Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Updated: HTH-Redmond Chronic Homeless Building Opens / Community Meeting, 7/30

"Grand Opening" of HTH - Redmond homeless building
 credit: Andrew Villeneuve/ NPI

The Salvation Army will be hosting a community meeting for residents and businesses to learn more about how they will house 100 chronic homeless.

Where: Health through Housing (HTH) Redmond, 2122 152nd Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052  (Overlake Silver Cloud Hotel location.) 

When: July 30, 2024, 6 p.m. 

If you have questions or concerns, please contact The Salvation Army at 425-689-5771 or email HHRedmond@usw.salvationarmy.org


The County paid $28.25 million for the Silver Cloud hotel in Overlake.  

Roughly four weeks ago 6/6/24, Tisza Rutherford, Redmond's Homeless Outreach Coordinator reported all 144+ units of the HTH-Redmond building in Overlake were presently unfilled, awaiting final construction of 100 units reserved for chronic homeless individuals. She didn't know how / if the remaining 44+ units will be used.   According to Tisza, 65% of the homeless individuals will enter from Redmond, Kirkland and Bellevue;  35% will enter from the outlying cities / locations. Tisza works with the King County Regional Homeless Authority (KCRHA) to select and admit the individuals. She had 10 Referrals waiting for admission. The HTH - Redmond is providing only Emergency Housing. It has no kitchenettes. Permanent Supportive Housing is not guaranteed. Tisza's work and mission is invaluable.

Mayor Birney is on one of three disorganized KCHRA boards authorized to select a much needed new CEO which they now have. (3 CEO's quit.) 

-- Bob Yoder, 7/3/2024

[ In 2026, KCHRA will participate in selecting chronic homeless individuals for Plymouth Housing in downtown Redmond.  FAQ ]

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