Friday, October 7, 2011

OPINION: Seattle Times article a "must read" on tolling Initiative 1125 controversy

520 bridge
OPINION:   At the Oct. 4 council meeting Redmond Mayor Marchione  OPPOSED Initiative 1125, as he addressed council before their vote on a Resolution on the initiative:   
"520 is an economic lifeline to the city of Redmond. It's in the direct interests of the City of Redmond and our economic development and our community; and the Resolution be opposed and take the leadership required."
The Redmond City Council majority followed the Mayor and voted AGAINST an endorsement Initiative 1125 (5-2).  Incumbents David Carson and Hank Myers made a political vote FOR the Resolution to endorse Initiative 1125. 

David Carson is challenged by Sue Stewart for Redmond City Council Pos. 7.

According to the TIMES, the Bellevue Chamber of Commerce is AGAINST Initiative 1125 (which is significant in that "one of Bellevue's most prominent businessmen, Kemper Freeman, is the biggest backer of I-1125, contributing more than $1 million to the campaign.).  

By Andrew Garber, 10/1/2011
Seattle Times Olympia bureau

OLYMPIA — Tim Eyman and state officials agree on one thing: His tolling initiative on the November ballot would upend state plans for reducing traffic congestion and financing costly highway construction, including the Highway 520 floating-bridge project.

Eyman says Initiative 1125 would make lawmakers more accountable for raising and spending billions of dollars in tolls, and would make tolling fairer by banning variable-rate tolls that he says hit the state's poorest residents the hardest.

But it also would undermine long-term efforts, state transportation officials say, to find an alternative to gas taxes to help finance highway construction.  READ MORE >> 

Opinion By Bob Yoder
Internet photo - Cascadia

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