Wednesday, January 6, 2016

City Council to Make Decision on Hartman Pool within the next 45 days

In last night's City Council Meeting the Administration updated Council on the condition of the Hartman pool and the costs in keeping it open. Mayor Marchione concluded "the pool is now coming to the end of it's life" and asked Council "How long do we keep life support going?" Marchione requested a decision from Council within the next 45 days.

According to Rebecca Borker, City Maintenance and Operations Manager, the pool was acquired by the City in 2010 and a five year plan was drawn up at that time. In 2010, $375,000 in repairs were recommended and $135,000 were made. In 2013 a condition assessment was made by the city which identified $2.9 million in deficiencies. In 2015 the Recreation Master Plan recommended no further investment in the pool.  

Borker reported a city HVAC tech spends 20-25% of his time -- two hours a day -- doing maintenance of the boiler system, saying it would take about $200,000 this year to upgrade the boiler system to relieve the tech of his maintenance work. Borker said the pool liner, boiler exhaust, air handlers, and system controls were in questionable condition.  Pubic Works Director, Linda Debolt said funds were available this year to cover the $200,000 boiler fix.

Mayor Marchione stated Council had the choice of spending $50,000-$75,000 to keep the pool operating for the next two months or spend $225,000 to hopefully keep the pool running til late 2016. He asked Council for a decision within 45 days.

Council members Myers and Allen requested further review.  Council member John Stilin said "the ship is sinking and we are wasting money" on further investments. He suggested charging user fees to help pay for the $200,000 repairs. Council President Hank Margeson said one of the options was to close the pool and asked the public to comment.

Reported by Bob Yoder 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Registration closes January 15 for Redmond Lacrosse Spring Season

Last Chance for Spring Lacrosse!
Registration closes January 15th for the Spring season of Redmond Lacrosse. We have teams at the following levels: K-2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, and high school. Our players go to feeder schools for Redmond High School and Cedarcrest High School. Private and home-schooled players are welcome!
Sign up your player now for the fastest game on two feet and the fastest growing sport in KingCo.
Follow this link now to register your player.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Pedestrian Safety Tips - RPD

Pedestrian Safety Tips

Winter can be a dangerous time of year for pedestrians and drivers.  A common statement from drivers following a collision with a pedestrian is "I never saw the pedestrian." As a pedestrian, arm yourself with that information and take the following precautions:

  • Be visible.  Pedestrians wearing dark clothing at night may not be seen in time for a driver to stop.  Yellow and white clothing increases your safety, but reflective clothing, accessories, and equipment is best.  Do not enter the street from behind a parked car or other obstruction.
  • Look both ways.  Always look to the left, to the right, and to the left again before entering any roadway.
  • Use a marked crosswalk when possible. Keep in mind, all intersections, whether they are marked or unmarked, are legal pedestrian crossings. For more info on crosswalks, click here.
  • Cross at the intersection. Drivers must yield to pedestrians at an intersection.  A pedestrian must not interfere with traffic when crossing a roadway at any point other than a marked crosswalk or intersection.
  • Keep your attention on the traffic.  Most collisions between pedestrians and motor vehicles happen in crosswalks where pedestrians feel most protected.
  • Don't cross against the signal. Always cross with the pedestrian signal.  Watch for turning cars before you enter the roadway.
  • Signal your intentions.  Make eye contact with a driver before you enter the roadway.  Put your hand out to signal your intent to cross the street.
  • Don't dart or run into traffic. Pedestrians should not enter the roadway so suddenly that a driver is unable to stop.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Redmond Historical Society Speaker Series on Mercer Island Murder Mystery

Saturday, January 9th
Tom Hitzroth
Chairman of the City of Redmond Landmark Commission
Former chair and current member of the King County Landmarks Commission.

On the morning of February 8, 1886, James M. Colman and family friend Wilbur Patten were on their way to Seattle.  Patten was going home and Colman was on his way to court to settle a dispute with George Miller of Enatai (Beaux Arts) over a land acquisition.  They were ambushed at the south end of Mercer Island.  Patten never made it home and Colman never made it to court.  Miller was tried four times for murder, making him the only person in Territorial history to be tried so many times before so many people for a single crime.  Tom Hitzroth will share the results of his personal detective work: exploring the crime, the investigation, and the trials.  Was Miller an innocent man?

Enjoy a relaxing morning at the Redmond Historical Society Saturday Speaker Series, a monthly program that features eight speakers addressing topics of local, state and Pacific Northwest historical interest. The series is held 10:30am – noon at the Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center, 16600 NE 80th St., Redmond, WA.   Doors open at 10:00 am.  $5 suggested donation for non-members. Speakers subject to change. For details:

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Pedestrian hit and killed on NE 80th

Vehicle - Pedestrian Fatality Collision
Adult Pedestrian Male Does Not Survive Collision
Redmond, WA - On December 16th, 2015 at 5:11pm, Redmond Police and Fire responded to the report of a car versus pedestrian collision located near NE 80th St and 133rd Ave NE in Redmond.
The pedestrian, an elderly male, was deceased at the scene.  Preliminary investigation reveals an adult male with no passengers was driving westbound on NE 80th St and struck the pedestrian male on NE 80th just west of 133rd Ave. 
The driver stayed at the scene and cooperated with investigators.  At this early stage, investigators do not believe the man's driving was impaired.

There was a witness in another vehicle behind the driver who provided information to police at the scene.
The case is under investigation by the Redmond Police Traffic Division. 

Redmond Police Department press release

Congressman puts Trump and Carson into perspective

According to the Seattle Times about 50,000-70,000 Muslims live in Puget Sound, including our Hill. My very close Muslim American friend, Saeed Kuddora is anxious and sent me this article about the trauma and racism Trump and Carson are creating in some of our community and where this ideology is leading us .This only touches the surface....

By Mike Honda
Congressman, 17th District, Silicon Valley

In 1988, President Ronald Reagan—the president whom Donald Trump and most of the Republican presidential candidates have said they admire the most—signed the Civil Liberties Act into law. This law recognized that the internment of Japanese Americans in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor was “without adequate security reasons” and was instead “motivated largely by racial prejudice, wartime hysteria, and a failure of political leadership.”  Read More>>

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Lake Washington School District Seeks Input on Possible Bond Plan

LWSD proposes 2016 and 2018 Bond
Plan would implement Task Force recommendations over time

Redmond, Wash. – At its December 7 meeting, the Lake Washington School District Board of Directors received an initial draft report on potential funding measures that would enable the district to build new schools and address aging schools. Dr. Traci Pierce, superintendent, presented a draft short-term and long-term funding plan. A Bond Advisory Committee, composed of city, business, community, parent, and staff representatives, provided input on the draft funding plan. The funding plan would implement the project recommendations of the Long-Term Facilities Task Force. That 63-member representative group spent almost a year looking into the district’s facility needs.
                The Task Force recommendations include a list of specific construction projects needed for the district through 2029-30. They also recommended strategies for efficient and cost-effective facility designs. The draft funding plan implements the construction projects over time. A 2016 bond measure would fund the most immediate needs. Subsequent bond measures in 2018, 2022 and 2026 would fund the longer-term needs. The bond measures would not increase tax rates. They would maintain the 2015 tax rate and keep it steady over the next 15 years.
                Each measure would have projects to increase classroom space and reduce the reliance on portable classrooms. Additional projects would leverage use of existing facilities and expand choice school/program options. Cost-effective design principles would be implemented.
                The district has launched a survey for community members to provide feedback on the draft funding plan. Take the survey online here: LWSD funding plan survey.
The 2016 bond measure is anticipated to be on the ballot in April if approved. It would include construction projects in every learning community, the area served by each of the four comprehensive high schools. It would fund three new schools in the Redmond Learning Community -- two elementary and one middle school. It would also remodel or replace and enlarge the following schools: Juanita High School and Kirk Elementary School in Kirkland and Mead Elementary School in Sammamish. It would replace Explorer Community School with new modular buildings. It would also refurbish the Old Redmond Schoolhouse for use as a preschool center.
Further community input would be sought before each of the three subsequent bond measures. Those measures would run in 2018, 2022 and 2026, concurrently with the district’s replacement levies. The Educational Programs & Operations Levy as well as the Capital Projects Levy must be renewed every four years.
Those future ballot measures would seek funding to build three additional elementary schools and two choice high schools. Projects to remodel or replace and enlarge schools would include Kamiakin Middle School, Alcott Elementary School, Evergreen Middle School, and Smith Elementary School.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

UPDATED: Seven Facebook Groups provide a forum for the LWSD bond and local neighborhoods

The following Facebook Groups have been forming in the Redmond/Kirkland/Sammamish neighborhoods.  Two Groups provide a forum and support for the passage of the LWSD bond and three Groups provide a forum for news and opinion in Redmond, Sammamish and Kirkland neighborhoods. "Education Hill in Redmond, WA" is by far the most active Group in Redmond with over 930 members.  "Education Hill Neighborhood Association" focuses on city government and organizes community meetings.  "Eastside Ready" addresses community disaster preparedness and neighborhood safety.  The Sammamish and Kirkland Groups have thousands of members.

Lake Washington Community for Students

Lake Washington Citizens Levy Committee

Education Hill in Redmond, WA

Education Hill Neighborhood Association

Eastside Ready

Sammamish:  Ask Everything

Be Neighborly Kirkland

Friday, December 4, 2015

Vehicle--Pedestrian Collision on 166th

Adult Woman Does Not Survive Injuries
Redmond, WA - Redmond Police has just received word that the pedestrian woman involved in a collision on December 1st passed away from her injuries on December 3rd, 2015 while at Harborview.    
On December 1st at 7:32pm, Redmond Police and Fire responded to the report of a car versus pedestrian collision located at NE 79th St and 166th Ave NE in Redmond.
Preliminary investigation revealed an adult male was driving northbound on 166th Ave NE and struck the woman on the north side of NE 79th as she was walking eastbound across the intersection. There was one witness in a separate vehicle who provided information to police at the scene.
The case is still under investigation by the Redmond Police Traffic Division. 

RPD Press Release

Thursday, December 3, 2015

LWSD School Board accepts Task Force recommendations

Bond Advisory Committee to provide feedback on district’s short and long term funding strategy

Redmond, Wash. – School board member Chris Carlson called the Long Term Facilities Task Force’s recommendations “spectacular, very useful to us.” At its November 23 regular meeting, the Lake Washington School District Board of Directors unanimously approved those recommendations and charged Superintendent Traci Pierce with taking action on them.  

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

City to Refinance Bear Creek Parkway Improvement Bonds

Redmond, WA – The City of Redmond is announcing the refinance of the bonds that paid for the Bear Creek Parkway and 161st Street improvements. The bonds originally sold in September of 2008 for $33.9 million dollars. At the time of the sale in 2008, the interest rate was 4.825%, and the bonds couldn’t be refunded until ten years passed. With the current interest rates around 2.5% to 3%, the city is planning to refund the bonds now and lock in the current interest rates until the full ten years are up (in 2019). The City will save an estimated $2.1 million over the next ten years.  Read More >>

Monday, November 30, 2015

"It's okay to say Merry Christmas" signs return

I asked my Lebanese-American-Muslim friend about the talk around town of the "It's okay to say Merry Christmas" signs.  His answer:

This is where the " Politically Correct" thinking gets it wrong. We need to spread love , respect, embrace and share other citizens' cultures and holidays because it matters!  It brings us closer to each other's one-nation concept regardless of the diversity.
I can not wait to start greeting people with a " Merry Christmas" greetings. It is just too early for me personally. 
Best Regards, 
Ed Kaddoura
Listen carefully,

Speak thoughtfully,

Act respectfully.

The entire community is invited to Redmond Lights

Redmond, WA – Winter brings cold and rainy weather to the Pacific Northwest, but this is also the time that Redmond invites everyone to bundle up, grab their gloves and head over to Redmond Lights at City Hall campus. Redmond Lights attendees will be greeted by warm bonfires, music, and light installations.

Redmond Lights is unique to Redmond. The event starts at City Hall at 4 pm and meanders through a luminary walk through the Redmond Central Connector. Participants will be entertained by various community and regional groups. Don’t be surprised when you see fire dancers and twinkling lights on the Heron Rookery! This year, DigiPen staff and students will be presenting a special light installation for the community. Local businesses will provide warm beverages, opportunities to make s’mores and decorate cookies. Redmond Town Center will offer ice skating, carousel rides and more entertainment.

This time of year always highlights a time to give and support those in need. To give the community an opportunity to give; Hopelink will be at Redmond Lights collecting canned food and new toys.

“The entire community is invited to Redmond Lights. Come celebrate and learn about our different cultural traditions through light displays, music, fun activities and food,” said Redmond Mayor John Marchione.”

For a detailed event schedule and parking information, please

Monday, November 23, 2015

Links to WINTER LIGHTS and other city resources

The City of Redmond winter "Focus" magazine has many links to sites you may be interested in, as follows:

WINTER LIGHTS, Saturday, December 5, 4-8PM

Downtown is Bustling with Activity

Directory of all Redmond businesses:

"Park for Free and Walk Your Way Around Downtown"

"City Agrees to New Solid Waste Contract"  Garbage residential rates will increase from $1.85 to $5.43 per month

"Subscribe to City News"

"Redmond's Snow Plow Routes"    www.redmond.gove/snowice

City Web Site:

Sunday, November 22, 2015

How the District keeps track of millions of dollars of classroom space

COMMENTARY: (Susan Wilkins)  I have a 2010-2011 student directory from Horace Mann Elementary that lists 19 teachers in 19 classrooms in the school. But look at the LWSD 6-Year Capital Facilities Plan and it says that Horace Mann has 17 classrooms. Which is it? 17 classrooms or 19 classrooms? I brought up this discrepancy with Janene Fogard who is the acting facilities planner for the district. I was told that I needed to meet with Barbara Posthumous who is the Director of Finance because she was in charge of classroom counts for the district. (I actually don't know why she is in charge of this.)

I went to Barbara's office and she took out a photocopy of Horace Mann's floor plan and proceeded to number the rooms at Horace Mann with a pen. She numbered the classrooms from 1 to 19, then she looked at another sheet and said that two rooms were "resource rooms" so that Horace Mann had 17 rooms. Which rooms were 'resource rooms' and what were the resource rooms used for? She did not know. I pointed out that my directory said that Horace Mann had 19 classrooms that were clearly used as classrooms. We argued whether Horace Mann had 19 or 17 rooms for another 30 minutes until she needed to get to another meeting. Two rooms is not a lot; however, the district has 56 'resource rooms' in its elementary schools - enough classroom space for 3 additional schools. 

I found the whole experience to be unreal. Was the district really keeping track of millions of dollars of classroom space using a pen and paper? The district says that they have 56 'resource rooms.' What are they all used for? Many members of the task force asked for a space audit and a classroom inventory to find out what the classrooms were being used for. From January through June, Janene Fogard refused to authorize a space audit until school was out and then stated that the district would do a space inventory in the future. 

The district isn't sure how all of its classroom space is being used, or if it's being used efficiently, but they've declared a space shortage because of surging enrollment and they want taxpayers to fund a bond.  I have my concerns.  

Commentary by Susan Wilkins
Member of the Task Force for Facilities Planning

Saturday, November 21, 2015

LWSD recognizes those who support the district as part of American Education Week

Redmond, Wash. --  The Lake Washington School District (LWSD) recognized the many community partners, business leaders, elected officials, and parent leaders who support the district today as part of American Education Week.
“We could not do our work without all of you,” said Superintendent Dr. Traci Pierce. 
Attendees of the Community Leaders Breakfast, held at the LWSD Resource Center Board Room, participated in a live Skype session with Lake Washington High School Astronomy Teacher Ryan Palmer and his students. They also heard about the success of the New Teacher Support Program, directly from a mentor teacher and a new teacher. A highlight video introduced some of the programs that support student learning at all levels. 
Dr. Pierce also gave an update on the progress on the district’s five strategic goals to ensure every student is future ready, including facts about student success:  
  • Graduation rates continue to rise and far exceed the state standard
    • LWSD’s graduation rate has risen over the past three years from 89 to 92%. The state average is 77%.
    • 92% of seniors graduated on-time last spring, and half of the students who did not graduate on-time are still enrolled and working to complete their high school diploma. The target is 100% graduation by 2018.
  • Our students are prepared to succeed in college
    • Currently, 81% of students enter a 2- or 4-year college directly after high school compared to 62% statewide. The target is 88% post-secondary enrollment by 2018.
    • 89% of students earn college credit while still in high school.
  • LWSD students outperform state and national averages on tests
    • Average SAT critical reading scores in the district rose by 11 points over last year. Reading scores across the state of Washington fell by 8 points, and nationally, reading scores decreased by 2 points.
    • SAT writing scores rose by 11 points; state scores fell by 7 and national scores fell by 3. 
    • SAT math scores were the highest they have been in the past four years. They rose 9 points over last year, while state scores fell 8 points and national scores fell by 2 points.
    • Students in grades 3-8 performed 23-27% higher than the state average on the new state assessments.
In addition, Dr. Piece spoke about the district’s enrollment growth, which has averaged an additional 625 students per year over the past five years.
“Our growth has been about the equivalent of adding a large elementary school every year for the past five years,” Dr. Pierce said.
Now the fourth-largest district in the state with 27,830 students, this year alone the district saw an even bigger increase. LWSD has 1,114 more students this year, which equates to 34 additional classrooms. By 2016 the district will have 168 portables, which is equal to seven elementary schools.
Last December, the district convened a 63-person community Task Force to develop a long-term facilities strategy to address this growth. The group of parents, community leaders and staff worked for nearly a year and sought significant community input and feedback before presenting their final 254-page report. The board will vote on the facility recommendations next week.  
Dr. Pierce also spoke about the district’s ongoing efforts to use resources effectively and be fiscally responsible, citing a number of specific efforts. The event closed with recognition and thanks to attendees for their support and involvement in helping students in the Lake Washington School District. 
“I hope you learned more about how we are growing together and serving our community,” Dr. Pierce said. “I am so proud of our student success, our educators, and the active engagement and involvement of our parents and community.”

Youth Eastside Services expands psychiatric care

The expansion, which will quadruple YES’ dedicated psych hours,
is part of a collaboration with Seattle Children’s Hospital

In response to community needs, Youth Eastside Services (YES) has kicked off a collaboration with Seattle Children’s Hospital that expands its psychiatric services.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 13–20% of children living in the United States experience a mental disorder in a given year — and additional research has shown the prevalence of these conditions is growing.  READ MORE >>

Thursday, November 19, 2015

In times of severe wind storm and earthquake disaster how can "Community Emergency Response Team" training help?

UPDATED:  The wind storm that "inconvenienced" Redmond on Tuesday was a sorry experience, with roads closed, trees down, and 110,000 residential units without power. It was a miserable two days for us.

Spokane was especially hit hard with two dead and hundreds of trees down.  Governor Inslee declared a state of emergency in Washington State when at one time 500,000 residential units were without power.  The complete story can be found HERE.

With the storm fresh on our minds, we can now begin to think about how we could be better prepared for the next one.  Remember the wind storm of 2006 when power was down for seven days?  Terrible. What if an earthquake hit our city or region?  We are overdue for one.  Do we keep more non perishable food and water on hand?  Stock up on batteries and flashlights?  Buy a generator?  Battery powered radio?  Tune into Redmond's AM 1650 for community storm news?  Keep an extra supply of your medicines?  Plan an exit strategy from your house in case of fire?  And on......

One thing you can do is become a member of Redmond's CERT program  -- "Community Emergency Response Team".  I just graduated from the 29th class and felt really prepared for this storm and prepared for the disasters to come.  The next class is February 1, 2016 and you can go HERE to register and get more information.  Janeen Olson of the Redmond Police Department has been running the program for over six years and makes the learning fun with guest speakers (City fire specialists, police specialists, and the city Chaplin), hilarious but educational videos, snacks, prizes and more!  The course is eight weeks long -- every Monday for three hours.  You graduate as a community volunteer prepared to take care of yourself and your neighbors in time of disaster.

In the course, we learned:  Disaster Psychology, Medical, Search and Rescue, Fire Safety, Triage, Terrorism, Personal and home preparedness, and how to work in a Team with fellow CERT's during community disasters.  My favorite class was a four hour drill simulation where we played out a disaster response.  Redmond High School students take CERT classes now too.  I developed a deep appreciation and respect for our Fire and Police.

So far over four hundred Redmond residents have graduated from CERT.  There is no CPR training in this course.  If you want CPR and first aid training you can sign up for the City of Redmond's "Redmond Ready"  It's a one day class and very affordable.  Next class is January 23.

Be safe!

Bob Yoder

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Steve Fields congratulates Mayor Marchione and thanks the community

With most all of the ballots now in, Fields thanked everyone who voted in the election:
“I am glad that the citizens in Redmond had the voting opportunity to select a mayor and I am proud of the campaign that I and my volunteers ran. Our message was clear. The people who live in Redmond should never settle for anything less than a city where quality of life, environment and a city built for community are the values that city officials consider first when making decisions.
On November 9th, last Monday, most of the votes had been counted and it was not likely that the 54% to 46% was likely to change. I gave my congratulations to Mayor Marchione on his reelection for a third term as Mayor of Redmond. I told him I hope the next four years are successful for him, Redmond, and the people who live here. He thanked me and offered to meet for some Down Pour coffee after the first of the year. A respectful and quiet end to the 2015 campaign for Mayor of Redmond.
Although the results of the election were personally very disappointing, I am not discouraged. Much was accomplished. The messages of this campaign grew over the summer and became a strong and collective voice as many Redmond residents joined in to express their concern about our city’s future. We have become more determined to be involved and have a say in how our community grows and changes. We became clearer in how the city government decision making process can be made better by actively including the ideas, values, and actions of citizens.
I have an overwhelming feeling of gratitude to all of the people who have supported me, my family, the campaign, and our collective desire to improve our community. Your support kept me going over the past 6 months. And has given me stronger hope that we can continue to work together in the years ahead.
I have just completed a few days out of town visiting family and friends. Over the next few weeks I will be working at our coffee shop with the intent to give Ronni some needed time off as well as hopefully have an opportunity to individually express my appreciation to many of you.
Campaigning for Mayor of Redmond was humbling. It involved a lot of hard work as well as many rewards. Having the opportunity to personally listen to the concerns and visions of so many Redmond residents was inspiring. It was transformative. It made me a better person. Thank you so much."
Steve Fields

Monday, November 16, 2015

OPINION: Hey Facebook, I'm not changing my profile picture in support of France

Hey Facebook, I actually don't want to change my profile picture in support of France and the people of Paris. Simply because the days before the Paris attack you didn't ask me to change my profile picture in support of Lebanon and the people of Beirut. And before that you never asked me to change in support of the people of Syria, Afghanistan, Palestine, Nigeria, Somalia etc. So if I would change my profile picture now it would mean that some lives matter more than others. Just as you, Facebook, state when you have no safety check function available for terror attacks in some parts of the world, when you choose to have it in other parts of the world. That means you value some peoples' lives more than others. As your user, I strongly disagree, and really hope and urge you, Facebook, to make an apology to the people of the world that you until today have marginalized. #wherearetheflags

And for the record people. Daesh (IS) recruits people from all over the world to its war. The primary group of international recruitment are young marginalized muslim men that feel excluded from community life in their home countries, such as Britain, France etc. So, when Daesh (IS) attacks Paris, they know that it will feed racism and intolerance, mostly towards Muslims and people of color. Which means that Daesh (IS) recruitment will become a lot easier as countries as France become more and more intolerant towards its own population on the basis of religion. Marginalized frustrated people is not what the world needs right now, that only feeds extremism. What the world needs is unity, tolerance and peace. We need love. We need France to say: "You know what Daesh (IS), this attack only makes us even more sure that we need to open our homes for people fleeing what you are doing to them everyday. We need to stand united and strong in this difficult time. We need to summon world leaders and disregard our differences to seek a solution backed by governments all over the world. We need to show real leadership. Hate and terror will not win."

Saeed Kuddoura

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Sponsor a family in need this holiday season--A Youth Eastside Services program

The Adopt-a-Family holiday giving program starts today

Jane* needed help for the holidays. She’d just bravely escaped an abusive relationship, and she and her four children were healing from the trauma they’d endured. Jane was working full-time, but she was also preparing for major surgery, so her finances were stretched thin. Fortunately, Youth Eastside Services (YES) was there to help.

Jane’s family participated in Youth Eastside Services (YES) Adopt-a-Family holiday giving program last year, which matches low-income families who are receiving YES' services to generous sponsors. Sponsors provide gift cards that help participating families afford presents, groceries and basic necessities during the holidays.

Sponsors can sign up from now through Nov. 20. It’s easy to sponsor a family, and anyone — from businesses to individuals — can sign up:  Read More >>

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Community Task Force recommends building more schools in Lake Washington S.D.

Group advises district on efficiency, cost-effectiveness, continued community involvement

Redmond, Wash. – After nearly a year of work by the Lake Washington School District (LWSD) Long Term Facilities Task Force, P.S. Reilly, Task Force member and parent, called its recommendations “a reasonable person’s approach to what is a very tough problem.” The tough problem was the issue of classroom capacity and aging schools in a rapidly growing school district. The “reasonable person” represents the collective wisdom of the 63-person community task force as well as the larger community, represented by input collected during the process.
            Reilly, a task force member and parent, presented the Task Force's 254-page report
to the Board of Directors at its November 9 meeting. It is the outcome of nearly a year of work by the volunteer Task Force and its Working Subcommittee. Several smaller groups also dug into specific topics, including the efficient use of space in school buildings.
Build to house enrollment growth
            The Task Force report recommends the district build more schools to meet growing classroom needs, with further guidance on how to approach building. Updating or replacing aging schools should focus on those schools that can also add more classrooms.
            LWSD’s enrollment has grown by an average of 625 students each year over the last five years. That equals the size of a large elementary school added every year. Some current school buildings need updating or replacing due to their age and building conditions. The Task Force was charged with recommending strategies to address both of these issues for the 2017-18 through 2029-30 school years.
            The Task Force recommended a list of specific projects to meet the district’s needs through 2029-30, while also suggesting potentially innovative projects to explore.  Read More >>

Monday, November 9, 2015

Finding more classroom space to cope with overcrowding in LWSD schools

UPDATED OPINION: There's been a lot of chatter in the community about "classroom space issues" in LWSD schools.  The school district actually has a lot of space at its schools across the district. Some residents just don't think the District uses the space efficiently.  Redmond's schools are painfully overcrowded - but many of the brand new schools in Kirkland have an amazing amount of unused space.  It appears that many in the community never got to discussing this during the Long Term Facilities Planning Task Force meetings or by communication with the School Board. 

The district prefers "year-round multi-track" if we don't pass the bond; but do they have the resources to implement it?  Or the district could have morning and afternoon sessions for high school students.  (There's some support for having 6AM-12:30PM and11AM-5:30PM scheduling at the high schools.) But first, the district could remodel its elementary and middle schools to more efficiently use the interior pods that are wasted space. Second, they could move the preschools to rented space at churches or office buildings - freeing up at least 20 classrooms for elementary students. The District needs to make a more concerted effort to finding greater space efficiencies in our schools. 

Opinion by Bob Yoder

LETTER: Redmond Human Services Increases Homeless Population

What never gets reported on is how when you provide homeless services the homeless population increases. The City of Redmond is a perfect example. About three years ago Down Town Redmond did not have a significant homeless problem. But since they started providing services to young homeless men three years ago the homeless population has skyrocketed. The problem is mostly young men. 

Per the Redmond City Focus Group Minutes 21 out of 21 homeless interviewed by the City of Redmond that answered the question where they were from before they became homeless in Redmond all 21 of them gave a location other than Redmond. The interviews were conducted by Colleen Kelly the Assistant Director of Community Planning for the City of Redmond, I was at one of the interviews. The proof is in the interview minutes. If you do not believe the attachments go directly to the City web site, see below. Eight out of the twenty one persons interviewed were from another state.

Interviews of the homeless are on the City of Redmond web site here. To get to them scroll down to Focus Groups.  

The Redmond Reporter had the facts, but when they reported on the Homeless Task Force they would not report the fact that 21 out of 21 persons interviewed were not from Redmond. 

If City Hall had not given a 64.3% super majority to homeless advocates on the task force the following proposals would have been passed and reduced the imported homeless problem in Redmond at very little cost to the city:

1) Adopt a panhandling ordinance - This has been done by Tacoma and Pierce County in 2007 and 2008. Constitutionally it has not been challenged. The regulations prohibit panhandling near ATM machines, near the entrance to a business (you have to be 25' away to smoke), at night, as someone is getting out of their car (you are in a vulnerable position), etc.  Karen Reed the consultant that ran the Task Force confirmed that the ordinances have not been challenged and that the Police typically do not give fines or make arrests but use the ordinance as a tool. Currently in Redmond if a person wants to panhandle next to an ATM and a Police Officer asks him to move, the panhandler can tell him to get lost that he has every right to panhandle next to the ATM. This item got 57% support, if the Task Force had not been filled with 64.3% homeless advocates it would have been recommended.

2) Post Signs to discourage panhandling and encourage the public to give to charities instead - Being given money attracts panhandlers. If you encourage the public not to give to panhandlers directly it will help to reduce panhandling. This item got 43% support, if the Task Force had not been filled with 64.3% homeless advocates it would have been recommended.

Al Rosenthal
Redmond Homeless Task Force Member  
Building Owner, Down Town Redmond

Thursday, November 5, 2015

One Redmond announces networking event for all sectors of business

As the Director of Investor Relations (Heidi Archer) here at OneRedmond, I am fortunate to be able to meet and connect with many of our business owners and community leaders on a daily basis. Being a Redmond resident myself, I feel privileged to build relationships with the people who make up my community. As I meet new faces and get to know each of you and your goals I hear a repeating desire of having a more "connected" community. OneRedmond wants to help our residents and business members do just that with our engaging events.  
Community Connections our quarterly networking event brings all sectors of business together to network and create relationships in a friendly, relaxed environment. Our next event will be hosted by our partners at Redmond Marriott Towncenter.  General Manager Dan Angellar's Marriott team have put together another stellar networking opportunity for you to forge those business relationship and create the connected community we are looking for. This month, in lieu of charging admission, we will be supporting a local non-profit's mission that is truly making a difference in many lives on a daily basis. This event will support  Hopelink's "Lend a Hoping Hand" campaign by asking attendees to bring a gift to the event in order to stock their giving room. We will also feature unique Redmond small businesses to help inspire your holiday shopping. Think local.  Think Redmond. For more local holiday shopping ideas please visit   Read More>>