Wednesday, April 16, 2008

East Redmond Park & Trail Corridor Plan

The City of Redmond Parks and Recreation recently held its first of two community workshops on our Eastern Corridor of parks and trails. Linkage of five creek-lined, parks with trails and ideas for "best uses" were discussed. Parks planner, Linda Frkuska facilitated the meeting stating: "This collection of Parks is a tremendous asset to Redmond and we want to make sure we are shaping them for the people that will use and enjoy them.". The Eastern Corridor parks, from north to south, are Juel Community Park, Ferrel-McWhirter, Conrad Olson, Perrigo and Arthur Johnson. Approximately 20 citizens attended, including councilmembers Nancy McCormick and briefly, Hank Margeson. Hank was past Vice-chair of the Parks Commission. Hank's family enjoys the Pony Club at Ferrel-McWhirter and soccer fields at Perrigo. Three citizen interest groups were noticeably present:
  • Equestrian interests - horse trails at Juel and Perrigo; preference for soft trails; a covered arena at Farrel-McWhirter; signage to warn mountain bikers near the Avondale-PS trail.
  • Bear and Evans Creek natural area interests - pervious, narrower trails; attention to the preserving the natural environment; environmental education; trail location & best use.
  • Sports interests - Cricket use of Juel Park. Disc golf at Juel. Mountain biking clubs did not attend.

Guy Mikelson, a Seattle consultant of Berger Partnership, led discussion by suggesting three themes for the eastern corridor: 1) history, 2) environmental, 3) "linear arboretum" . Bear and Evans Creek riparian habitat touches all five parks and is the signature piece connecting all parks. Historical buildings add interest and possible uses by "artists in residence" and heritage exhibits.

Miguel Llanos, Redmond Historical Vice President, recommended signage along the future connecting trail to explain the area’s natural (salmon and other wildlife) and human (Native Americans, loggers, farmers) heritage. He suggested the historic Conrad Olsen barn, Juel house and Perrigo Park barn as possible locations for heritage displays and a quasi-museum.

Citizens having interests in using this corridor should contact the Parks Commission or a staff. A final meeting will be held on Thursday, June 5th, 7pm, Old Redmond School House Community Center. Public is invited.  

-- Bob Yoder & Richard Morris, Education Hill neighborhood

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