Thursday, September 8, 2016

Community Encouraged to Support Businesses During Construction

We Dig Downtown

Community Encouraged to Support Businesses During Construction

Redmond, WA – “We Dig Downtown,” Redmond’s new buy-local during construction campaign, kicks off in Downtown Redmond on Monday. The weekly themed events promote that Downtown Redmond is OPEN for business during construction.

For eight Monday evenings beginning September 12 and ending October 31, varying Downtown locations will feature performers, artists, and games. The community is invited to join the activities and encouraged to patronize local businesses.
Inspired by requests from Downtown businesses for the City’s assistance during the impacts of construction, the goal is to encourage and invite customers to buy local, enjoy a sense of community and support Downtown businesses.  
Jill Smith, City of Redmond Economic Development Manager, hopes residents and commuters alike will take part in the campaign. “Please join the City and community and support Downtown Redmond businesses. Bike or walk throughout Downtown and you will enjoy great food and drink, shopping and entertainment.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The traffic lights at the entrance/exit to the Value Village Shopping Center on Redmond Way were removed today. There was a police officer directing traffic until the construction crews left, but now there is only a stop sign at the exit and orange barrels everywhere. It is confusing and dangerous for cars and pedestrians.

How are we supposed to get to McDonalds, FEDEX, Value Village and the other businesses in this very busy shopping center? There is no "alternate way" as the city has suggested that we take.

The city has never shown us the actual plans for how this intersection will work (or not work) with two-way traffic. It looks like it will be an uncontrolled driveway with no traffic lights. Apparently, the city planners are clueless as to how busy this shopping center is. Maybe they are hoping that these businesses will leave so that the area can be redeveloped into yet another mixed-use 10-story apartment complex.