Tuesday, November 30, 2021

OPINION: How Will Lake Washington School District Adapt To Our Rapid Growth?

I've been reporting on Redmond's downtown growth for over a year.  Growth has been massive with still no end in sight. On brief count, 2025 dwelling units are approved for construction in Redmond this year. (This, not counting SE Redmond where schools are planned on a $25 M. parcel and burgeoning Overlake Urban Center.) How can Lake Washington School District adapt to this growth?  Drastic measures may be required. Unfortunately, few of the thousands of new dwelling units are family-friendly 3-BR.  

I'm concerned newly-built schools will require building UP to accommodate this growth. Sad for the disruption to educators and the students; distressing for the community taxpayers.  Also, newly built schools are more expensive since the State doesn't fund new construction.

Below, is a sampling of Redmond's downtown growth:






Does Kirkland have a similar problem?

-- Bob Yoder, 11/30/2021

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