Monday, October 18, 2021

Ballot and Pamphlet Delivery Delays

It's October 18th and my ballot and pamphlet still haven't been delivered.  I got no mail today. not even junk mail.  According to the State pamphlet, ballots were mailed out October 15th (normally we get the local pamphlet well in advance of that.)  I called King County Elections; they said they were having problems with USPS.  They kindly said they would hand-deliver if I didn't get my ballot and pamphlet by 10/19 or mail me a second  ballot. If you have similar problems call 800-448-4881.

-- Bob Yoder, 10/18/2021

End result:  My ballot came today, 10/20.  The second ballot is outstanding.  Yay!  I can vote!

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