Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Superintendent Search Update.

Lake Washington School District Superintendent Search Update
Ray & Associates consutlants
The Lake Washington School District Board of Directors is working with Ray and Associates, a Superintendent Search firm, to hire the next LWSD Superintendent. Starting in late April, Ray and Associates held five community forums and 32 focus groups around the community. They also posted two surveys on the LWSD website, gathering 1,470 responses. The results of those meetings, focus groups and surveys are posted on the Superintendent Search webpage. This feedback also informed the creation of the job profile, also available on the LWSD website.

The job is now posted, and is open through June 4. An updated timeline is available on the Superintendent Search webpage.

Save the date! The community is invited to a Town Hall event with the final 2-3 candidates on Thursday, June 28. The Town Hall is scheduled from 5-8 p.m. at the Lake Washington School District Resource Center (16250 NE 74th Street, Redmond, WA 98052). This event will also be broadcast live from the LWSD website. Community members will have an opportunity to submit feedback on the candidates that evening. More details will be shared soon.

Monday, May 21, 2018

My PIM commute

Last Friday GO REDMOND held a "Bike Bash" event awarding commuters colorful GO REDMOND tee shirts.  Though I'm retired and not much of a commuter I signed up for a ride on the 520 Bike Trail starting at Leary.  My destination was Kirkland for an espresso at Rococo; but  prior commitments confined my journey to 2 hours from my home on Education Hill.

On my PIM electric bike, I did it without a sweat.

520 Trail - yellow specks are struggling
road bikers.  My PIM is front center
The 520 Bike Trail was most interesting.  Most of the road bicyclists struggled up the first hill. I cruised at almost 3x the speed -- and could have gone faster.  They had to breathe the 520 exhaust fumes for a long time.  I was out of there and soon high above SR520 and it's noise.

My first stop was a Microsoft water station serving iced water infused with fruits. On 148th Ave. NE I met a Honeywell worker biking to Burger King.  I passed quite a few Microsoft pedestrians walking briskly from one office to the next; but no electric bikes.  Those guys were probably already at their office from the Seattle burbs.

Love them fries!
(click to enlarge)
Had I more time, I could have easily ridden by pedal assist to Seattle and seen some of the sights.  However, I did savor the fries  at Burgermaster!  The bike trails are well marked with way-finding signage.  On my way into Kirkland I saw a "Lake Washington Loop Trail."-- youser!

Kirkland is not a bike friendly town.  There's a nasty intersection at Lakeview and Lake Washington Blvd.  Lake Washington Blvd. is dangerous the whole way with cars parked inches from the bike lane.  Only one door has to open from the inside, and smack.  The espresso was a delight but the ride from Kirkland up 85th was terrible and I couldn't have done it safely without my PIM.  Ascending Education Hill was a breeze.  I made it home with time to spare while tapering my pedal-assist to an
exercise plan.

The GO REDMOND tee-shirts are colorful and cool!  Their website is too!  I can't wait for my next commute!  😎

B. Yoder

Friday, May 11, 2018

May is Arts Month for Schools

LWSD student art

May is Arts in Education Month

May is Washington State’s Art Education Month – a time to celebrate the wonderful arts education in our schools and the terrific art our students create as a result. What does art mean to you? For LWSD students, art provides a way to express themselves. It is fun, magical, creative, beautiful and awesome. 

I really like going to the school board meetings sometimes just to see the art.   At every board meeting there's a "host school" where the principal and staff explain their accomplishments and challenges.  The students from the host schools always draw art.  It's posted behind the dias and all around the room.  These kids have fun!  They are creative!  And they are good!

B. Yoder

Thursday, May 10, 2018

A look into the bowels of a 166th Ave. construction site

View from the 166th Ave. sidewalk
This construction site at 8360-165th Ave. NE is visible from 166th Ave. and 165th Ave.  It's currently named "The Village" and will have 96 multi-family apartments.  The entrance will be from 165th.

At last week's school board meeting, LWSD Director Mark Stuart suggested taking students to the school construction sites to study construction engineering AND the trades. Hiring and pay is strong in the trades. What a novel, innovative teaching idea!    Board member Cassandra Sage agreed with Mark. President Bliesner tabled the idea to move the meeting on.

In my opinion, the construction sites shouldn't have to be restricted to schools like Juanita.  This site can be easily and safely studied from a sidewalk, rain or shine with no mud.  Teachers could plan field trips around convenient times for the workers to learn from them,,,, maybe lunch time.

B. Yoder

Archaeology Day at City Hall

The Lower Bear Creek re-alignment project uncovered 6-10,000 year old Indian artifacts.  The geology and environment of Redmond are reviewed.  

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Light rail connecting the Overlake Village to the Redmond Technology Center is well under way

NE 148th is in the foreground.  The light rail piers are paralleling SR 520.

This photo was taken by me on 148th Avenue NE, just south of NE 29th Place on the SR 520 bridge sidewalk.  It's my understanding the three concrete piers will support light rail from the Overlake Station to the Redmond Technology Center station. (RTCS.) Completion is expected by 2023.  Once the link extension is complete it will be 10 minutes to Bellevue and 30 minutes to Seattle from RTCS.

It's my understanding the three cranes in the distance are in Overlake Village. 

The light rail will continue from the RTCS to the SE Redmond Station and on to the Downtown Station located across from Redmond Town Center. Completion is targeted by 2024. It's anticipated the East King County Regional Aquatics Pool and recreation center will be located near the SE Redmond Station.

B. Yoder

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

City Celebrates Cyclists with Annual Bike Bash

Image result for bike bash images Redmond

Redmond, WA – The community is invited to celebrate bicycling at the annual Redmond Bike Bash. The party takes place on Bike to Work Day, Friday May 18 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on the Redmond Central Connector trail between Leary Way and 161st Ave NE.
Whether you are an avid Redmond bicycle commuter, a weekend rider or simply someone interested in learning more about biking, you’re invited to come to the party and enjoy:
  • Music by local band “Superhit”
  • Food trucks
  • Redmond Bar & Grill’s Beer and Wine Garden
  • Information from local bike shops
  • Bike skills clinics
  • $10 bike helmets from the Redmond Police Department
  • Bike Rodeo to help practice kid’s biking skills with prizes
It is free to join us so pedal over and help us celebrate cycling. Attendees over 18 years old who log a bike commute trip on GoRedmond.com before May 18, or who bike to the event, will earn a free bike t-shirt to pick up at the Bike Bash.
For more information about the Redmond Bike Bash, visit www.GoRedmond.com/bikebash. For questions and more information on this press release contact Lisa Maher, Communications & Marketing Manager, at lmaher@redmond.gov or 425-556-2427. This press release is available on www.redmond.gov.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

UPDATED: Mustang Lacrosse Club Senior Night

Mustang Boys Lacrosse Club on Senior Night
Lacrosse  is probably the fastest growing sport in Redmond.  Rob Leavitt led the Mustang Boys Lacrosse Club program to what it is today. The program now teaches and coaches youth K - 12.  Coach Rob Edison is the High School Coach and Program Director though the team isn't officially a LWSD Varsity sport.  They are working on it.  Kate Roper is the current President. According to their website, 9 parents coach high school and 15 coach the entire program so there's a groundswell of family support.   

Having played the game for 16 years I was dying to watch the high school boys play.  Last night was Senior Night!  While walking to Redmond high with my wife we saw a rainbow!  Watching the game, many fond memories were sparked from when I started playing 49 years.years ago.  Back then we had no high school program.  I enjoyed sharing my memories and knowledge of the game with my wife and was happy to see the game has lost its "preppy" image.  The game was very exciting to watch.  The team was very positive and no matter the circumstance and it was obvious "having fun" was an underlying principle of the Mustang game.  

Out of 34 players on the team, four were Seniors.  

Jeremy Anderson - Prior to lacrosse he played elite hockey and baseball.  He plans on attending Chapman University in the fall where will major in Data Analytics and Business.

Lucas Castro (Capt.) - Only played three years on the team and is a team Captain.  After graduation Lucas plans on working construction and attending Central Washington University.  

Max Emigh - This is Max's first season playing for the Mustangs. In the off-season he surfs and 
snowboards.  He will be attending Colorado mountain college where he plans to pursue his passion for Ski and Snowboarding.  

Jack Motzkin (Capt.) - Jack's played Mustang lacrosse for three years. He also plays Mustang football and is completing his Eagle scout.  He plans on attending University of Arizona to study Architecture.  

Lacrosse is so much fun and it's rewarding to see the players honoring the game.  Go 'Stangs!

B. Yoder

The Vision of the Redmond Lacrosse Club is to be recognized as a competitive program for players K-12 that emphasizes proper lacrosse skills, sportsmanship, and good character.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Updated: Road bikes, ebikes, and bike shares are a wave of the future in Overlake

 View of "Redmond 148" from the southwest.  According to
Senior Planner David Lee it includes two stories of underground parking.
The only access is from the north
OPINION  Completion of this "Redmond 148" structure is targeted for late 2018.  It's located on 3040 NE 148th and will be a significant hub for bicycle commuters. If you look under the 3rd traffic light you might see a trail head.  The trail travels counter-clockwise around the building to Redmond with access to the Microsoft campus along the way.

The 520 Bicycle Trail from Seattle to Bellevue and Kirkland is behind me so you have to take the crosswalk to get to the Redmond 148 trail head.

A bicycle connection to 520 Bicycle Trail is planned nearby which will provide residents with an easy connection to the Microsoft campus and Redmond via the pedestrian-bicycle bridge to be built over SR 520.

Road bikes, ebikes, and bike shares will be a wave of the future in Overlake.  I have a PIM ebike and will be riding it on the 520 Bicycle Trail during Redmond's Bike Bash.

B. Yoder

Thursday, May 3, 2018

UPDATED: Our School Board selected an outstanding search firm for superintendent

 James Hager is seated left of Tony Apostle
OPINION:  Yesterday, seven of us (six parents and one community member) met with high level but down to earth search firm executives, James Hager, PhD and Dr. Tony Apostle. We gave them feedback on what we wanted in a new superintendent.  I was surprised so few showed up, however they are taking notes at over 15 other focus groups. 

I can't thank the school board enough for hiring this R&A firm to advise them.  Jim was a superintendent in four school districts and Tony got his bachelor's at University of Washington and PhD in education at Washington State.  He was an English teacher, principal and Superintendent in Pierce county and has been an executive at R&A for years.  In so many words Jim said there's no need for an overhaul.

R&A is open to traditional and non-traditional applicants.  LWSD is becoming a very diverse, global community and I commented our board should consider candidates from that perspective.  The first question Jim and Tony asked was what we liked about LWSD.  The parents in our group really liked how the district and community cared about our students.  They valued our strong PTSA.  An Asian parent stressed keeping the bar high and adjusting it according to the capabilities of the student.  We all talked about the overriding educational influence of technology in our district, STEM in particular.  I suggested more emphasis on art and music and Tony quipped, yes, STEMA.  I also asked for a superintendent who encourages innovation and community participation.  We worried  about young teachers long commutes from more affordable cities like Maple Valley and even Everett with concerns they would leave our district. Apparently, about 50% have to commute but they do because we have a top school district.  If we continue to allow overcrowding many good teachers may get dissatisfied and find work in districts closer to home.  Early start times make it hard on commuting teachers [and students] too.

Monday, April 30, 2018

UPDATED 5/9: May is "Mental Health Awareness Month," 1 in 5 Americans have a mental illness

Since May is “Mental Health Awareness Month" I thought I’d share some of my experiences and provide some information on these brain disorders.  First some stats.
Image result for Mental health awareness month imageIt sounds alarming but 1 in 5 Americans have a mental health condition of some kind in a given year.  According to NIMH only half are treated! 25% of all mental health conditions are serious in nature and can significantly impair one’s life.  We all know bipolar (4.4%), schizophrenia (1.1%) and major depression (18.4%) are serious but OCD (2.3%), eating disorders (3%), PTSD (6.8%), panic disorder (4.7%), and depression in childhood fall into that category too. 
Other amazing statistics from NAMI and the NIMH:   One half of all chronic mental illnesses begin at age 14 and 75% begin by age 24.  Suicide is the 3rd largest killer of our children and 90% of all suicides have an underlying mental illness.  26% of the homeless have a serious mental illness.  
One of my jobs years ago was selling a SSRI similar to Prosac for OCD, lithium for bipolar and Ritalin for ADHD.  So, I know a thing or two.  What attracted me most to the job was a serious mood disorder I've struggled with since graduation in college. The stress of having to find a good job after school brought on a Major depression that kept me on the couch for months.  Back then there were no SSRI’s or other anti-depressants.  All I could find for treatment was a psychologist with kid toys on the floor!  It was all I could do to force myself to get off the couch and walk my way down the driveway.  It finally ran it's course..... many times over the years.  
Today there are easily 30 or more medications available for mental conditions and if you look hard there's some very good doctors.  I go to an awesome doctor at Overlake Medical Center’s out-patient clinic.  The exceptional doctors know how to fine tune your recovery with combinations of appropriate medications.  Just last month after testing by a Neuropsycologist my doctor diagnosed me with Adult ADHD.  One third of childhood ADHD continues into adulthood so now I'm taking a stimulant, getting cognitive behavioral therapy and taking ownership of my illness.

I want to thank the Mayor and council for funding an outreach specialist to identify homeless with psychiatric disorders to help them find human service support.  I also want to thank the city's Humans Services Committee for their emphasis on funding for our youth.  We have far to few councilors in our schools.  I want to thank the Kiwanians who  prepare and serve dinners at Friends of Youth.  Many of these youth are homeless and without food or shelter. It's wonderful local communities are starting to embrace the mentally ill.       
Please don’t hesitate to talk to your friends and acquaintances about mental health care if you think they are struggling.  The doctors at Overlake and the Kaiser Behavioral clinic in Factoria are excellent.  I’m not so sure about Virginia Mason-Kirkland and EvergreenHealth doesn't offer services at this time. Overlake Church in Redmond hosts “Celebrate Recovery” where mild anxieties, mild depressions, addictions and other hurts are addressed.  NAMI Eastside offers excellent family support programs.     
I’m retired and it feels good to finally speak up without fear of losing a job or not getting hired. The stigma is ebbing and we’re moving forward.  I’m confident a day will come when poor brain health is accepted just like other ailments.  
B. Yoder

Friday, April 27, 2018

Celebrate Children's International Day

Celebrate Children’s International Day at Einstein El.    

Einstein Elementary School is hosting a special event on April 30th, 6:00-7:30 pm inviting parents to celebrate and share Children’s International Day with students. Parties are held and children take part in activities like face painting, story-telling, contests, art workshops, and plays
Youth Eastside Services councilor Jose Gomez next to an Einstein lunch buddy graduate

During lunch with my 3rd grade "Lunch Buddy" I ran into Jose Gomez whom I know from my mentor-ship in the Youth Eastside Services program.  Jose (besides being an outstanding soccer player,) is simply an amazing, heart-filled guy who's gifted with youth and a sought after councilor. 

One of many jobs, Jose coordinates the Y. E.S. lunch buddy program at Redmond High, working with 8 high school students who mentor the kiddos at Einstein on Wednesdays.  Mary Goodwin, the I.A. in charge of the lunch buddy program at Einstein is very proud of Jose saying five lunch buddy "graduates" from Einstein are in the Y.E.S. high school program helping the kiddos  

I don't mean to be sappy, but thanks Jose for all you do!  

-- B. Yoder   

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Engage with LWSD around the superintendent search process

Over the next few weeks, there will be opportunities for staff, students, parents and community members to have input into the important Lake Washington School District (LWSD) superintendent search process. At the beginning of the process, input gathered through surveys (see below), focus groups, and community meetings will be used to help define the position profile and desired selection criteria for an ideal candidate. It will also inform the board of the issues and overall climate of the school district. Ultimately, the School Board makes the final decision on hiring the next superintendent of LWSD. You can reach the Board at boardmembers@lwsd.org or call them at 425-936-1257. 

You may also speak directly to the Board members at their Business meetings on May 7th, June 4th, and August 13th.  You have 3 minutes to comment.  The meetings are held in the Resource Center at 7 pm.  E-mail communications@lwsd.org for information.   

Surveys: Two surveys will help us gather input from our community. The “30 Qualities of a Superintendent Survey” asks you to share what leadership qualities, expertise and experiences matter most to you in a superintendent. The “District Review Survey” asks you to talk about the strengths and challenges for Lake Washington School District. To participate, please click on the survey links below in your desired language:

30 Qualities of a Superintendent Survey:
English | Arabic | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish
District Review Survey: 
English | Arabic | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish

Surveys will close on Monday, May 7, 2018 at 8 a.m.

MEETINGS: Four public meetings are scheduled to gather input from parents and community members.
  • Tuesday, May 1 from 6-7 p.m. in the Lake Washington High School Commons (12033 NE 80th Street, Kirkland, WA 98033)
  • Wednesday, May 2 from 5-6 p.m. at Lake Washington School District Resource Center (16250 NE 74th Street, Redmond, WA 98074)
  • Thursday, May 3 from 10-11 a.m. at Redmond Public Library (15990 NE 85th Street, Redmond, WA 98052)
  • Thursday, May 3 from 6-7 p.m. at Sammamish Public Library (825 228th Avenue SE, Sammamish, WA 98075)

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Historic Redmond Walking Tours

In 2002, local historian Tom Hitzroth and Society co-founder Naomi Hardy developed a walking tour and since 2003, Tom has led walking tours of Redmond’s historic district. Over the years, the tour has evolved from one hour to two, with the script changing as new information is discovered. “I’m looking for the question I can’t answer, which means I need to look further into a particular area.” 

A lifelong Eastside resident and chair of the City of Redmond Landmark Commission, Hitzroth continues to work at identifying details of Redmond development from its earliest times to 1930. He is currently researching the historic site of the settlement of Melrose that preceded Redmond.

2018 Walking Tour Schedule
Saturday, May 6, 1-3 pm
Sunday, May 20, 1-3 pm
Sunday, June 10, 1-3 pm
Sunday, June 24, 1-3 pm
Sunday, August 12, 1-3 pm
Sunday, September 9, 1-3 pm

EvergreenHealth receives "A" Grade for Patient Safety

Image of Leapfrog hospital safety award logo
Kirkland, Wash. – The Leapfrog Group, a leading national nonprofit watchdog on hospital quality and safety, today announced that EvergreenHealth received an “A” for patient safety in the latest Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grades. It is one of only 11 hospitals in Washington and 750 of 2,660 nationwide to achieve an A rating this spring.
“At EvergreenHealth, our more than 5,000 employees, providers and volunteers are dedicated to what we call our Community of Absolute Safety,” said EvergreenHealth CEO Bob Malte. “This dedication helps to ensure our patients receive the safest care, with the best quality and most exceptional service – it is at the core of what inspires us. We are proud that this commitment has resulted in earning the highest rating from The Leapfrog Group once again; however, recognition is not what drives us. We are continually focused on partnering with our patients to achieve the best outcomes.”

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

UPDATED, 4/28: Council member Steve Fields leads discussion on pedestrian / car collisions

Not the best picture 😁 (l-r) Fields, Myers, Padye, Birney and
Anderson.  -- click to enlarge photo
Council member Steve Fields is concerned about a possible rising incidence of  bike and pedestrian collisions with cars due to city growth.  He had heard anecdotal reports of collisions especially at intersections and asked Police Chief Wilson for a statistical report. At last Tuesday's Council Committee Safety meeting the Chief said the "collisions per 1,000 were exceptionally low."

  • 2016 - 36 car / pedestrian collisions and 28 car / bike collisions
  • 2017 - 22 car / pedestrian collisions and 14 car / bike collisions 
  • End of March, 2018 -  6 car / pedestrian collisions and 4 car / bike collisions. 

These stats don't look "exceptionally low" but that's my opinion. The Chief said collisions increase in winter months owing to darker days, inclement weather. jaywalking and dark clothes.

Council member Hank Myers quipped with perfect timing "wearing black is appropriate when going to a funeral." 

The Chief said many of the collisions occur downtown around 161st near the transit center and bus lines. 

Downtown lighting is poor which makes matters worse, even with the new LEDS.  According to the city, LEDS  improve lighting uniformity and color rendering of streatscapes.  Unfortunately, we just don't have enough of them.  Perhaps at Seritage?

Council member Steve Fields was the Presiding Officer of the safety committee and summarized there wasn't an increase in collisions according to staff but quietly suggested a study session. The Chief added the Downtown Park will bring challenges.  The other 6 council members were quiet.  

Police Bike Teams were another topic.  The teams are riding the streets in tandem as "bike teams." primarily to engage with the public and for maneuverability.  In my opinion, when "bike shares" enter our downtown the Police Teams will be spending a heck-of-a-lot of their time enforcing permits and kibitzing with the Downtown park-goers.


The topics above topics were reviewed during last Tuesday's Council Committee of the Whole safety committee meeting.  It was the first Council Committee of the Whole safety meeting on record and all council members were present. Mr.Margeson left early.  Steve Fields had brought up the collision topic at an earlier council standing committee in which he was the Chair.  With the change in Committee structure, Mr. Fields is given the title of Presiding  Officer of the Council safety committee.

3rd  in a series on CCOW

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Fat and sassy Redmond coyote

Image may contain: outdoor and nature
"This guy visited our front yard, where some cute bunnies live, and was napping at 3pm this afternoon. It's been a few years since I saw a coyote on our street, so close to downtown. We're by SR202 and NE 98th St."

 -- Angela McAuley Smale

FB:  Permission given to publish

UPDATED OPINION: Bike Shares could pollute our city

Image result for lime green bike images seattle
These Lime bikes and other "bike shares" will be invading Redmond.
Well, it looks like the unpleasant "Lime Greens" will shortly be seen on most corners of our downtown and some even polluting our neighborhoods and trails unless the city doesn't put firm regulations on them. The "Limes" and other bike shares coming out of Seattle could pressure our three bike shops out of Redmond; we'd lose the tax income from these shops and our city's character.  But, they do provide short transportation links to and from the transit centers.

Image may contain: ocean, outdoor, water and text
Lake Union (Kiro.)  Lake Sammamish next?
I saw a large tangle of about 20 unused Limes at the Bothell bridge over the Sammamish River.  And, I saw one Lime abandoned on the green-belt next to the river.  I guess someone wanted to ride from Bothell, to a nice spot on the river, dump the bike (like trash) and hike back.  And then, there's the safety issue.  People who have never ridden a bike, especially in downtown streets, are more susceptible to a collision. 

The Limes are now electric so have the capability to run through our downtown transportation corridors-- and be left on roads like East and West Lake Sammamish Blvd. 116th and 124th.  Residents could drive them to the Downtown Park and surround it (art?) before heading back up the hill to neighborhood feeders. Same with the soccer fields and community center.

Shelly, a salesperson for Seattle Electric Bike in Bothell said she had some concerns about the bike shares but indicated permitting should solve most problems.  She sells a wide variety of sturdy, aesthetically pleasing electric bikes as does PIM and PEDEGO-Redmond. (PIM is out of Freemont and PEDEGO-Redmond is at 8296 160th Ave, NE.).

"Read More" for the City of Redmond's plans and point of view

EvergreenHealth's designation as Level III Trauma Center in renewed

Kirkland, Wash. – EvergreenHealth’s designation as a Level III Trauma Center was renewed by the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) last month. To achieve this level of certification, the Kirkland-based health system successfully completed the state’s Trauma Designation Site Survey, which it conducts in eligible hospitals across Washington every three years.

Friday, April 20, 2018

School Board selects search firm for superintendent

Redmond, Wash. – During a special board meeting on Thursday, April 19, Lake Washington School District’s (LWSD’s) Board of Directors selected Ray and Associates, a national education search firm, to conduct a broad search and thorough selection process to name LWSD’s next superintendent.