Wednesday, April 16, 2008

OPINION: Progress at Council Meetings!

OPINION: Progress is one word that summarizes last night's Council meeting led by Mr. Mayor Marchione and Council President McCormick.

What stands out the most? Mr. Mayor is conducting more efficient, shorter council meetings. It also appears he is not pitting one councilmember against another. Mr. Mayor appears to be transferring the time saved at council meetings to engaging citizens and staff in five departmental-focused Council Committees (members & meeting times are at this link).

Each council committee is chaired by a councilmember. The most active right now are: Hank Margeson chairing "Planning and Public Works" and Hank Myers chairing "Parks and Human Services."

  • Councilman Margeson took a long day touring the new Cascade Water Alliance infrastructure of Lake Tapps. He made note of the aging dam and concurred with it's need for repair or replacement. Mr. Margeson was pleased with the Alliance.
  • Councilman Myers held an informal focus group with a few Grasslawn Park citizens concerned about on-site public works construction, lighting, and noise. The meeting was held at HopeLink and I think citizens attending off-site felt less intimidated than meeting at City Hall. Mr. Myers also conducted a 20 minute "poverty simulation". Councilmen Vache and Myers learned so much from it that they want to participate in a 3 hour meeting at a later date. I think the public might be invited if they have it.
  • Council President McCormick is Chair of all Council Committees. Nancy McCormick is to be thanked for including citizens in the process as never has been done before. Of note, Nancy said council decided at their "Retreat" to link the Minutes of each meeting into the weekly "online agenda" (posted under Timely Topics of this site).
  • Hank Myers' next Parks and Human Services meeting will be held at the "Parks Maintenance and Operations" building. He didn't explain the agenda. There is plenty of space for citizen participation. Do you think you'll go?

Planning and Development Executive Rob Odle was looking sharp in a new suit and was entertaining and happy. What happened to that mohair jacket?! Did Mr. Mayor award Mr. Odle with a promotion or raise? Or is he just happier in his job? I've noticed a spark from some other department Directors, too.

Many staff are citizens of Redmond or Greater Redmond. Mr. Odle, Mr. Spangler, Mr. Hitch, Ms. Stiteler, Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Cairns are just a few I know. I've seen more public participation from them lately and...staff of Greater Redmond. It's good to see engagement & inclusivity of ALL our citizens in city government. Whatever Marchione is doing, it appears it's paying off.

What do you think about the city's progress? Are we making progress? Do you think citizens and our neighbors will go to Council Committee meetings if they are held off-site?

Growth management issues were also discussed in length. But, I'll save that for a future report!

Bob Yoder, co-author, Education Hill neighborhood

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