Sunday, October 23, 2022

Redmond Resident on Beaver Patrol


Photo by John Reinke, 10/17/2022

The City of Redmond  is fortunate to have diligent resident, John Reinke, who monitors beaver activity and their habitat. Above, is a photo of an alder tree on the Sammamish River Trail felled by a beaver. The Sammamish River is closeby on the right. It looks like someone may have pulled it off the trail.

John reported the downed tree to City stream specialist Tom Hardy and the Mayor.  Mr. Hardy immediately removed the tree and the Mayor thanked John at a public meeting.  Mr. Reinke often reports beaver activity to the County. 

John likes to insert puns' into the end of his stories! 😉

 "Finally, let me say that if I were a beaver, I'd give a dam, or at least try to make one!" 

"It was swimming steadily toward me when I suddenly heard a loud "thwack", and saw the creature's hind legs suddenly rise straight up into the air, before immediately sliding down beneath the roiling water."  (I guess we could call it a “slam dunk”…)

-- Bob Yoder, 10/23/2022

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