Saturday, November 25, 2023

City Hall Protest: "Bring Them Home Now."

Bob, Around noon today, I was on my way to River Trail Roasters for a cup of coffee, when I spotted a demonstration in front of Redmond City Hall, just across the street.  I quickly crossed the street and fished out my cell phone camera and discretely snapped a few photos.

The demonstrators were evidently a local Jewish group, as there were quite a number of planted signs on display, each one showing the photo of someone currently being held hostage by Hamas after the October 7th attack.  Based on a partial count, I estimated the number of attendees as perhaps 50 to 60. Many were carrying Israeli and American flags. 

While I was there, a woman was at the loudspeaker atop the city hall steps, calling out the names of individual hostages for the audience to silently acknowledge.  A large sign mounted at the entrance proclaimed: Kidnapped by Hamas / #BringThemHomeNow. (See first attached photo.)

My sympathies were certainly with them.

-- John Reinke, 11/17/2023

Reader comment:  Mayor Birney needs to proclaim an anti-Semitism Day after her daughter’s deplorable behavior at USC.

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