Saturday, June 6, 2009

Assembly at Redmond High about drunken driving hits home.

George Jannusch, Security Officer at Redmond High School lost a daughter (sober) 21-years ago to a drunken driver. Every three years, George speaks to the students about the dangers associated with drinking and driving. George loves the kids and they love him back. Beloved George Jannusch is retiring this year. (47 sec clip).

Redmond Police Officer Sandy English, lost a son (sober) three years ago to a drunken driver. Officer English was a driving force in setting up the General Assembly at Redmond High School. After three trips to Monroe she obtained approval for an 8 minute video story from the imprisoned Redmond student who wrecked this car and killed his innocent passenger. The video was shown during the General Assembly. He was booked for vehicular manslaughter.



The drunken driver of this car was a graduate of Redmond High School. He is serving 6 years in the State Penitentiary in Monroe for killing a sober passenger friend while speeding down Redmond Way (.24 alcohol). A road bumper is wrapped around and into the passenger seat. The Redmond Police have kept the wrecked car to demonstrate the dangers of drinking and driving at public events. Click on the picture to see the "good side" of the car.

Special thanks to Ms. J. Todd for background on this story.

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