Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Where do our Property Taxes go???

After I refinanced the mortgage on my home in Redmond, the county sent me a pie chart to explain "Where do your property taxes go?" I found their answers surprising!

The county slices our property tax into 8 pieces.

How much of your property tax goes to the City of Redmond?

85% of your property tax expenditures are consumed by just three pieces of the pie! And guess what? The City of Redmond's slice is one of the 'Big 3'

The Big 3 slices fund: 1) County purposes including medical services, 2) State and local schools, and 3) Cities & towns.
The largest slice 49.1% goes to State and Local Schools
The 2nd largest slide (17.9%) goes to County & Emergency services
The 3rd largest slice (17.7%) goes to Cities and Towns
The 4th largest slice (5.0%) goes to Fire, Hospital and other Districts
The 5th largest slice (3.6%) goes to Surface Water Management
The 6th largest slice (2.8%) goes to King County Libraries
The 7th largest slice ( 2.3%) goes to Port of Seattle
The smallest slice (1.6%) goes to Ferry and Flood
[Google "ferry" on this blog's search engine for details on the new "Mesquito Fleet" tax. For information on property tax problems and information on appealing assessed values call 206-296-5202.}]

Bob Yoder
Ed. Hill Neighborhood


Anonymous said...

I think 9% of our property tax goes to the City. I think State and Local schools get the most.

Bob Yoder said...

And the answer is: 17.7% of your property tax bill goes to the City.

17.9% goes to County purposes including Emergency Medical

49.1% goes to State and Local Schools