Friday, November 16, 2012

UPDATED EDITORIAL: The LWSD School Board needs to be more assertive on overcrowding policy

UPDATED EDITORIAL:  According to Lake Washington School District BY-LAWS,  "The job of the Board is to represent the citizens and to lead the organization by asking critical questions and by determining and demanding appropriate and excellent organizational performance." 

School Board of Directors are elected officials and are each authorized a $4,800/yr stipend to work with due diligence to represent their constituents and lead the Administration.  They presently waive their pay.  This self image of volunteerism mitigates their over-sight of our District Superintendent and accountability to their constituents.  Though improving, the Board is not "demanding excellent organizational performance" especially of late, when it comes to overcrowding and facilities planning solutions.

Infrastructure policy plans to limit portables are still not aligned with population growth and problems passing future levies could result.

Levy funding policy, re-boundary policy, facilities planning policy, reconfiguration policy, and regional feeder school adjustment policy are prime examples of when the BOARD's voice and active representation and administrative oversight is expected and could use improvement

The Lake Washington School District has 98,987 registered voters. Yet, when the KIMBALL BOARD "asked the community" in 2005 if they should run a bond to completely overhaul and rebuild the schools only 427 citizens responded. Community involvement in the decision making process reached at a low point under KIMBALL. The PIERCE BOARD needs to "lead the organization" (By-Laws) with an updated Decision-Making Policy to involve the greater community.

"Community Involvement in Decision Making Policy" code was adapted 12/2/74, last revised May 7, 1990 and is over twenty-two years old. The Board and Superintendent needs to update these governance policies to be more effective and accountable.

By Bob Yoder 

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