Wednesday, October 20, 2021

"Eastside Business Alliance" Endorses Janet Richards

The Eastside Business Alliance endorses Janet Richards’ for Redmond City Council position two. Richards’ extensive volunteer work and community leadership prove the kind of councilmember she will be – a dynamic, active, and effective voice for all members of the community.

An almost 30-year Microsoft veteran, community service has been a lifelong passion for Richards. As a Human Services Commissioner for Redmond, she has been an advocate for some of Redmond’s most at-need residents. Richards also served as an early member of the Redmond Police Department’s Community Equity Action Team, where Richards helped daylight the concerns of historically underrepresented community members. Richards also volunteers on the Seattle Children’s Hospital Health Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion council and co-chairs the hospital’s Family Advisory Council. She was the only non-hospital employee included in the task force charged with reforming the hospital’s security policies to be more inclusive.

As the city and region face unprecedented growth it is essential that we elect experienced community leaders with proven ability to balance competing interests and complex issues. Janet Richards will be such a councilmember.

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