Friday, November 9, 2007

12/2/06, Tent City, public process & mental health

A Public Meeting for the proposed Tent City on St. Jude Church property (NE 104th St. & 166th Ave) will be held on Wednesday 12/13 at 7 pm at the Redmond Junior High School.
The meeting is required by the City as part of the permit approval process. To get on the mailing list for the project call Steve Fischer (425-556-2432) or email at Steve is a city planner and will keep you posted on future developments.
The permit may me appealed by any citizen who becomes "a party of record". To become a party of record (P.O.R.) you must call or email Steve Fischer with your comments by December 13. Commenting and/or attending the Public Meeting gives you the right to appeal the project if you wish. This commenting process is true for any land use project.
If you attended the Informational Meeting at the church two weeks ago you are already on the mailing list for updates and on the record.
On another note: It was brought up at the Informational Meeting that up to 18% of the homeless at Tent Cities have a brain disorder. Based on my 5 year experience of selling psychotropic medications to psychiatrists I can tell you the incidence is probably higher than 18%. One in five families experience a serious mental health illness in a given year. Brain disorders are much more common than we would think. Though, the stigma persists. By keeping an open mind with the tent city we all can make a positive contribution to overcoming stigma in our neighborhood. We can accept Redmond residents challenged by poor brain health. A solution for Tent City residents afflicted with poor brain health is "The Hero House"
"The Hero House" near Redmond is a "club house" where Tent City residents and others with a diagnosed mental illness can go for social and job finding support. The Hero House is a compassionate organization helping their "members" rehabilitate, recover and find work. Member candidates and volunteers can apply by calling Erica Horn, Executive Director at 425-614-1294.
I attended a fundraiser last night for "The Hero House" and Erica said Tent City residents who qualified would be welcome at the club house. What an excellent social and job finding resource for qualified Tent City residents who need a constructive outlet from empty hours of encampment! Keep in mind, The Hero House services are open to our entire neighborhood.
Over $40,000 was raised last night at the fundraiser. Over 6 computer work stations are available for job hunting and skill development, a kitchen, library, and snack bar. Each member has chores. It's one of the most progressive centers in the United States.
***Regier DA, Marrow WE, Rae DS, et al. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1993
"Thanks for the information on Hero House Sounds like a great program. Being local, it will also likely well serve Tent City 4 Residents after the move to the Church of the Resurrection next month. I will pass on the information to Tent City. Any brochures, etc. can be left at the entrance Tent at Tent City at any time. These could then be left available to current and future residents of the camp. The turn over is extensive. It is great to hear about the many who have found jobs, apartments, and otherwise improved their lot."
Thanks again,
Fr. Dave Rogerson, 4/25/07

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