Saturday, January 14, 2012

School Board should consider Jane Todd for Superintendent

Jane Todd speaking from District podium, 2009
OPINION:  The Redmond Reporter's January 6 article: "Community invited to meet LWSD superintendent candidate” is misleading.  They write that: "Pierce will replace Dr. Chip Kimball, who is leaving to take a school superintendent position in Singapore."  District Director Kathryn Reith's  press release is the source of this mis-information.  The school board hasn't decided to replace Dr. Kimball with Dr.Traci Pierce. They prefer Traci Pierce and are open to feedback and candidate suggestions from the community.  On December 6, when I asked for clarification, Communications Director Ms. Reith wrote:

"The board did not hire Traci. It stated that she is their preferred candidate. She will go through a process of being introduced to the community (meet and greets) and the board will solicit feedback. The board could after that feedback decide not to hire Traci. If that is their decision, they could indeed look at other internal candidates or external candidates."
I commend the school board on engaging the community in this critical decision requiring their vote. Leaving their decision open to community feedback is a wise and thoughtful action. I have attended many school board meetings and work sessions and have seen Traci in action. She's excellent and a good fit with the Board. I don't know who could replace her.

As Traci makes her rounds, I am thrilled parents are getting a glimpse of Jane Todd's LEADERSHIP skills during school "Town Meetings" on configuration. Jane Todd is a skilled and admired LWSD principal with experience leading Juanita High and RHS administrations. Some may say she is the “people’s choice.” Administrator Todd is a leader in a time when we need leadership the most. And, who can possibly replace Traci Pierce as Deputy Superintendent of School Support. It’s a massive job. The School Board should take a second look at their “preferred.” In these times, LWSD needs a leader.

The School Board is asking for your feedback and candidate suggestions  Write them by February 6 to

Opinion by Bob Yoder

Published  in the Reporter, 1/13

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