Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Derby Days / Council Perspective

In a council meeting Councilmember (CM) Stuart was surprised the city commissioners wouldn't be "on the porch" with Council to converse with the public at Derby Days.  She asked a city Director why the commissioners weren't included and learned it was the Executive Department -- run the mayor -- who decided against it, preferring staff be immediately on hand.   

Commissioners are--vital city volunteers with expertise in:  Parks & Recreation, Arts & Culture, and Growth Planning.  They serve four year terms, giving recommendations and guidance to council after in-depth deliberations. 

CM Stuart asked for a Derby event in the downtown park, saying it is our "Town Square."  The idea was rejected for the second year.  

Side-note:  If you listened to the Mayor's Derby Day video, a "Diaper Parade" is in the line-up. Diapers are needed up to 4-years of age.  Baby carriages?  Sounds cute, but unfortunately, diapers are unaffordable and for some families and they must be subsidized.

-- Bob Yoder,  7/10/24

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