Friday, January 13, 2012

LINKS Volunteers: Caring about the needs of kids and schools - registering now

LINKS volunteer with her kids!
"LINKS":  Looking Into the Needs of Kids and Schools

"LINKS" is a program of the Lake Washington School District (LWSD), with funding provided by the Lake Washington Schools Foundation. LINKS recruits and places community volunteers in LWSD schools, including those in the Kirkland, Redmond and Sammamish communities. 

Contact Nanci Weir to sign-up or learn more at:
What Type of Volunteering Can I Do?

LINKS volunteers spend one hour per week in the classroom as mentors, tutors and classroom helpers. Volunteers are placed based on the needs of the schools in the district and the interests of the LINKS volunteers.   Read More!
  --Source:  LWSD website LINK page

COMMENT:  I was a Lunch Buddy for 8 years and junior high Project Impact buddy for two years.  It was a great experience for me at the time the schools were funding the program.   In 2010-11 program funding was taken over by the FOUNDATION and the road was a little rocky.  I've since heard the FOUNDATION  has a full-time Executive Director and is better run than ever.  Sign-up!  These kids need you! And, the rewards to you will be ten-fold. -- Bob Yoder

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