Friday, November 9, 2007

11/17/06, St. Jude Informational Meeting on Proposed Tent City

11/17/06 St. Jude Informational Meeting on Proposed Tent City
Anyone who was climbing a wall of fear about Tent City should be on solid ground after Father Dave's well run meeting tonight.
Only about 50 people showed up and it was quiet. No arguing. Lots of listening. People filled out cards to get questions answered. I was surprised when I noticed about 10 tent city "residents" sitting up front. They were bused in from Finn Hill. I have to say my eyes got moist when they stood up to introduce themselves. Their clothes were clean. All were well kept. One resident said it best, as to why they are "in camp".... survival, survival, survival.
An Education Hill resident got up and talked about the positive experience her synagogue had with a tent city in Bellevue. The camp was next door to a day care and a school. Never once a problem with crime. The tc-residents were so well received that neighbors lined up to serve a warm meal for them. Obviously, a lot was learned about compassion and charity from this tent city experience. I am looking forward to my daughter learning a few things about life that she can't get out of a book or the basketball court.
One t-c resident who spoke was a divorced elementary school teacher. She has lived in "camp" for just over 2 years. At first, this repelled me. But, when I asked a t-c resident why she didn't move on to an apt. they explained she had a house but camps out 1night/week just to help the "camp". I think parents will feel better knowing a school teacher lives in tent city out of choice in part to make a point about the safety of the "camp"!
Mayor Ives and commissioners Martin and Lori Snodgrass were present. Don Cairns, a Redmond Traffic planner (and church leader) attended. When the city permit is filed notice will be sent out to residents within 500 feet of the church....for a Public Meeting. More updates later but it looked like the t-city was largely accepted by citizen attendees- warmly by many.
from my friend & neighbor, Richard Morris - "Bob, This is a great write-up. Thanks for sending out the info about St. Jude’s interest in hosting TC.My church community has been involved with Tent City for a few years. We don’t have a property to provide a camp site; however, our church community volunteers to prepare and serve a meal about once a month. A few of the TC residents attend our church once in a while. They all have regular jobs, some in “high tech”. 11/16
From: Richard Cole
To: 'Bob Yoder'
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 10:34 PM
Subject: Informational Meeting for St. Jude's Tent City proposal
Thanks again for including me. I have been watching this process and have attended a number of meetings for Kirkland. My observations are the same as yours. These are generally good people and I don't believe there ever was an incident during their times in Kirkland. This is on the technical committee's agenda next week for preliminary discussion.
Redmond City Council Member

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