The Redmond City Council approved $40,000 funding from Lake Washington School District to continue the School Resource Program through July 1, 2011.
The City of Redmond will continue to provide three regularly employed Resource Officers assigned to the following areas of coverage: one at Redmond High School, one at Redmond Junior High, and one at Rose Hill Junior High. The services provided by the SRO's are in addition to the normal police services already provided by the City.
Although assigned Redmond High, Redmond Junior High and Rose Hill Junior High the SRO's may provide coverage to other nearby schools and areas surrounding these principle schools. The goal of the SRO program is to foster a positive image of police officers among young people. The Redmond Chief of Police, with input from the District, will choose the SRO's.
The School Resource Officers will act as a law enforcement resource, maintain the peace on school district property, provide law enforcement counseling and other duties.
City Council approved the continued contract with LWSD during the "consent agenda" of their Regular Meeting on January 4th. Source: AM No. 11-005 (C7).
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