Wednesday, July 11, 2012

New Park Position Approved - Non Union Salaries

As you know, Redmond has many parks and more are in the making.  In the formative stages are the expensive Downtown Park, the controversial Redmond Bike Park and the creative-art focused *Linear Connector Park following the Burlington Northern corridor and the "String of Pearls Parks" of rural SE Redmond.  Any others you can think of?

City Council voted to create a new Park position titled "Parks Planning and Cultural Arts Program Manager" to help carry the load.  The Administration is reclassified a non union Senior Parks Planner to the new position.  It will pay $108,972 at the top tier. HR Director Kerry Seivers wrote: "The duties of the Senior Parks Planner position will be absorbed by the new manager position as well as other Parks positions.  There will not be any additional positions created."   

Last time I checked, Carolyn Hope (Linked-In) was a Senior Parks Planner managing these massive parks projects. She works very hard and is very bright.   Ms. Hope is worth every penny we pay her and perhaps she will be promoted to this new position. 

Council is also glancing at the non union city employees salaries already approved.  Non union city workers are awarded performance incentives and their benefits package average about 30% of their salary. 

City Clerk:  $105,024
Administrative Assist:  $53,616
Communications and Marketing Administrator:  $104,364 

Deputy Parks Director:  $115,225
Parks Planning and Cultural Arts Program Manager:  $108,972
Recreation Division Manager:  $108,084
Parks and Planning Manager:  $99,024
Parks Maintenance and Operations: $99,528
Parks Operations Manager:  $84,696
Financial Planning Manager:  $128,352
Chief Policy Advisor:  $120,060
Assistant Police Chief:  $130,308
Police Commander:  $115,044  (4)
Assistant Director of Public Works:  $130,404
IS Manager:  $131,866
Human Resource Program Manager:  $110,100
Maintenance Manager:  $110,268
Development Review Manager:  $109,356
Policy and Comprehensive Planner:  $109, 356
Engineer:  $104,604
Maintenance Operations Supervisor - Streets:  $88,596
Reprographic Supervisor:  $75,600
The Directors:   Planning & Development, Finance, Parks, Human Resources, Public Works, Deputy City Administrator, etc. are paid by the Mayor in the $135 - 150's with bonuses (2010).  The Mayor has a taxable income of $133,000.  Councilmembers earn ~$1000/month.  Commissioners nothing.
According to Ordinance 2630 the Parks Department has an approximate additional cost of $1,722.96 during the 2011-12 budget cycle.

OPINION and photo By  Bob Yoder


Anonymous said...

I'm curious. Why would this be a silent vote? Is this unusual?

Bob Yoder said...

To speed up the decision-making process, governments (city, school, hospital) have a "Consent Agenda". Items placed on the Consent Agenda are rarely discussed unless, one or more items are "pulled" by a representative. Usually, all the items are approved. It's always fun to find what's on the Consent Agenda because it helps to Open Government and publish issues not usually discussed or visible to the public. Does this help?