Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Candidate Janet Richards Will Bridge The Divide In Redmond City Council


Commissioner Janet Richards

Janet Richards is the vice chair of the Redmond Human Services Commission, which advises the mayor and city council on funding and policy on a range of issues from child care assistance to senior services. She's running for Redmond City Council, Position 2 to expand the city's sustainability efforts while equitably managing growth and advocating for a safe city that thoughtfully considers everyone's needs. 

Richards notes that the introduction of light rail is an opportunity to manage growth, and wants to see the city plan ahead for this with climate change and quality of life in mind. As an early member of the Redmond PD Community Equity Action Team (CEAT), she states that she is an advocate for gun violence prevention as well as engaging residents of color on the issues of policing and community safety. Richards also emphasizes the need for green education programs and investments in electric vehicles for the city.

 As a member of the Human Services Commission, Richards feels that the budget for COVID recovery does not adequately cover the community’s needs for additional mental health, food, and housing security, and wants to see a change in governance that reflects more voices in the community, both racially and socioeconomically. Richards also earned the endorsement of our partners at Washington Conservation Voters for her plans to turn her environmental positions into concrete action.

Supporters of both candidates point to division on the current council as an obstacle to passing important progressive legislation. If elected, we hope that Richards can help bridge this divide and be a force for progressive change on the Redmond City Council.

Progressive Voters Guide

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