Pedestrian Safety Tips
Winter can be a dangerous time of year for pedestrians and drivers. A common statement from drivers following a collision with a pedestrian is "I never saw the pedestrian." As a pedestrian, arm yourself with that information and take the following precautions:
- Be visible. Pedestrians wearing dark clothing at night may not be seen in time for a driver to stop. Yellow and white clothing increases your safety, but reflective clothing, accessories, and equipment is best. Do not enter the street from behind a parked car or other obstruction.
- Look both ways. Always look to the left, to the right, and to the left again before entering any roadway.
- Use a marked crosswalk when possible. Keep in mind, all intersections, whether they are marked or unmarked, are legal pedestrian crossings. For more info on crosswalks, click here.
- Cross at the intersection. Drivers must yield to pedestrians at an intersection. A pedestrian must not interfere with traffic when crossing a roadway at any point other than a marked crosswalk or intersection.
- Keep your attention on the traffic. Most collisions between pedestrians and motor vehicles happen in crosswalks where pedestrians feel most protected.
- Don't cross against the signal. Always cross with the pedestrian signal. Watch for turning cars before you enter the roadway.
- Signal your intentions. Make eye contact with a driver before you enter the roadway. Put your hand out to signal your intent to cross the street.
- Don't dart or run into traffic. Pedestrians should not enter the roadway so suddenly that a driver is unable to stop.
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