Friday, March 28, 2008

That jokingly "evil" government form!

That jokingly "evil" PRR government form - "PRR" is a government acronym for "Public Records Request form". Yes, indeed, the public has a wonderful tool to acquire information they need to conduct business with the government and communicate with neighbors. It's the PRR! When you can't get the information you want from city hall you can try a PRR. By state law (and as long as your request is NOT for profit) the city is required to hunt around for what you ask for -- budget information, land use documents and more! And they can't dilly dally. Law states the information should arrive within 5 working days. Obviously, the city doesn't particularly like us snooping around "their records" and it creates extra work on their part. In addition, some would prefer to control the "inside information" rather than give it up to the public. Thus, the PRR is jokingly "evil" to some but a god-send to most.

One of Mr. Mayor Marchione's first actions has been conducting "customer service" training. Hopefully, he will train his staff on the courteous and open availablility of this public document.

- excerpted from my "ODDS & ENDS" entry, 3/18/08

Bob Yoder
Ed. Hill neighborhood

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