Monday, January 18, 2021

UPDATED: LWSD Covid-19 Outdoor Signage Needs Some Work

I found these LWSD notices on 1/18/2021 tied to the Redmond High tennis court fencing. They appear confusing and need updating. Redmond Middle School doesn't post any notices. Not to pick, but according to Governor Inslee's new restrictions (or guidelines?) there is no Phase 3.   King County is in Phase 1 as of January 11, 2021. According to King County's restrictions, it appears the tennis courts shouldn't be open until Phase 2.  I don't know why we can't consider them guidelines! I personally find the restrictions ridiculous, though do agree with 6-foot distancing and not crowding.  In Phase 2, up to 200 players and spectators are allowed on fields - but no tournaments. Geez. It appears LWSD closes their playgrounds at times but playgrounds are open in the City of Redmond.  My only ask is the District improve their signage and locations.  The C.O.R sets an outstanding example.  Posting professional outdoor signage would give confidence and calm to parents and the public. Dr. Holmen informed me of difficulty in posting outdoor signs at all their schools.

-- Bob Yoder, 1/18/2021, opinion
    Photos, Yoder

UPDATE: The State is currently (4/1/2021) in Phase 3.  Governor Inslee ordered Middle and High School to open school doors by April 19th for full or part-time learning.  But according to a 4/3/2021 Seattle Times article cases are up, including K-12.  A partial rollback is possible.

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