Monday, October 18, 2021

"Safe Eastside" - Activists Fighting Off The Homeless.

 "Safe Eastside's"  relentless attacks on Mayor Birney are unconscionable. Kudos to CM David Carson for his efforts to defend the Mayor and the City.  Anderson, Fields, Forsythe, Kahn and Kritzer should defend the Mayor and City, as well.  They have the same voice as the Mayor in representation of the public. Councilmembers, please actively stand up and defend the Mayor and City tomorrow.  B. Yoder, 10/18/2021


Please come to public comment Tuesday 10/19 to demand amendment of Ordinance No. 3059 at City Hall, 15670 N.E. 85th Street, Redmond, Washington, 6:30 PM, the last public comment opportunity before the council's study session 10/26 on this matter. We have all witnessed, in the public hearing nearly two weeks ago, Mayor shamefully staged her out of area supporters to call in before many of us who showed up physically since as early as 6:30. But we are more determined than what she could ever have imagined. We need to pack the room again, speakers make sure you sign up in advance on the sheet outside the chamber room. To help us track attendee numbers, please register at .

What's even more outrageous after the shameful display of public hearing is that Mayor Birney's puppet in the council David Carson had to go the extra mile and filed a frivolous PDC complaint on October 14 against us in an apparent attempt to suppress public voices. Sadly as an elected official, puppet CM David Carson obviously forgot that this is America and people's rights express themselves are fully protected by the constitution, particularly on matters that are lack of government transparency. Since when citizens setting up and running a website to inform the public becomes an issue ? It's appalling that such despicable scare tactics have being used against average citizens who simply fill in the vacuum due to the very lack of information from the government!

Ordinance 3059 amends the Redmond Zoning Code, that requires allowed use of permanent supportive housing and transitional housing in all zoning districts where residential dwellings and/or hotels are allowed, and emergency housing and emergency shelters in all zoning districts where hotels are allowed. When Redmond city council passed Ord 3059 in August without taking in any public input , they paved way for this and future homeless hotels and shelters to move into Redmond without community voices. Even though the council has agreed to a study session, but not committed to an amendment. Mayor Birney first told the City Council that they could not amend the ordinance, and since then has been trying to throw roadblocks in order to derail the attempt to amend Ordinance 3059.  
Please watch the  9/28 council talk regarding the Redmond HTH and Ordinance #3059. Mayor Birney was telling one lie after the other with the intention to prevent council members to amend Ordinance #3059 which regulates the Redmond HTH homeless hotel. Please write to city council ( ), and let them know very clearly that Pinocchio Birney manipulated them for her own personal agenda and politics, but it is them that will face the public outrage for the consequences. Urge them to amend Redmond City Ordinance #3059. Now Pinocchio Birney’s lies have been exposed. They no longer have any excuses for not acting for the interest of the public.
Lastly, Redmond Mayor Birney refused to take in public input and hosted a plan to establish "lower barriers","drug permitted” homeless hotels in Redmond, yet she denied her own involvement. We support an independent thinking public endorsed city council to restore government transparency and rein in Mayor Birney’s power.
Can we count on you to vote for the 3 independent thinking candidates this General election? They are:
Position #2 - Steve Fields
Position #4 - Dennis Ellis
Position #6 - Jeralee Anderson
Please vote today. You can mail in your ballot or drop your ballot at a ballot box near you.

Once again, please forward this email to your friends and families, and urge them to join us at

Volunteers are needed urgently for the next two weeks, please check the volunteer jobs you would like and fill in your cell phone when you complete the form at Join Us. If you want to impact the election big time, please join our volunteer teams now.

Best Regards

Kan Qiu

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good gracious such violent language against our elected officials. Truly sad to see how far the NIMBYs go. I will be there to support our Mayor in this important decision.