Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Public Safety Levy Outreach Underway

Councilmember Jeralee Anderson presided over the "Safety Committee of  the Whole Meeting" with   efficiency and attention to time. I've rarely seen a productive meeting run so professionally. 

City of Redmond is Planning a Public Safety Levy

Chief Operating Officer, Malissa Files gave a short presentation during the 2/15 Council Business meeting. She spoke of plans for a Safety Levy this year. Files said the existing Levy would be "refreshed."

"In addition to looking at the needs associated with the 2007 Public Safety Levy Lid Lift, an analysis of current and future funding for public safety services will include items such as light rail security, mental health, mobile integrated health, fire coverage, and body worn cameras." [2/15 council memo]

Councilmember David Carson noted he does not like levies, saying the safety costs should be planned during "Budget By Priorities" not "put on the backs of citizens."  

A Sounding Board of ten community members has been meeting since January.  A telephone survey is planned for this month; extensive community outreach is planned for the next three months. Council will study the levy in two meetings.

Ballot resolutions and pro-con statements are due in August.


Monthly Cash Flow Summary General Fund 2021-2022  

Public Safety 2007 Levy Fund

Beginning Balance: $2,564,476 
Revenues: $6,374,810
Expenditure Budget: $14,472,336
Expenditures: $7,783,607
  46% under budget
Ending Balance: $1,155,679

Police, 2021 General Fund

$18,151,265 expenditures, 4.53% under budget

Fire, 2021 General Fund

$22,039,668 expenditures, 3.28% over budget

Sources:  Finance, Administration, Communication Committee of the Whole 2/15/2022 Monthly Finance Report.  2/15 Council Business Meeting.

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