Monday, March 9, 2020

Remodel Of The Old Redmond School Community Center

LWSD remodel of  ORSCC / Photo credit Yoder

Excerpts from Patsey Rosenback's story. Her mother graduated from "Redmond School" in 1937.

"I grew up on "Education Hill" before it was Education Hill.  I walked down 166th AV. NE. - back then it was 3rd Avenue and washed out annually.  I walked back and forth on that dirt road many times to Redmond School for grades 1-9. When my mother went to Redmond School it housed grades 1-12.  She  graduated in 1937. 

When I entered Lake Washington High School, I still had to walk to Redmond School to be transported by bus to Lake Washington where I graduated in 1958."  


The remodel will serve special needs and low-income families. It will include 10-preschool classrooms, a gym, and a commons area. The lease agreement between the City and the District ended effective June 2018 to allow time for renovations. The City and the District were working together. During the short-term transition time, recreation programs at ORSCC were relocated to the Redmond Senior Center, Teen Center, LWSD schools, and potential leased space at the Lake Washington Institute of Technology Redmond Campus (20,000 sq ft.)  The lease costs were estimated at approximately $500,000 per year with additional funds needed (approximately $100,000) for the decommissioning of the Old Redmond Schoolhouse and staff moving costs. Staff had recommended these costs be supported through Real Estate Excise Tax collections received in 2016 over forecasted amounts.

-- Bob Yoder

Project Information​
Location:16600 NE 80th ST, Redmond
​Square Footage:40,000
​Spaces:10 preschool classrooms, gymnasium, cafeteria / commons
​Estimated Project Cost:$7,837,000
​Planned Opening was 2019.  It's still under construction as you can see from the photo.

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