Friday, May 3, 2024

Business/Community Plymouth Housing Forum

Centro Cultural Mexicano hosted the forum.  
Plymouth CEO Carol Lee sitting far left. 

Carol Lee, CEO of Plymouth Housing held a forum on April 27 for Redmond business and community members to learn about Plymouth's homeless services and operations.  About five businesses showed up. 

Plymouth Housing will build a downtown facility for 100 chronic homeless people.  It will be sited in a 6-story building near Anderson Park, with completion expected by 2026

Two restaurant businesses wanted more information on Plymouth's practice of "Harm Reduction." Ms. Lee had little to say, so I looked it up. One known strategy at Plymouth is to "help people use drugs safely by supplying them with case manager oversight, so they won't overdose."  The Biden-Harris Administration identifies harm reduction strategies as a federal drug policy priority.  Ref:  SAMHSA   

Carol Lee stated, Plymouth services are cost effective. An entire year of housing is the same cost as 16 days in a hospital or 10 weeks in King County jail.  She was very pleased more than 95% of residents that come to Plymouth stay housed permanently.  Permanent housing stability is an HUD measurement of success.  

Ms. Lee, noted Plymouth was established in1980 and now has 17 buildings in King County.  It's focus is on single adults who have already experienced homelessness. According to Lee, the demographics for Plymouth in Seattle is 62% seniors and 52% people of color with and average annual income of $8,500.  Their "services are case management, on-site health care, prepared meals...and more."

One community member had concerns Plymouth couldn't sustain effective human services... a funding question.  He briefly discussed this with Carol Helland, Director of Planning & Community Development after the forum. 

Two Board members spoke early in the forum:   One has been living in a Plymouth building for seniors for 15 years. She seemed perfectly fine to me. The other member lived in his building for a year.  After leaving, he got an academic education and built a very successful career. Their stories sounded plausible but well-rehearsed, perhaps from traveling around on a forum circuit?

For more information or give feedback contact Sarah Dickmeyer, Plymouth External Affairs Manager at 206-210-0484.

Report/Opinion/Photo by Bob Yoder, 5/3/2024, updated 5/4/2024

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