Thursday, July 18, 2024

Homeless Housing Update, Overlake Neighborhood

Grand Opening, June 2024
Health Through Housing (HTH) homeless building
Credit/Andrew Villenveue/ NPI 
According to Community Development Director Carol Helland, the HTH building vacancies will be filled by late 2025.  It will be renovated to house 100 homeless individuals on a emergency/permanent basis. (The building capacity is 144 units.) 

Updates (Summary of Recent Activities) 

Ten residents moved in on June 28, 2024. Three residents were referred by Redmond Outreach staff. The remaining residents were identified by local referral partners including Porchlight (formerly CFH) and The Sophia Way. 

Building Updates:

 Minor rehabilitation required to open the building is complete.  New fencing was installed. 

Next steps:  

 King County will continue to finalize required building updates in coordination with The Salvation Army. Future renovations and rehabilitation will be completed over two phases. 

o Phase 2 (June 2024 – February 2025): Includes general contractor procurement; conversion of units to include kitchenettes, renovation of community space, medical room, laundry room, and computer room.

 o Phase 3 (February 2025 – May 2025) Conversion of additional units, PSH approval, new accessible/ADA unit conversion and office use conversion. 

 The Salvation Army will provide ongoing opportunities for community members to engage as outlined in the Community Engagement Plan. The next community meeting will be held July 30, 2024 at 6:00 pm. (at the Silver Cloud HTH building.)  It is not known if Mayor Birney or a councilmember will be attending.

will report out to the City Council regarding facility operations within six months of accepting residents as outlined in the Operational Agreement.

Source:  Regular City Council meeting memo, July 16, 2024

NOTE:  In July, 2021 King County purchased this HTH building from Silver Cloud for $28.25 million.  According to Dircetor Helland's report this week, the building won't reach functional capacity to house 100 homeless until 2025 -- four years later.  In the meantime, these 100 homeless individuals will be living on the streets without the benefit of "harm reduction" and some will die. -- Bob Yoder

The entire data base of HTH blog articles and stories is HERE.

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