theme is the love between Claudio, a soldier, and Hero, a beautiful maiden. Shakespeare introduces a problem to be resolved when Don John schemes to undo the marriage of Claudio and Hero through a series of lies. Read More >>

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Redmond Elementary wins award, runs a vibrant Lunch Buddy program, and is now constructing a wing of six classrooms

The Center for Educational Effectiveness (CEE) has named Redmond Elementary one of its “Schools of Distinction.” Redmond El. was among 90 schools statewide in the top 5 percent for improvement on the state’s English / language arts and math index test scores for students.

To be recognized, Redmond Elementary had to show improvement across the past five years, over three grade bands (grades 3, 4, and 5) in both areas: English / language arts and math.

Redmond Elementary serves more than 550 students. This is the third time that Redmond Elementary has received this award. It also was recognized in 2011 and 2012.

I go to Redmond El once a week to mentor a 5th grade student as part of the LINKS Lunch Buddy Program.  My kiddo is a terrific little boy, really values the one on one attention and we have lots of fun playing chess, board games, basketball, wall ball and other recess games.  AnneMarie, the Instructional Assistant  who runs the program is fantastic.   

I'm, amazed how fast this school is growing.  My Lunch Buddy has to use a portable for his classes and the school grounds are presently being torn up with construction to build a wing of 6 new classrooms.  (Special thanks to Paige Norman for clarifying the construction project.)  

Bob Yoder 

Agis at Marymoor presents two free seminars on Dementia in January

Aegis at Marymoor proudly presents two free seminars in January.  Refreshments will be served.  RSVP’s are greatly appreciated.  First 10 attendees for each event will receive a free copy of My Mother, My Son, written by Dwyane Clark, CEO of Aegis Living.  Please call 425-497-0900 or  All events are located at Aegis at Marymoor:  4585 W Lake Sammamish Parkway NE   Redmond, WA  98052.
Normal Aging vs Dementia
Thursday, January 14th 6:00 pm
Presented by geriatric, internal medicine, and brain health expert, Dr. Shirley Newell, Chief Medical Officer at Aegis Living.  Also presented by Rob Liebreich, Senior Care Specialist and Regional General Manager at Aegis Living with an MBA from John Hopkins University in Senior Care. 

Learn the difference between normal, age-related memory loss and early stage Alzheimer's.  Find out how Alzheimer's is diagnosed, and how it's different than dementia.  Discover if there is a way to delay, or later the course of Alzheimer's. 

Three Dragons - Delirium, Depression, and Dementia
Tuesday, January 19th 6:00 pm
Presented by Karen Kent, MSG, LMHC.  Karen brings a Master's Degree from the University of Southern California and 35 years of geriatric mental health experience.

Get expert tips on how to distinguish the difference.  Learn how each is diagnosed and treated.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The City Council meeting last night was loaded with neighborhood and downtown news.

UPDATED:   Mayor Marchione asked Council to make a decision within 45 days about the poor condition of Hartman Pool and how to implement needed repairs.  Find the full story HERE.

A King County planner reported that a new sewer pipe will have to be installed along parts of the West Lake Sammamish Blvd, the Sammamish River Trail, and through some neighborhoods. This will be terribly disruptive and messy 3 year construction project impacting traffic, the trail, and neighborhood homes!  It will run 4.5 miles with construction beginning in 2018.  Find the full story HERE.

The Couplet Conversion -- Planner Lisa Singer reported on progress with the Redmond Way - Cleveland Street "Couplet Conversion" project.  Construction will begin this May and start with utility improvements and signaling.  Lane re-alignment will begin toward the end of 2017 with completion early 2018. . The conversion project runs from 160th Ave NE to Avondale Way.  Redmond Way will have a center turn lane with parking provided on each side as the city redevelops. Cleveland Street will be two-way with parking on either side.  According to Singer, the purposes of the conversion are to allow easier access for businesses and provide pedestrian safety with shorter crossing distances.  Council member John Stilin suggested the city hold social events downtown as a reason for citizens to go downtown during the construction.

The Downtown Park -- Council member Byron Shutz reported 60% of the design work is completed with construction scheduled for 2017 - 2018.  There is a $1.5 million "delta" of budget vs. costs.

Eastside Woman's Winter Shelter -- Byron Shutz reported the shelter was over capacity during Thanksgiving and clients were turned away. The City of Redmond gave $15,000 (along with Bellevue, Kirkland, and Issaquah) to re-fund the shelter.  Short term housing may be provided.

Ombudsman Report -- Council member David Carson reported on a complaint of homeless loitering around the library.  He contacted the police chief.  Carson reported about a complaint on Facebook regarding the poor 2-day Notice on the Marijuana Public Meeting.  He explained the Administration's problem with getting the Notice out.

Items from the Audience -- Gary Smith, Redmond's Trout Unlimited advocate for Lake Sammamish Kokanee salmon asked Council for $10,000 to help fund a local Trout Unlimited staff position. A citizen complained about Watson Asphalt air pollution.

Bob Yoder

I usually tape the Tuesday night meetings on my DVR (7:30PM, Channel 21), take notes and if I find any worthwhile neighborhood news I often post it here and on Facebook.  I try to keep this as factual as possible but I'm not perfect so I'm sorry if a screw up from time to time. BY

Messy and disruptive sewer pipe installation planned along parts of West Lake Sammamish Blvd and River Trail

In last night's Council meeting Jennifer Kaufman, King County Waste Water Division, reported on their need for sewer pipe construction upgrades in west Redmond -- called the "Lake Hills & NW Sammamish" project.  The project will start in 2018 and continue for three years.

The pipe construction project will start at City Hall and run 4.5 miles -- along parts of West Lake Sammamish Blvd, the Sammamish River trail, and in some neighborhoods. A section of the pipe was built in l959 and will be replaced and the new pipe will be larger for increased capacity.

Council members Allen and Stilin had concerns about traffic mitigation.  Council President Margeson thanked Ms. Kaufman for the advance notice and asked the public for comments.  Can you imagine the mess and disruption? Again, the project will be ongoing for three years!

Reported by Bob Yoder 

City Council to Make Decision on Hartman Pool within the next 45 days

In last night's City Council Meeting the Administration updated Council on the condition of the Hartman pool and the costs in keeping it open. Mayor Marchione concluded "the pool is now coming to the end of it's life" and asked Council "How long do we keep life support going?" Marchione requested a decision from Council within the next 45 days.

According to Rebecca Borker, City Maintenance and Operations Manager, the pool was acquired by the City in 2010 and a five year plan was drawn up at that time. In 2010, $375,000 in repairs were recommended and $135,000 were made. In 2013 a condition assessment was made by the city which identified $2.9 million in deficiencies. In 2015 the Recreation Master Plan recommended no further investment in the pool.  

Borker reported a city HVAC tech spends 20-25% of his time -- two hours a day -- doing maintenance of the boiler system, saying it would take about $200,000 this year to upgrade the boiler system to relieve the tech of his maintenance work. Borker said the pool liner, boiler exhaust, air handlers, and system controls were in questionable condition.  Pubic Works Director, Linda Debolt said funds were available this year to cover the $200,000 boiler fix.

Mayor Marchione stated Council had the choice of spending $50,000-$75,000 to keep the pool operating for the next two months or spend $225,000 to hopefully keep the pool running til late 2016. He asked Council for a decision within 45 days.

Council members Myers and Allen requested further review.  Council member John Stilin said "the ship is sinking and we are wasting money" on further investments. He suggested charging user fees to help pay for the $200,000 repairs. Council President Hank Margeson said one of the options was to close the pool and asked the public to comment.

Reported by Bob Yoder 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Registration closes January 15 for Redmond Lacrosse Spring Season

Last Chance for Spring Lacrosse!
Registration closes January 15th for the Spring season of Redmond Lacrosse. We have teams at the following levels: K-2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, and high school. Our players go to feeder schools for Redmond High School and Cedarcrest High School. Private and home-schooled players are welcome!
Sign up your player now for the fastest game on two feet and the fastest growing sport in KingCo.
Follow this link now to register your player.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Pedestrian Safety Tips - RPD

Pedestrian Safety Tips

Winter can be a dangerous time of year for pedestrians and drivers.  A common statement from drivers following a collision with a pedestrian is "I never saw the pedestrian." As a pedestrian, arm yourself with that information and take the following precautions:

  • Be visible.  Pedestrians wearing dark clothing at night may not be seen in time for a driver to stop.  Yellow and white clothing increases your safety, but reflective clothing, accessories, and equipment is best.  Do not enter the street from behind a parked car or other obstruction.
  • Look both ways.  Always look to the left, to the right, and to the left again before entering any roadway.
  • Use a marked crosswalk when possible. Keep in mind, all intersections, whether they are marked or unmarked, are legal pedestrian crossings. For more info on crosswalks, click here.
  • Cross at the intersection. Drivers must yield to pedestrians at an intersection.  A pedestrian must not interfere with traffic when crossing a roadway at any point other than a marked crosswalk or intersection.
  • Keep your attention on the traffic.  Most collisions between pedestrians and motor vehicles happen in crosswalks where pedestrians feel most protected.
  • Don't cross against the signal. Always cross with the pedestrian signal.  Watch for turning cars before you enter the roadway.
  • Signal your intentions.  Make eye contact with a driver before you enter the roadway.  Put your hand out to signal your intent to cross the street.
  • Don't dart or run into traffic. Pedestrians should not enter the roadway so suddenly that a driver is unable to stop.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Redmond Historical Society Speaker Series on Mercer Island Murder Mystery

Saturday, January 9th
Tom Hitzroth
Chairman of the City of Redmond Landmark Commission
Former chair and current member of the King County Landmarks Commission.

On the morning of February 8, 1886, James M. Colman and family friend Wilbur Patten were on their way to Seattle.  Patten was going home and Colman was on his way to court to settle a dispute with George Miller of Enatai (Beaux Arts) over a land acquisition.  They were ambushed at the south end of Mercer Island.  Patten never made it home and Colman never made it to court.  Miller was tried four times for murder, making him the only person in Territorial history to be tried so many times before so many people for a single crime.  Tom Hitzroth will share the results of his personal detective work: exploring the crime, the investigation, and the trials.  Was Miller an innocent man?

Enjoy a relaxing morning at the Redmond Historical Society Saturday Speaker Series, a monthly program that features eight speakers addressing topics of local, state and Pacific Northwest historical interest. The series is held 10:30am – noon at the Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center, 16600 NE 80th St., Redmond, WA.   Doors open at 10:00 am.  $5 suggested donation for non-members. Speakers subject to change. For details:

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Pedestrian hit and killed on NE 80th

Vehicle - Pedestrian Fatality Collision
Adult Pedestrian Male Does Not Survive Collision
Redmond, WA - On December 16th, 2015 at 5:11pm, Redmond Police and Fire responded to the report of a car versus pedestrian collision located near NE 80th St and 133rd Ave NE in Redmond.
The pedestrian, an elderly male, was deceased at the scene.  Preliminary investigation reveals an adult male with no passengers was driving westbound on NE 80th St and struck the pedestrian male on NE 80th just west of 133rd Ave. 
The driver stayed at the scene and cooperated with investigators.  At this early stage, investigators do not believe the man's driving was impaired.

There was a witness in another vehicle behind the driver who provided information to police at the scene.
The case is under investigation by the Redmond Police Traffic Division. 

Redmond Police Department press release

Congressman puts Trump and Carson into perspective

According to the Seattle Times about 50,000-70,000 Muslims live in Puget Sound, including our Hill. My very close Muslim American friend, Saeed Kuddora is anxious and sent me this article about the trauma and racism Trump and Carson are creating in some of our community and where this ideology is leading us .This only touches the surface....

By Mike Honda
Congressman, 17th District, Silicon Valley

In 1988, President Ronald Reagan—the president whom Donald Trump and most of the Republican presidential candidates have said they admire the most—signed the Civil Liberties Act into law. This law recognized that the internment of Japanese Americans in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor was “without adequate security reasons” and was instead “motivated largely by racial prejudice, wartime hysteria, and a failure of political leadership.”  Read More>>

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Lake Washington School District Seeks Input on Possible Bond Plan

LWSD proposes 2016 and 2018 Bond
Plan would implement Task Force recommendations over time

Redmond, Wash. – At its December 7 meeting, the Lake Washington School District Board of Directors received an initial draft report on potential funding measures that would enable the district to build new schools and address aging schools. Dr. Traci Pierce, superintendent, presented a draft short-term and long-term funding plan. A Bond Advisory Committee, composed of city, business, community, parent, and staff representatives, provided input on the draft funding plan. The funding plan would implement the project recommendations of the Long-Term Facilities Task Force. That 63-member representative group spent almost a year looking into the district’s facility needs.
                The Task Force recommendations include a list of specific construction projects needed for the district through 2029-30. They also recommended strategies for efficient and cost-effective facility designs. The draft funding plan implements the construction projects over time. A 2016 bond measure would fund the most immediate needs. Subsequent bond measures in 2018, 2022 and 2026 would fund the longer-term needs. The bond measures would not increase tax rates. They would maintain the 2015 tax rate and keep it steady over the next 15 years.
                Each measure would have projects to increase classroom space and reduce the reliance on portable classrooms. Additional projects would leverage use of existing facilities and expand choice school/program options. Cost-effective design principles would be implemented.
                The district has launched a survey for community members to provide feedback on the draft funding plan. Take the survey online here: LWSD funding plan survey.
The 2016 bond measure is anticipated to be on the ballot in April if approved. It would include construction projects in every learning community, the area served by each of the four comprehensive high schools. It would fund three new schools in the Redmond Learning Community -- two elementary and one middle school. It would also remodel or replace and enlarge the following schools: Juanita High School and Kirk Elementary School in Kirkland and Mead Elementary School in Sammamish. It would replace Explorer Community School with new modular buildings. It would also refurbish the Old Redmond Schoolhouse for use as a preschool center.
Further community input would be sought before each of the three subsequent bond measures. Those measures would run in 2018, 2022 and 2026, concurrently with the district’s replacement levies. The Educational Programs & Operations Levy as well as the Capital Projects Levy must be renewed every four years.
Those future ballot measures would seek funding to build three additional elementary schools and two choice high schools. Projects to remodel or replace and enlarge schools would include Kamiakin Middle School, Alcott Elementary School, Evergreen Middle School, and Smith Elementary School.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

UPDATED: Seven Facebook Groups provide a forum for the LWSD bond and local neighborhoods

The following Facebook Groups have been forming in the Redmond/Kirkland/Sammamish neighborhoods.  Two Groups provide a forum and support for the passage of the LWSD bond and three Groups provide a forum for news and opinion in Redmond, Sammamish and Kirkland neighborhoods. "Education Hill in Redmond, WA" is by far the most active Group in Redmond with over 930 members.  "Education Hill Neighborhood Association" focuses on city government and organizes community meetings.  "Eastside Ready" addresses community disaster preparedness and neighborhood safety.  The Sammamish and Kirkland Groups have thousands of members.

Lake Washington Community for Students

Lake Washington Citizens Levy Committee

Education Hill in Redmond, WA

Education Hill Neighborhood Association

Eastside Ready

Sammamish:  Ask Everything

Be Neighborly Kirkland

Friday, December 4, 2015

Vehicle--Pedestrian Collision on 166th

Adult Woman Does Not Survive Injuries
Redmond, WA - Redmond Police has just received word that the pedestrian woman involved in a collision on December 1st passed away from her injuries on December 3rd, 2015 while at Harborview.    
On December 1st at 7:32pm, Redmond Police and Fire responded to the report of a car versus pedestrian collision located at NE 79th St and 166th Ave NE in Redmond.
Preliminary investigation revealed an adult male was driving northbound on 166th Ave NE and struck the woman on the north side of NE 79th as she was walking eastbound across the intersection. There was one witness in a separate vehicle who provided information to police at the scene.
The case is still under investigation by the Redmond Police Traffic Division. 

RPD Press Release

Thursday, December 3, 2015

LWSD School Board accepts Task Force recommendations

Bond Advisory Committee to provide feedback on district’s short and long term funding strategy

Redmond, Wash. – School board member Chris Carlson called the Long Term Facilities Task Force’s recommendations “spectacular, very useful to us.” At its November 23 regular meeting, the Lake Washington School District Board of Directors unanimously approved those recommendations and charged Superintendent Traci Pierce with taking action on them.  

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

City to Refinance Bear Creek Parkway Improvement Bonds

Redmond, WA – The City of Redmond is announcing the refinance of the bonds that paid for the Bear Creek Parkway and 161st Street improvements. The bonds originally sold in September of 2008 for $33.9 million dollars. At the time of the sale in 2008, the interest rate was 4.825%, and the bonds couldn’t be refunded until ten years passed. With the current interest rates around 2.5% to 3%, the city is planning to refund the bonds now and lock in the current interest rates until the full ten years are up (in 2019). The City will save an estimated $2.1 million over the next ten years.  Read More >>

Monday, November 30, 2015

"It's okay to say Merry Christmas" signs return

I asked my Lebanese-American-Muslim friend about the talk around town of the "It's okay to say Merry Christmas" signs.  His answer:

This is where the " Politically Correct" thinking gets it wrong. We need to spread love , respect, embrace and share other citizens' cultures and holidays because it matters!  It brings us closer to each other's one-nation concept regardless of the diversity.
I can not wait to start greeting people with a " Merry Christmas" greetings. It is just too early for me personally. 
Best Regards, 
Ed Kaddoura
Listen carefully,

Speak thoughtfully,

Act respectfully.

The entire community is invited to Redmond Lights

Redmond, WA – Winter brings cold and rainy weather to the Pacific Northwest, but this is also the time that Redmond invites everyone to bundle up, grab their gloves and head over to Redmond Lights at City Hall campus. Redmond Lights attendees will be greeted by warm bonfires, music, and light installations.

Redmond Lights is unique to Redmond. The event starts at City Hall at 4 pm and meanders through a luminary walk through the Redmond Central Connector. Participants will be entertained by various community and regional groups. Don’t be surprised when you see fire dancers and twinkling lights on the Heron Rookery! This year, DigiPen staff and students will be presenting a special light installation for the community. Local businesses will provide warm beverages, opportunities to make s’mores and decorate cookies. Redmond Town Center will offer ice skating, carousel rides and more entertainment.

This time of year always highlights a time to give and support those in need. To give the community an opportunity to give; Hopelink will be at Redmond Lights collecting canned food and new toys.

“The entire community is invited to Redmond Lights. Come celebrate and learn about our different cultural traditions through light displays, music, fun activities and food,” said Redmond Mayor John Marchione.”

For a detailed event schedule and parking information, please

Monday, November 23, 2015

Links to WINTER LIGHTS and other city resources

The City of Redmond winter "Focus" magazine has many links to sites you may be interested in, as follows:

WINTER LIGHTS, Saturday, December 5, 4-8PM

Downtown is Bustling with Activity

Directory of all Redmond businesses:

"Park for Free and Walk Your Way Around Downtown"

"City Agrees to New Solid Waste Contract"  Garbage residential rates will increase from $1.85 to $5.43 per month

"Subscribe to City News"

"Redmond's Snow Plow Routes"    www.redmond.gove/snowice

City Web Site: