Saturday, April 15, 2023

"The Redmond Recorder Newsletter," New and Improved.

 Brought to you by the Redmond Historical Society

"The Redmond Recorder" 
Every Town Has it's History, Discover Ours.

The Redmond Recorder News was once the name of Redmond's local newspaper. It was replaced by the Sammamish Valley News, which later folded. We've since adopted The Redmond Recorder as the name for our newsletter, published 9 times a year since 1999.

Read Our Recorder Newsletter!  New and Improved!  The Redmond Recorder is going quarterly—and bigger.

John Oftebro, President, Redmond Historical Society

Featured this month!

"The Four R's - River. Redmond, Resource, Rockets"
By John Oftebro

 Author's Note:  This is the first of a series about Redmond's development beginning with it's lifeblood - the Sammamish River.  

-- Posted by Bob Yoder, 4/15/2023

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