Tuesday, December 4, 2012

LWSD Administration to update website to clarify Rosa Parks reboundary scenarios, in response to public comment

Seven Redmond Ridge parents eloquently and with great civility gave oral presentations to the School Board and Superintendent Pierce at last night's LWSD business meeting.  Their concern was primarily the continued frustration with district policy and process in resolving overcrowding at Rosa Parks. 

Their combined presentations lasted 30 minutes and brought a very positive response from Superintendent Pierce.  Pierce said she wants the process to be transparent and will update the website.  "I have no intention to hold information back," she said.   An earlier presenter, Julie Ann, said  "Thank you for listening and understanding how important transparency is in developing trust-based relationships with key stakeholders."

 Four School Board members engaged with the presenters afterwards.  Specifically, Director Carson asked if Pierce could fine-tune the most popular Scenario C (to include the Deveron neighborhood at Wilder and adjust numbers to "true capacity".)  Director Egglington requested that "true school capacities" be posted and available to the public.  Director Pendergrass asked for clarification on language grandfathering 5th and kindergartners.  Director Bleisner asked for clarification and updating the website before the December 10 deadline for surveys. 

Go to this link for survey forms and Reboundary clarification updates: http://www.lwsd.org/News/temporary-boundary-change/Pages/default.aspx.  

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